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Character birthdate for Player Stats Page

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From time to time, people will pretend to be a noob, we will forget when we started playing or we may wish to celebrate our character's birthdays. Could it be possible to show the birthday of the character in the Player Stats page? The birthday should never change and should always be visibly even with privacy turned on.

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I know my characters DOB and since an EL day is 1/4 of a RL day, I celebrate an EL birthday every 3 months ;)


14th April 2006 - btw (so 14th of July, October and January too:P)


An interesting idea :D I'm all for some new stats information. Perhaps a peek at some data of the in-game population.

Edited by kailomonkey

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If it's the character's age, it shouldn't matter who it belongs to. Just a track of how long that character has existed.



And besides, according to what I have seen, selling your character still makes you responsible for it. I believe it was labled co-ownership by Entropy. Of course, my memory is rusty.

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I think this is a great idea, I'd love to know when my char was created :)


And when a character that has been around for a year or so then gets sold to a player that started yesterday?


its character birthdate not owner birthdate...

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If it's the character's age, it shouldn't matter who it belongs to. Just a track of how long that character has existed.


From time to time, people will pretend to be a noob,

If the player only started yesterday (or last week, etc) then they likely aren't pretending, they are still a noob. It doesn't matter if their character is several years old or not.


And besides, according to what I have seen, selling your character still makes you responsible for it. I believe it was labled co-ownership by Entropy. Of course, my memory is rusty.

Based on the ruling with Dezm's sale and what I saw of the Handyman sale, I don't think there's much (if any) shared responsibility. Both of these characters were in danger of being locked prior to their sale. Sale went through prior to them being locked. End result, because the characters were under new ownership they were left unlocked. (at least thats the impression I've gotten from reading the threads)

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And besides, according to what I have seen, selling your character still makes you responsible for it. I believe it was labled co-ownership by Entropy. Of course, my memory is rusty.

Based on the ruling with Dezm's sale and what I saw of the Handyman sale, I don't think there's much (if any) shared responsibility. Both of these characters were in danger of being locked prior to their sale. Sale went through prior to them being locked. End result, because the characters were under new ownership they were left unlocked. (at least thats the impression I've gotten from reading the threads)

As always, each case is determined on it's own merits or lack of them. No two cases are ever alike, nor are the factors leading to a decision. To assume something will or won't happen because of a forum thread is not a wise idea.


As to the point of the suggestion, in theory it is a good idea. In practise, rather useless considering how many characters are bought/sold/shared/killme_yes'd/reborn the next minute/name changed...a birthdate would mean nothing, even assuming everybody could agree on when a birthday is valid or should be changed given the above mentioned circumstances.

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I wouldn't have thought that the rate where character transfers are made is so high. Just for the sake of my curiosity, what is the churn rate? How many new characters are created per week? And how many characters are bought/sold?


And, to be more on-topic: I like the idea of having a birthday. Maybe even connected with getting a "It's <buddy>'s birthday today!" message for characters on your buddy list :happy:

Basically I am in favor of everything which adds to character differentiation and deeper identification with your character.




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As to the point of the suggestion, in theory it is a good idea. In practise, rather useless considering how many characters are bought/sold/shared/killme_yes'd/reborn the next minute/name changed...a birthdate would mean nothing, even assuming everybody could agree on when a birthday is valid or should be changed given the above mentioned circumstances.


it isnt completely useless, you would know how old the character is, and it would also prevent a scam DarkDante pulled a while back. he was selling his character and once he found a buyer he got a name change, then sold the character that was only a day old but with his old name


Edit: plus players like myself who have never sold/bought or name changed would love to see how old they are, i didnt mark it on my calandar

Edited by Happy_G

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One of (currently) popular topics on forum is the one about "how old your character is" (or something similar). - I think it would be just great if user-stats page (if enabled) should show when that character has been created. At least the date. Can You, and most importanly WILL You do it? If not, may I know the reason(s)?

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Molime pointed this tread from the Dejan`s one, so I will post here.


I miss my EL Birthday :confused:


I would be nice if would there be a way to know it

Edited by Vormavius

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