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About dragon_killer

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  1. When looking through previous commands / text typed. You can type CTRL+ up/down arrow. However when you typed the command a while ago you have to keep hitting until you find it. My suggestion would be to use the reverse-i-search (CTRL + R just like in the terminal), curious if it would be a simple change to make (looking at you @bluap ) A small video explaining :
  2. What does toughness do precisely?

    Yes every 10 attack level similarly, every 2 might (4 physique or coordination) increases damage by 1 point
  3. What does toughness do precisely?

    It's almost right, revi. With critical to damage, damage bypasses armor but not toughness ! That's why some people get hit 100s on blue dragon and other 80-90s even though they have approximatively the same armor and defense level but not the same attributs. To make things easy every 10 def level, you receive one less damage and every 2 toughness (actually every 4 physique or vitality iirc) you receive one less damage as well. So with 78 def and 28 toughness you should get a 7+14 = 21 damage reduction. However when it comes to rat, rabbits, beaver. If I am not mistaken radu introduced a super crit to hit that some creatures/monster ? inflict very rarely with the damage being as low as 6-10. Pvping will help you understand the system much better. Pick a constant armor (like titanium) and try things out. Toughness doesn't help to reduce ranging damage though. Hope this helps.
  4. some changes

    1) and 3) sounds good; However 2) sounds terrible for md training. Also I don't think it'll change anything to pvp / pk
  5. Peace Day Poll

    Making it not removable with stone makes sense to me for the reasons Revi mentionned above. I guess it's fine when radu removes it and is giving heads up. There are more than 1 instance type raz :P. Instances, invances, lenny, ivan could be made melee-able, not sure how much extra coding that would require though. I also think it's a great time for people to work on the global quest.
  6. Francais!

    Bievenue Grisur, Si tu as besoin de renseignements je reste dispo sous le même pseudo. Il n'y a pas de guilde française à ma connaissance ou du moins de guilde active.
  7. ALL sigils gone!?!?

    It is probably due to the server crash, almost made it to daritha! too bad
  8. Expiring bots

    Takamura, windu x2 renewal 9B262847HF051694L
  9. Gypsum harvesting

    done and delivered, thanks!
  10. Gypsum harvesting

    Taking orders of gypsum (Max 10k), 13gc each. Post here since I'll most likely be afk in game and miss your pm. Please note that I might stop this at any given time or even change price.
  11. 100-120 invance

    Yep this is not the easiest invance for sure
  12. Summoning menu

    Since it seems only 2 summon creatures behaviour works - No attack! - Attack at will! Would it be possible to have some kind of toggle : #summon that switch between the 2 mode, just like #glow ? @bluap
  13. The Complete List of Undroppable Items

    Yeah everything that can be worn seems to be broddable. Not sure where I heard the pickaxe of magic was unbreakable, could be a myth.
  14. The Complete List of Undroppable Items

    Thanks didn't expect the capes. While we are at it, are they unbrodable/unbreakable items
  15. KF proposed changes

    Having a non combat zone seems to be a very good idea. I could picture a non pk zone and a pk zone just like dpa and it's surrounding, so that we can have watchers only in some part of the map. And the rest of the map could be as kf used to be.