big_duo Report post Posted March 16, 2008 I mostly alch and harvest. I have always wondered the best way to spend PP if specializing in alch. The nexus' for harvest are obvious, but what are the best attributes to purchase when this is the main thing you do? I'm not asking for the specific mathematics of the different attribute combos, but more am curious about how other people who specialize in this like to spend their PP's. Any suggestions are welcome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkc56 Report post Posted March 16, 2008 If all you do is harvest and alch, once you have your inorganic nexus, the only other thing you need is to maximize your EMU, so p/c. There really isn't anything else to spend PPs on unless you branch out into other skills behond those two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anima Report post Posted March 16, 2008 if you dont want to train a/d i suggest maxing phys, it will let you carry lots, give you toughness to reduce damage from harv events and gives you more xp so you can suffer lots of harving evens before needing to heal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
korrode Report post Posted March 16, 2008 (edited) *whispers to anima* I dont think Toughness affects damage from harvest events, and phys doesn't give more "xp" ...i assume you meant "hp", or health. @big_duo Yeah take Phys as had been suggested, and for some mana and rationality (gives more exp), take some Will. Will @ 20 is nice. Only once you get to Phys 48 should you start taking Coord. Edited March 16, 2008 by Korrode Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anima Report post Posted March 16, 2008 *slightly embarrassed* oh, well that doesn't really make sense, im sure stronger people would survive a wall falling on them better. and yea i meant hp i.e. material points Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Penc Report post Posted March 28, 2008 (edited) Well I got my alc lvl up to 100 with "low" emu... 28/44 p/c. To get your alc and harvest lvls higher you need to get WILL or reasoning better... More WILL or reasoning you will get the more xp your will get and when you will get your lvls up faster.. Thats what I did... I made high WILL and got nice xp Edited March 28, 2008 by Penc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tempest Report post Posted March 28, 2008 if u would've put that 20 will in 20 Phys you would've carried less = more time for mixing = more exp too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sadarar Report post Posted April 17, 2008 if u would've put that 20 will in 20 Phys you would've carried less = more time for mixing = more exp too hmmz. I dunno about this. I dont specifically doubt it, but I wonder about other possibilities... suppose you go for an EMU of ~ 200, and then build rationality as much as possible from there. You could get a LOT of exp from essences which take little harvest time. If you make these essences in caves with localised resources, thereis less carrying to do, so the EMU is less important. Without trying it, I don't know for sure, but from some simple maths I think that the exp boost from the rationality would outweigh the lost EMU quite comfortably. The downside is that you would make less gc, since you would be making smaller batches, but if you have a guildie who can help you haul mixed stuff back and maybe some FP to the site, you could offset this. It would be a horrible setup for most other skills (although making threads would give a terrific boost for crafting) but if you combined this with godless perk (since no alch god this is free PP) then I think there is potential for very fast levelling, making pretty much anything up to bars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tempest Report post Posted April 17, 2008 yeh ur right, rationality is perfect to make low lvl essies at harvest spots, and probably like u said better than more emu since it can double the exp from Fes/wes etc. but i think once u start making stuff like bars, 10 exp each bar (120 normally) more won't do as much as 200 emu, since those bars weigh like 45 emu each + iron aint easy to carry but yeh, there are many different ways and in the end i guess everything has a positive/negative site Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Learner Report post Posted April 17, 2008 They dtyle of play makes a big difference as to where PP's should go. For example, Harv/Alcher's that do all their Alch at storage vs Alcher's that do alching at harvest locations have different EMU requirements from each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sadarar Report post Posted April 17, 2008 yeh ur right, rationality is perfect to make low lvl essies at harvest spots, and probably like u said better than more emu since it can double the exp from Fes/wes etc.but i think once u start making stuff like bars, 10 exp each bar (120 normally) more won't do as much as 200 emu, since those bars weigh like 45 emu each + iron aint easy to carry but yeh, there are many different ways and in the end i guess everything has a positive/negative site Maybe a strategy for overall fast levelling - High rat/low EMU to get up to a level where bars do not fail to much, then reset, get a coupl eharv hours/godless and som more OA from high end essies, but this time spending more on P/C allowing you to make the transition to bars (higher EMU as you say, but also the percent boost from the rationality is far less) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cruella Report post Posted April 17, 2008 We know you want to specialize in alchemy, but what does it really means? Do you want to be in the top-10 EL alchemists? Then maximize your will to raise rationality - this way you will be gaining experience faster. However, if you are thinking about alchemy as a source of income, this is absolutely not necessary. Note that the highest recommended starting level for any alchemy item is 60, and the majority of items you can make with even lower skill. Obviously in order to minimize failures you want your alchemy to be much higher, but by all means you do not benefit at all from levels as high as above 100 since your fail rate is probably the same if you are just 80. In this case, both for alchemy and for harvesting, EMU is the key and your best friend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vytukas Report post Posted May 25, 2008 Take full P/C, then start increasing will for more HP (sometimes help while harvesting/alching with mushrooms) and more XP. Also you don't fight much, you may take some perks like "I can't dance" or if you fight even less, "Gelatine bones". For harvesting it won't hurt much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Light Lan Report post Posted May 25, 2008 gellybones is not a good idea if you like to mix with toads :> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
furio Report post Posted July 2, 2008 (edited) 1. Get the "I Can't Dance" perk. 5 pickpoints only for 1k and this is assuming you don't multi-combat fight 2. Maximize your EMU 3. Get your inorganic to 5 or 6 4. Try to increase Rationality (Will and Reasoning) With a high rationality you will get extra exp in all your skills that way you can mazimize your efforts and levels. Also having a big EMU will help you with your harvesting and make you harvest more in less time giving you time to do other things. With an inorganic of 5 you can harvest almost everything that is really important. If you really wanted to, get 6 inorganic that way you can harvest everything. (that is if you have read all the books about it) -Cycrosism Edited July 2, 2008 by furio Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raz Report post Posted July 2, 2008 I'd get my def to 26 so most maps are safe without mm before taking all that phys! IEDP is also a good perk to get. When you have loads of spare pp - think about excavator perk - saves that vital 3 emu! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
furio Report post Posted July 2, 2008 I'd get my def to 26 so most maps are safe without mm before taking all that phys!IEDP is also a good perk to get. When you have loads of spare pp - think about excavator perk - saves that vital 3 emu! What would you rather? Saving 3 emu or getting 40 emu? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mango Report post Posted July 2, 2008 I'd get my def to 26 so most maps are safe without mm before taking all that phys!IEDP is also a good perk to get. When you have loads of spare pp - think about excavator perk - saves that vital 3 emu! What would you rather? Saving 3 emu or getting 40 emu? If you play really really long, taking exc perk is more efficient than cape. At the cost of 3 pps, aka 2.1m gc. Say 3gc extra per run. After 700.000 runs youd starting profiting of the perk. But really, I wouldnt take any perks, since maxing pp w/o perks isnt that hard. Take your inor, and start pumping p/c followed by will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites