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Update pereliminary test

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Same instructions as in the previous test. Please post any bugs here, INCLUDING those who were posted in the previous thread (to see if they are still there).

Abuse will be punished. Incompetency will also be punished.




For people testing maps:


Unzip this link below OVER the other zip that is above in this post and overwrite the maps in your EL directory that you are using to test for the update! This is a patch that only includes SOME maps.



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known map bugs already, don't post these:


-aeth aelfan->kusamura doesn't take you to the right spot.

-aeth aelfan not listed on kusamura map.

-one stupid cave looks retarded on imbroglio map

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Funny thing, Ent. We discussed all that stuff about the hydrogenium (that xand just mentioned) a couple weeks ago. You must have been really busy and forgot. Anywho, the way it is currently set up will greatly confuse people, leading to many "WTF!*!*" messages as to why the person lost the s2e and only got 12 gold coins and such because of harvest events. It would be less ebul to only require a s2e for each success, but that would change things serverside I am sure, and would reduce the benefit of people with high harvest level. Perhaps a separate thread should be spawned to discuss this.

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Funny thing, Ent. We discussed all that stuff about the hydrogenium (that xand just mentioned) a couple weeks ago. You must have been really busy and forgot. Anywho, the way it is currently set up will greatly confuse people, leading to many "WTF!*!*" messages as to why the person lost the s2e and only got 12 gold coins and such because of harvest events. It would be less ebul to only require a s2e for each success, but that would change things serverside I am sure, and would reduce the benefit of people with high harvest level. Perhaps a separate thread should be spawned to discuss this.


Actually, AFAIR, we discussed about the stop harvesting message, which I did implement.

The rest has been undecided, didn't have much time to look at that issue, and it requires more testing from harvesters of various skills.

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Another known bug, the Idaloran Ship to Melinis gives the too far away message, so no need to report it.



Edited by Acelon

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Zirikambar [309,77] The banner here doesn't work.

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Are HobGoblins supposed to auto Attack when you are way past their lvl? I don't know if this is a bug or on purpose..

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at Zirakimbar 269,79] Theres a strange shadow that can be seen when facing west.

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when getting the boat from Hurquin to Melinis, you arrive at (232, 50) in teh desert instead of (232,250) at the port, simple typo me thinks.


Edited by Acelon

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Imbroglio Islands [204,245]: a square is missing and you can see below the ground


Inside an house, entrance is at Hurquin [55,83]

looks like part of the red carpet is no walkable; [17,49] [17,50] [21,50] [21,49] are the corners of the not-walkable area


Inside Hurquin tavern: I can see another door behind the green one, also, clicking the green door I end in a room with a round door while coming from a rectangular one


In Egratia Magic School:

I stand right next to the door at [93,60] but clicking on the door to exit the char walks to [81,57] and then exit the school


In the temple of Jayden:

when I click on the brazier [305,41] to exit the temple, the char walks to [282,39] and then exit


Palon Vertas [42,365] (Magic School Entrance)

clicking the door gives: "Umm.. you can't teleport, there is no nearby open location"


Edited by Roja

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Trassian Caves at about 372,200. The stone path to the East vanishes before it's off-screen as you move West. And of course it blinks back in as you move East again.


Edit 1: I didn't realize how much I use the "View Console" button at the bottom of the screen until it went missing. Please bring it back. The "History" button at the top makes sense, but all the other window/dialog controls are at the bottom so the Console control should be also (yes, that puts it in two places, yes that OK).


Edit 2: If you're in the Colsole view and get disconnected, when you re-connect the input area (with the dividing line) are gone. If you type, it is not displayed on the screen. Switching to regular view and back to console fixes it.

Edited by bkc56

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Trassian Caves at about 372,200. The stone path to the East vanishes before it's off-screen as you move West. And of course it blinks back in as you move East again.


Edit 1: I didn't realize how much I use the "View Console" button at the bottom of the screen until it went missing. Please bring it back. The "History" button at the top makes sense, but all the other window/dialog controls are at the bottom so the Console control should be also (yes, that puts it in two places, yes that OK).


Edit 2: If you're in the Colsole view and get disconnected, when you re-connect the input area (with the dividing line) are gone. If you type, it is not displayed on the screen. Switching to regular view and back to console fixes it.



I miss the view console button at the bottom as well..

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If you take the boat from South Redmoon Island to Idaloran, it's okay, but you land just before the boat to Melinis (which doesn't work in addition as Acelon said before).


Edited by Acelon

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Trassian Caves at about 372,200. The stone path to the East vanishes before it's off-screen as you move West. And of course it blinks back in as you move East again.


Edit 1: I didn't realize how much I use the "View Console" button at the bottom of the screen until it went missing. Please bring it back. The "History" button at the top makes sense, but all the other window/dialog controls are at the bottom so the Console control should be also (yes, that puts it in two places, yes that OK).


Edit 2: If you're in the Colsole view and get disconnected, when you re-connect the input area (with the dividing line) are gone. If you type, it is not displayed on the screen. Switching to regular view and back to console fixes it.



I miss the view console button at the bottom as well..


I miss it too, and I said it already on the forum but it seems roja doesn't want it back. But you get adapted to the history button in a week ...

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Edit 1: I didn't realize how much I use the "View Console" button at the bottom of the screen until it went missing. Please bring it back. The "History" button at the top makes sense, but all the other window/dialog controls are at the bottom so the Console control should be also (yes, that puts it in two places, yes that OK).



At first I missed it too, but it was only because I was used to going to the bottom of the screen for it. After using that new client for a while now however, I'm used to it being on the top, and when using the old client, I miss the history button at the top of the screen.


It's staying where it is.

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It's staying where it is.

lol... you might need to take this up with Ent. He told me this arvo (while you were asleep) to put it back in. :-P

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These are not proper bugs, anyway:


the brown dot of Portland storage on the map is exactly on a locked building; moving it south would prevent the "how do I enter PL storage?" question which passes several times/day on newbie channel;

when using the "eye" pointer on c2 maps banners, you get no message of which banner is that; could be useful if it said which banner it is (as happen for c1 banners) especially at docks where you have to try to remember which boat is for which map.

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In Zirakinbar [26,270]:

I can walk inside the mountain



Zirakinbar [151,284]

the whole wooden structure is not "solid"



Zirakinbar [293,173]

I'm standing in the rock



Zirakinbar [330,191]

and hereI'm standing in the sand



(about the 3 above: more than 1 square has the same problem, I just gave coordinates to identify the place)


In Palon Vertas Cave (compass says: you are in a cavern [259,115])

I get the message "After crossing the threshold, you feel more violent than usual. Recross a bone gateway to be safe again! (PK area!)" both when entering and exiting the PK area; and the 2 other gates give no message at all


In Zirakinbar Crypt:

are the diamonds in the coffin supposed to be harvestable? atm they are



About the "Windows on top" option: the ency is always on top ignoring what the option is set to

Edited by Theryndan

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Arius Magic school [130,154], you are too far away from the door message.


Also I've noticed some maps let you know where in irilion you are wheras other do not display a cross on the continent map. Arius is one. I'll find more.

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It's staying where it is.

lol... you might need to take this up with Ent. He told me this arvo (while you were asleep) to put it back in. :-P


Well now it's going in both places because some idiots here complained! the History tab AND the console button!

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