dragon_killer Report post Posted May 31, 2021 Since kf is capped at 130, any engineering/bombs/wards items are not working there (afaik from Burn the bombs do not work in any a/d capped area, such as DPa, etc). I felt like it was much more fun to have those wards, not saying that because I am a mage. I felt the same way even before I was a mage. It could bring a whole lot to PK contest there. In short keep the 130 cap and keep the bombs as it was intended Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 31, 2021 If keeping the a/d cap, shouldn't there be attribute caps as well? Although there is an argument for removing the a/d cap completely. The entire KF setup should be discussed imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaddy Report post Posted May 31, 2021 If attributes were capped aswell, we might start hitting 5-6-7 to eachother with halberds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted June 1, 2021 Initially, the plan was to cap KF yes. But cap attribs as well, so EVERYONE has equal chances to fight each other, regardless of a/d. Because still, maxed attrib chars, just sh1t on other lower lvl chars. The point was so the no drop multi combat map is for everyone, where everyone has equal chances of surving/killing. But yeah, if bombs/mines don't work, we'll be hitting each other for eternities. With the cap, I see more people fought than before for sure. But yeah, the entire KF situation should be revisited and the best solution should be spoken about. I am still down for cap 130 and attribute cap. And maybe create a copy of KF, or another map, where it's no drop and everything is allowed. So who wants to fight there, will fight there and who wants to have a chance to fight maxed out chars, can go to KF and have an equal fight, regardless of a/d/attribs. Peace out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guiness Report post Posted June 1, 2021 In my opinion remove the cap entirely and bring back bombs and wards, kf should be the same as any regular pk map besides the no drop effect. People enjoy pking but with the sky high prices of rostos people wont pk in maps such as theli or nca, dpa caps you so much its pointless to fight one another and with the current state of KF you either harm someone with miss MI or summon to kill. Remove the cap entirely allow mages, engineers, fighters and rangers to all fight in the map again. Creates a place for everyone who wants to give pking a go a fair chance to do so without the wasting rostos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted June 1, 2021 (edited) Removing the cap would return things to normal by default. The markup for standard PK maps and a/d-limit PK maps is not handled the same, the limit ones only making the area PK and setting the a/d limit. It doesn't do engineering objects, and importantly doesn't give the standard red text warning when you enter it (there's no warning when you enter KF or any other a/d limited area). If you want the a/d cap removed entirely, that would be something done by me on the next client's maps. It would restore things to the way all other non-limited PK areas are (except would still be no-drop of course). Would just need radu's approval since it was his decision to cap it. Although... fixing both the warning messages and engineering objects for limited would deal with the issue in all limited combat arenas, not just KF. That would be a radu fix. Edited June 1, 2021 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted June 7, 2021 Just to be clear since my post seems to have shut down talk, I was only stating the options. Any of these changes require radu's approval, including any change I could make, and I don't personally care which happens. So it's up to you all to provide feedback on for radu to decide. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted June 7, 2021 I'm moving this thread to general chat because it's clear KF needs an overhaul. Issues that are frequently discussed and debated are: level cap, no drop, lack of attributes cap to accompany the level cap, and lack of engineering ability as dk pointed out. There may be more but obviously what we have now isn't working out so well. Please use this thread to post what you like and dislike about KF as it is and what you think will make it better (follow dk's example). Please no flaming. Hopefully you all can get a good discussion going and reach a consensus to present to radu to get it into next update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guiness Report post Posted June 7, 2021 Styles make fights in PK, capping the attributes making everyone the same isnt fair, some people are pure mages some are summoners and your just limiting people to what they can and cant do, remove the cap enitrely and just let people fight how they want to fight, there are plenty of other capped arenas in the game but that map is the most notourious and famous place to go with space and no drops, make KF great again and just remove the cap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daniken Report post Posted June 7, 2021 On 6/1/2021 at 2:27 AM, StouXy said: Initially, the plan was to cap KF yes. But cap attribs as well, so EVERYONE has equal chances to fight each other, regardless of a/d. Because still, maxed attrib chars, just sh1t on other lower lvl chars. The point was so the no drop multi combat map is for everyone, where everyone has equal chances of surving/killing. But yeah, if bombs/mines don't work, we'll be hitting each other for eternities. With the cap, I see more people fought than before for sure. But yeah, the entire KF situation should be revisited and the best solution should be spoken about. I am still down for cap 130 and attribute cap. And maybe create a copy of KF, or another map, where it's no drop and everything is allowed. So who wants to fight there, will fight there and who wants to have a chance to fight maxed out chars, can go to KF and have an equal fight, regardless of a/d/attribs. Peace out IMO there needs to be a pk map with no drop and a cap on a/d and attributes. With the current state of things, it's impossible to pk without just getting destroyed by high level chars, and everyone from newbie, to people a/d 130 also want to have fun. Whether that is KF, or an existing, underused map, or if someone designs a new map and pays guild map fee to get it into the game, I think it is an undeniably great idea. A map where anyone can fight, and where someone with more skill but only a/d 80s can beat someone with a/d 150s and less skill would be great. On the subject of bombs etc, they should work. everything that provides a more dynamic combat should work. And imo, tokens should NOT work in pk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon_killer Report post Posted June 7, 2021 Sorry to be a party pooper but high level chars, still have the edge as they have much more mana pool/hp and PERKS, they would still have an hard time even in dpa 40, where attributs are capped at 20, (well won't be as bad as a normal pk map but still). Tokens not working in pk map would make a lot of sense or add a reasonable cooldown but sounds complicated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daniken Report post Posted June 7, 2021 1 hour ago, dragon_killer said: Sorry to be a party pooper but high level chars, still have the edge as they have much more mana pool/hp and PERKS, they would still have an hard time even in dpa 40, where attributs are capped at 20, (well won't be as bad as a normal pk map but still). Tokens not working in pk map would make a lot of sense or add a reasonable cooldown but sounds complicated Oh for sure, but it would at least make it possible for lower levels to participate to a far higher degree than now, which is none Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raz Report post Posted June 8, 2021 Just make it non pk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted June 8, 2021 How about KF be put back to "normal" - no caps, no restrictions, but still no drop? And then make another pk map have 130 cap AND attribute caps of <insert reasonable cap here> and also be no drop? Worse case scenario one doesn't get used and one will, but that's still better than we have now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaddy Report post Posted June 8, 2021 Beaver tokens should not work in KF either. Make the OSOMN great again I agree with converting KF back to original, everything on with just no drop. And make another new map (hopefully in 2028) with 130 cap, 40 attribute cap, no drop, engineering ON/OFF (Idk about this, I think they should work) but you get the idea. I kinda repeated Aisy but oh well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted June 8, 2021 Yeah, that would work as well. Make KF as it was before. BUT, create a new map, I am up all for it. 130 cap and attribs 32 imo. 40 is still high to have all at 40 with 130 a/d I'm sure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaddy Report post Posted June 8, 2021 With 32 might, you hit dragon armors like a baby is punching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted June 9, 2021 6 hours ago, StouXy said: Yeah, that would work as well. Make KF as it was before. BUT, create a new map, I am up all for it. 130 cap and attribs 32 imo. 40 is still high to have all at 40 with 130 a/d I'm sure Why would we need to create a new map? There are plenty of unused ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted June 9, 2021 Either, or. Both work. Not sure which unused ones would be good @Aislinn? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted June 9, 2021 (edited) Adding new full maps would have to have a "damn good reason" (it'll also screw with your hyperbags in instance maps) for radu, and just making a new location on a current map would have to have a "damn good reason" for me to do it... There's plenty of unused PK places already to do this, if radu approves and is willing to do the work to make it happen. Better to select one of those. Any of the arenas would do, except the DP ones. (A change coming to the same-map teleport spots in Irin will make getting to Waveneck area from Irin storage a much shorter trip, so maybe the arena inside the small cave in Glacmor Waveneck area just beneath the north Irin exit would be an idea. Unless Hellspawners must be thought about, then maybe the arena in Thelinor city area, the a/d limit on it can be changed.) Edited June 9, 2021 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattyu Report post Posted June 20, 2021 COPY TD, PASTE INTO KF, LEAVE KF NO DROPS. end of story... lower players can spam BRs like they did 15 years ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattyu Report post Posted June 21, 2021 (edited) So here is an idea. Create KF with some or all of these. 1) Create a fighting system with a cap. 0-120 can only attack and be attacked by 0-120 (That range can change) I feel this if possible would allow people to practice against their half of the level range. Create a Safe area, (see image uploaded), where spectators (Lower levels) can enter KF safely and watch the carnage. Make that area where you cannot attack or use magic. Eliminate usage of summoning stones (or adding a longer cooldown to them to where they can't be spammed), (possibly remove CD for fighting (SRs, diss rings ETC), but let the map be solely skill based. Summoning stones are great, BUT using several hundred of them during a fight, doesn't matter to me, but being lower level. Too expensive to compete. If you allow people to come in and experience multicombat, without the possibility of being attacked, I believe more people would show up. Add something to the map that will get people to risk being killed, whether that be a harvestable or a daily quest. The map serves NO purpose how it is set up now. (No offense STX it was an absolutely terrible idea If you're wanting to level out the playing field between lower levels and higher levels) create a barrier so they can not attack eachother. With the correct team and strategy with today's pk styles, there is no reason a 130s player cannot kill a 160+ with using the pking resources given in the game; i.e. Mines, ranging, magic ETC. The map is terrible, FUN, but terrible. The only reason its fun is because you can play with your friends as a team without the risk of losing a rostogol stone. OR make it back to normal, allow drops back in the map, and fix these ridiculous prices. Rostogol stones shouldn't be so expensive, Nothing should. I'd be more apt to buy 10 rostogols a week at 1$ea, risking every single one of them in a pk map, rather than spending 10$ on 2 rostogol stones a week and risking them. But that's a talk for a different day I guess. Regardless I hope something changes. Where I think the game is broken, some people disagree, But I think we can all agree, KF is broken. Hopefully we can ACTUALLY get this issue solved. Edited June 21, 2021 by mattyu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted June 21, 2021 The intent was to cap the attributes as well, because yes, now it blows. If it was 130 a/d and attribs capped at 40 or something, that'd be muuuch better. And yes, it sucks now , esp when mines do not work. How about, create an entire COPY of KF. Make it capped and no drop and implement some of ideas above. Make it be entered from VOTD ( close to sto ), next to KF flag even. Rename the map to something like Noob Fields :D:D Or whatever. Boom, problem solved. Because ye, we could use some other pk maps, but who will go to c2 to fight? Hardly anyone. So it must be on c1 imo and TD should not be touched ( Maybe just remove the mines cooldown? pl0x :> ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bralex Report post Posted June 21, 2021 (edited) 9 hours ago, mattyu said: (possibly remove CD for fighting (SRs, diss rings ETC), but let the map be solely skill based. Removing CD for SRs would solve nothing, and you know why? You can spam SRs or EMPs without any setback. The old PK days didn't have that problem and fights didn't last forever because (beaver tokens) didn't exist and mana management was a thing, and to counter the amount of potions you brought to a fight they didn't stack. 2 hours ago, StouXy said: So it must be on c1 imo and TD should not be touched ( Maybe just remove the mines cooldown? pl0x :> ) I never EVER want to see that stupid skill buffed back to the way it was unless shortbows also get buffed to the shooting speed they used to be and other combat skills reverted back to the way they were after the big update which changed EL's fighting formula and caps went to 48... Spamming 1 button and spamming another in quick succession and whoever had the most HP won, yeah... no thanks it was just as OP if not more OP than beaver tokens. Remove beaver tokens and bring back mana management and i'd be on board with this. -solo Edited June 21, 2021 by bralex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted June 21, 2021 (edited) Yeah, it'd suck I admit, but I LOVED it Yeah, beaver tokens screwed up the PK even more. So maybe just make them unusable in PK maps? Should be an easy fix tbh. So people would just use them in invasion,instances etc Also, Matt mentioned the rosto prices. Create a PK rosto. Costs 30kgc from an NPC and ONLY works in PK maps. If you die with it in non pk map, you are screwed. More people would PK in other maps than KF as well I assume. Edited June 21, 2021 by StouXy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites