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  2. A co takhle česky a slovensky, he?

    A už to zase nefunguje:)
  3. ip ban

    No IP range is going to be unbanned, and no character is going to be whitelisted. Given that the person who is the reason for that IP ban range in the first place has coincidentally also just started poking around here looking to come back, I am not inclined in the slightest to make it easier for him. Also the people on this IP range that is banned coincidentally have a habit of using other people's characters to bypass those bans.
  4. Robsonjr is a bagjumper.

    On a positive note. I get to train more and buy it again from some bot I just got my main character rahulmitra back, i am not going to let this spoil my mood.
  5. Robsonjr is a bagjumper.

    Hi, I unfortunately died in desert pines storage while making HE's and got poisoned 3 times, I sent in my alt rasmus just as I entered the storage with my alt he took the bag, i asked him to return the items but he would not, he told me he will buy my stuff, to which I told him fine, return the items first then buy it from me. I later came back with my main character rahulmitra but after few minutes later he just up and left. you can see his confession from the screenshots.
  6. ip ban

    Hello, it seems my ip ( from my new isp is banned. Im sure i didnt do any nasty. Can someone please whiteliste it? Thanks
  7. Rule 5

    Thank you Kadday. Understood, thank you Revi.
  8. Rule 5

    While Kaddy's answer is mostly correct (*), it's better to ask this kind of questions through #help_me. At least then you know a moderator will reply. And do not ask this kind of questions in @@6, some have a "strange" sense of humor, and "but xxx told me in @6 this was allowed" doesn't work. (*: While there are no hard limits on the total number of alts you can have, you may want to check rule 7: e.g. multiple creations in a short time can get you some remarks, as can certain names. Other names will just mean an instant lock of the char, with perhaps an IP ban if the person persists)
  9. Rule 5

    No, you can create countless of alts and trade inbetween them without having any trouble. So you haven't broken any rules.
  10. Rule 5

    I saw in forum, that rule 5 or disallowing multiplaying was removed. I wanted to know what are the current rules regarding multiplay. And if i have broken any rules. Context: I had an old character rahulmitra for which i forgot password and cannot access now, it was very old account from 2010. So now I created two new alts rasmus and phantasm last month in January. I saw in forum multiplay is now allowed. So I traded between my alts rasmus and phantasm. Did I break any rule? And what are the current rules for multiplay?
  11. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    Actually i was trying it for more than a week whenever i thought this could be it, i tried it, everything failed. Yes, I will be sure to keep the password saved, I already saved the alts detail on in-game password manager, google and nas. Thank you!
  12. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    Yes, after a certain number of failed password attempts, the server will automatically ban your IP. You were busy! So I unbanned the IP. BUT - and this is a big but - if there ever is a failed password attempt on this specific IP again, it will automatically ban again. Even just one single failed attempt. I highly recommend you make use of the ingame password manager after you retrieve your password from radu.
  13. Old Account Forgot Password

    Just a general information for anyone having same issue. I had to change my email address from gmail to yahoo to get emails. Apparently there is some issue getting emails on gmail address any other email should be fine. Thanks to Aislinn for pointing it out and resolving the issue.
  14. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    I restarted my router, and I am able to access my alts again. As for the main account Rahulmitra, I wont try to access it again without recovering the password. But please unban my IP, my internet is behind NAT so its mostly dynamic but still it might change to the blocked IP [] some day. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  15. IP Ban - Rahulmitra

    Hi, I forgot my characters password, it is an old account from 2015-14 last login was in 2016. I have been trying to recover my password, I have mailed radu. I got impatient and tried my known passwords none of them worked and got locked. I have created new alts rasmus and phantasm while I try to recover my password. Can the ban be lifted please?
  16. Forum validation requests

    Thank you!
  17. Forum validation requests

  18. Forum validation requests

  19. New Player MarketPlace

    Ages ago we had http://schmurk.corner.free.fr/el/market.php that was not updated since 2013 years and went out of use for a lot of players. Thinking about this and a few other things i created now with https://elmarket.holy-eternalland.de a new Place where people can make a list what they offer to buy and sell in el, that gives them a page to link to on market channel etc. if you have set up an Account with mercator so you can use https://mercator.holy-eternalland.de you can use this site, otherwise you can set up an Account with /mercator pref password yoursecretpassword Same goes if you forgot your password. The website is almost feature complete but in beta stadium so please contact me about Bug and Errors. I do also accept wishlists. On the Features it has own personal page with list of what person buys and sells, Managing system for this. you can use it to mange the Inventory of your Guild NPC'S if you own ones, just contact me with the user that does the administration. You can search the page for Items. only players that where logged in game in the last 2 weeks are shown, to remove players that where offline for a long time. csv files per player or npc with the items on it. On the next update Iteration following features are going to be added, Muliple owner of one NPC so multiple people can manage the same one Indicator next to items on search, or on the PlayersWebpage, if he is currently online in game.
  20. The wandering Trade Bots of Tarsengaard

    This happens everywhere, and happened long before markets in MM/TG were added. If the owner is active, message them so they can put it back in place. If the owner is unknown or inactive, message Aislinn or Vinoveritas, either can move it back where it belongs.
  21. At least in TG some trade bots left their market huts and stand now somewhere close to it. My guess is, that those bots disconnected , and when they reconneted, the spot, where they use to stand, is occupied by a nasty player, or more likely, by a creature which was just there where the bot used to stand. Maybe making the spots where are bots are located unwalkable somehow, or only walkable for bots, might solve this problem. if not, bots will wander across those market places when they dis- and reconnect until they leave that place. The problem seems to be, that those market places have not many tiles to walk, so any creature can block the spot where a bot is located, and then the bot will show up at a spot nearby. Piper
  22. Old Account Forgot Password

    Yes I did, no email for resetting either time in inbox or spam, should i create another account? Or shall i type my existing account's email address here, if it helps?
  23. Old Account Forgot Password

    I have no idea what information radu wants (he is the only one who handles password resets). For the forum, I assume you did check your spam folder?
  24. Old Account Forgot Password

    Got it, how do I convince him? It has been a very long time I dont remember the last login time or the map I was in. Fortunately the game character and my real name are exactly same, also i have the same email address ( here on the forum too, but i am not getting password reset link on my email for forum tried 2 times, and cant signup using same).
  25. Old Account Forgot Password

    You'll have to contact radu (entropy on forums) and convince him it's your character. You'll also have to pay 5$ for his time.
  26. Old Account Forgot Password

    Hello, I want to recover my old account, the name of character is my name only RahulMitra. It is a very old account but I invested a lot of time in it. I guess i last played the game in year 2016 and rage quit due to being tricked in to helping someone, they asked me to help them with summoning saying that i can help them by killing their summon so thay they could keep summoning, but I was mostly into harvesting and alchemy so didn't knew, they told me to stand at the border of pk arena in desert pines, i had my full set of titanium armour and dropped torso and leg armour. Anyways I moved out for higher studies and stopped playing altogether. Unfortunately i didn't save the password anywhere and changed through several laptops. How do i reset my password?
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