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Guilds of Eternal Lands

Top 30 guilds by player count.
EL Linux Community
Guild Mastermetlinux
Short NameLNX
Guild DescriptionWe are a democratic, non-PK guild with a small number of active players. We accept members with an interest in Linux or Unix-like operating systems.
How to joinYou must have at least one skill (other than overall) above level 20 to join. Please contact a LNX player in-game to ask about membership.
Holy Knights & Merchants
Guild MasterAmethyst
Short NameK&M
Guild DescriptionK&M is a fun, friendly guild for all skills. We are always looking for new and enthusiatic players to join us. No bag-jumpers and troublemakers, etc.
How to join Minimum Age 18, 1 skill at lvl 40 (exceptions may be made) and a sense of humor. Apply to any Guild Member
Guild MasterEatsAllLife
Short NameRICH
Guild DescriptionWe are a teamwork oriented guild. We enjoy making the game more fun for everyone. PvP/PK is alright, just don't cause issues.
How to joinNon-teamplayers need not apply. Skill 20+ (Not A/d). Agree to our rules. Msg- EatsAllLife, Ingolenauro, Otaku89, Sandstorm77, or WaterHeart.
People Enlightening Newbs
Guild MasterGogalthorp
Short NamePEN
Guild DescriptionWe try to enlighten some newbies and make sure everyone in the guild gets some good training done.
How to joinIf you like helping new players , and the spirit of cooperation, feel free to contact any member for rules and joining info.
Guild MasterCharn
Short NameIRON
Guild DescriptionWe operate as a loose republic and a tight group of friends. Our tag is IRON
How to joinApply on our forums. Must have 2 skills at 25 or higher. (Not including OA or Harvest)
Spania Universia
Guild MasterAlbacea
Short NameOzu!
Guild DescriptionGrupo de amigos, internacional y sin finalidad bélica.
How to joinPara unirte a Ozu! ... Habla con cualquiera de nosotros ;-)
Guild MasterHeyU
Short NameFeaR
Guild DescriptionWe are a guild that goes bump in the night.We are a guild of Makers and Breakers. We allow pk. no scammers, bagjumpers or begging allowed
How to jointo join ask a member or apply at our web site
Holy Dragon Knights
Guild MasterDrAGONgOd
Short NameHOLY
Guild DescriptionThe Holy Dragon Knights were a grand old guild, that had been around for many years. Sadly even good things end. HOLY is now part of EL history.
How to join Being rebuilt from the ground up, DragonGod is willing to accept any honorable applicants. No bag jumpers, scammers or nerduels.
Cohors Exercitus Legionis
Guild MasterLotharion
Short NameCEL
Guild DescriptionThe House of Beaver is sworn to uphold the Pax-Aeterna, and dedicated to preserve the friendly and relaxed community of Old-EL (fun for all!)
How to joinInvite Only. Get to know the CEL guildies and if you fit in, one might invite you.
Legion of Renegade Crusaders
Guild MasterNessa
Short Namedone
Guild Descriptionthis was once a great and nobel guild. however we are continue to function under the new guild LoRC
How to joinnot accepting new people
CZECH Eternal Guild
Guild MasterCalio
Short NameCZE
Guild DescriptionNase gilda je ryze ceskoslovenska, prijimame pouze lidi, dodrzujici nasledujici pravidla:
How to joinPrijimame pouze lidi mluvici cesky nebo slovensky/We accept only czech and/or slovak speaking people.
Knight Alliance
Guild Masterlyndy
Short Name*KA*
Guild Description*KA* Knight Alliance. We are a guild of Honorable Knights. Please contact any member if wanting to join.
How to joinPlease contact zathras or bud to join
Guild MasterThe_Grud
Short NameF&F
Guild DescriptionFriends & Family, an honorable guild with players old and new of all experience levels. We avoid drama! Play as you like, and just Have Fun...
How to joinWe are a no drama guild with guildies of all levels, , , contact The_Grud...Dehlia..Mags or any guildie for more information
Guild MasterTokie
Short Name#nU
Guild DescriptionA guild under reconstruction.
How to joinAsk Tokie.
Guild MasterTukin
Short NameSynD
Guild DescriptionWe are a group of friends who think of each other as an EL family, and are always here to help. If interested PM us or leave a message via Mercator.
How to joinContact SirPantalone, Tukin or Gomecz to join. No bagjumpers, beggars, scammers or outlaws. Any skill above 20 (not OA) to join.
Guild MasterKrakeN
Short NameRIOT
Guild DescriptionA group of RIOT'ers have Invaded Seridia & Irillion!! Join them in the fun, goofy chats! If you're looking for a guild of fun, then RIOT is for you.
How to join(GM) STORMHAWK COUNCIL: NINA_ | IndestructaMule | LePeir | Dominus_Mortis | WANT TO JOIN THE RIOT ? P.M. A MEMBER TODAY!
Pure Rangers
Guild MasterBazzy
Short Name*PR*
Guild DescriptionHome of the EL Charity Raffle. We are a fun group of players who value friendship over skills. A little bit Crazy but very loyal!
How to joinRead the Guild Rules (f2) Contact us via forum or pm WolfWitch Nyx or Noah
Lords & Ladies of Legend
Guild MasterFalig
Short NameLLLo
Guild DescriptionWe are the Lords and Ladies of Legend, an honorable Guild with a long history in the Eternal Lands. Bag-Jumpers, Scammers, PKers need not apply.
How to join16yo minimum. OA20 and one skill (other than A/D) of 30 or above. Chat with any LLL Member or PM Gil_Manel for more info.
Justice & Honor
Guild Masternera
Short NameJ&H
Guild DescriptionWe are mature and honorable players who desire to have fun, develop skills, and enhance the EL community. Trade bots: Nera and Emporium.
How to joinJustice & Honor is currently recruting. Please PM any guild member for more information.
mystical warriors
Guild MasterWilla
Short NameMWAR
Guild DescriptionWe are a productive and friendly guild dating the early days of EL. Our members enjoy many aspects of the game, combat and non-combat.
How to joinTo Join MWAR you must have 2 skills above level 30, not incl. harvesting. Honesty and integrity required. Contact IngalfTass for more information
Crusaders of the Shroom
Guild MasterLeif
Short NameLoRC
Guild DescriptionCreated to establish an environment for members to freely pursue their own goals, while still having unity through friendship, trade and guild events
How to join#jc 39993 and introduce yourself to begin the process :)
Legends of the Empire
Guild MasterSkClutch
Short Name~LE~
Guild DescriptionWe are a community that is relaxed. Everyone has a equal say, and everyone is equal. To apply for a membership go to website
How to joinWe are by invitation only and we only invite <3-ly people! please visit the website for more information and show us your <3
Rivan Warriors
Guild MasterAdarah
Short NameRiva
Guild DescriptionThe Rivan Warriors are a friendly, peaceful guild. We bring honor to our guild through fellowship, team work, and helping others in need.
How to joinonly when you're an invited non-pk'er.
Fire Dragons
Guild MasterBomb_Shop
Short Name{FD}
Guild DescriptionFriendly, helpful guild who love playing EL, be it frequently or not. We don't accept BJers, scammers or PKers. Guild language is mostly German.
How to joinPM Greypal, Lalaith, or Steinbeisser or click 'Join Us' on our webpage!
Guild MasterKarolus
Short NamePL
Guild Description Najwieksza i najdluzej istniejaca polska gildia EL. Council (Rada Gildii): Karolus (GM), Bzdziagwa, Cree, Wloczykij.
How to joinNapisz podanie na forum. Wymagany dowolny skill na 20 (oa to nie skill) i znajomosc poprawnej polszczyzny - Cree sprawdzi! \o/
Legion of the Serpent
Guild Masterlots
Short NameLotS
Guild DescriptionWe are a fun and friendly guild run by Elf_Ninja & Usul. High Council: Zilvador, MysticViper and Ragnar.
How to joinWe require a lvl of 25+ in 1 skill and at least lvl 5 in 5 other skills, serious applicants only. no bjrs scammers outlaws beggars need apply
Guild MasterLeonis
Short Name^@^
Guild DescriptionPIGS to uczciwa i sprawiedliwa gildia ludzi silnych psychicznie, potrafiacych smiac sie z samych siebie ^@^
How to joinRekrutacja tylko i wylacznie przez spelnienie warunków rekrutacji gildii PIGS (dostepne na stronie gildii)
Guild MasterShortBus
Short NameGWaR
Guild Descriptionjoin us or at some point in your EL lifetime you will be insulted, degraded and really pissed off by ZEN
How to joinAsk any member.
Herbalists of the Emerald Blade
Guild MasterBasil
Short NameHERB
Guild Description We welcome both seasoned players and those who are new to the game. Only those with honor need apply. Hit F2 to visit our website for more info.
How to joinUse the "Sign Up" link atop our website and send a PM in-game to our Guild Master Basil or one of our officers, Zilding or Cyrrast.
Robin of Sherwood
Guild MasterBruSu
Short NameRoS
Guild DescriptionLet us open a bottle and do our best to save each other's souls ! no bj and other unfriendly things allowed!
How to join PM BruSu, Krazes, Bernie55 or LadyX91
