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A newb PM list

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Hi there.


Sometimes newbs are shy.

How bout a list of players who are willing to take any PMs from newbs. It would save them from having to ask in public (chns/forums), and the Mentor system might inspire feelings of obligation, both on the player & newb side.


Perhaps something similar to [#ignore]...like [#help on]/[#help off]...which puts your name (the helper) on a

list to indicate willingness. If you're too busy to help, just take your name off till you can. If you forget, and someone (the helpeee) PMs you, explain that you forgot, apologize, and hook them up with someone else (then put the pipe down & take your name off the list).


When a newb uses the service he/she types [#help list] to see the names, then just PM's any one of them with any questions.


Also maybeh some way to communicate languages spoken (Neverman: English/a little Italian)



I think making it easy to use for newbs is the key. Not sure about this but maybe a "Help" or "Communication" NPC which explains all the ways to ask for help, like how to ask on channels, where & how to post on forums, or how to use this post's suggestion (volunteer help list) if they're extra shy.

I once played a game where learning how to communicate with others was like a little newb quest you had to finish, might be overkill here but just throwing it out.


good/bad idea(s)?

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It would have to be listed on the website since it would always be changing, and most newbs don't fully look at the website anyway.

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True, but couldn't it be something similar to the #knowledge list, or the #ignore list...maybe like a combo of the two? (one adds/removes your name, the other displays currently active names).

Then again I'm not a computer wizz so I'm not sure how easily that could be done.

Edited by Neverman

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I believe this could most easily be done via a community bot placed either very near tutorial bot or perhaps near IP campfire ( someone turn alexical into a bot that player is allways sat at IP campfire anyway :P )


this way players could register themselves with the bot and the bot could send ''help'' PMs to players that are actually on line and so not having to rely on a list of active players via the whose online webpage ......


but it would take bot programming and someone to host it, and I certainly wouldnt dare to presume it would accepted as a community bot and therefore free of bot charges, but it certainly sounds like it would fit the criteria pretty well


also the bot could be programmed to remove anybodys name from the list that hasnt played for say a month, clearing space up for new mentors


anyway after all that jibber jabber, I really like this idea in its concept of being able to assist new players

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PM from Newb: Hi...(asks question)

PM to Newb: Hi!...(answers)...any other questions I can help with?

PM from Newb: How bout some free st00fs?

PM to Newb: Oh, sorry I'm nowhere near IP.

*hides in rat cave* :P

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I like the basic idea of having viewable "mentors online" available ingame..something akin to a buddylist approach that could be located under the inventory quickslots with names of players on the Mentor scheme popping on or off as they come online/offline so theres always a name there a new player can pm (by clicking the name). Different colour schemes on the name can show if that mentor-player is available or afk.


Is this possible?

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I like the basic idea of having viewable "mentors online" available ingame..something akin to a buddylist approach that could be located under the inventory quickslots with names of players on the Mentor scheme popping on or off as they come online/offline so theres always a name there a new player can pm (by clicking the name). Different colour schemes on the name can show if that mentor-player is available or afk.


Is this possible?


that sounds fantastic

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how about people on that list would have another channel (not counted in their 3) that a noob could do something similar to a #help_me command and everyone on that list could see the message pop up in that channel and try and answer it?




just like to say i'd love to participate in the pm list. no matter how it would be put into the game.. i just think a channel for us would be best.

Edited by Affliction

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A PM list might as well be channel 1 (which also gets rid of the occurrences where a player is busy, but forgets to turn "#help mode" off. A system of private messages also eliminates a very important resource for new players, that being: seeing the questions and answers of others.


The biggest problem I see right now, as far as retaining new players, is within the first 15 minutes or so of them starting. By the time a player knows how to so much ask a question via PM or in a channel, the critical period has already come and gone. There is a need to approach and help new players who do not yet know how to ask for help, or what to do, or minor (yet common) technical problems, which often result in a new player never giving EL a fair chance.


Taking new players out of the help channels is not the way to go. For every question asked and answered, it's safe to assume many other new players learned from it. Let's add to and improve upon the systems we have in place, not try to override them.

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I agree with you here Asgnny, but wonder if having a visible and clickable list of player/mentor names which auto add /player-mentor<name> to a new players screen would compliment channel 1?


I wouldnt want to detract from ch1 usage, just think that having the option to see and click to ask a question would make it easier on new people. Then its just a case of ensuring Mentors encourage the player(s) to then start using Channel One for questions and help.


Its just a case of helping them over that first hurdle and getting them to interact with the best possible ease of use for a player, after that they can be brainwashed like teh rest of us \o/

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If such a group would be created, it would be a legitimate newbie helper group who would be required to physically locate themsellves at beam and wraith. It's already been proven that a physical presence is much better, having that tangible person there to show a newbie around and for the newbie to relate to.

This is a possiblity that we have already been discussing, along with conversation about old newbie island, and some other things.

However don't go signing up yet, there are issues to work out, and it is in discussion phase only.

This is not the same thing as the Mentor program, there are some major differences, although they will compliment each other for sure.

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I haven't really tried a lot of other games or anything, but Second Life had a newb island that, once left, could never be returned to. Only official Mentors had the ability to return and help out. It had a very easy-going feel, like I wasn't really in the game yet, but with lots of mini-quests designed to teach the basics (talking/moving/making things/inventory management/...) and a free range to explore and experiment.


It's a very different "game" I know but...it was nice to know that everyone around me was either a newb or a helper for that little while.


Mentors had special "Mentor" tags & would show up on request, or on their own accord (Not sure if it was a paid job or volunteer thing), and seeing that tag meant you were pretty sure the player wasn't there for any other reason but to help you out.


(hmm now I'm starting to miss my Samurai ;) )

(but not that much)


Oh well just some thoughts.

Edited by Neverman

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I haven't really tried a lot of other games or anything, but Second Life had a newb island that, once left, could never be returned to. Only official Mentors had the ability to return and help out. It had a very easy-going feel, like I wasn't really in the game yet, but with lots of mini-quests designed to teach the basics (talking/moving/making things/inventory management/...) and a free range to explore and experiment.


It's a very different "game" I know but...it was nice to know that everyone around me was either a newb or a helper for that little while.


Mentors had special "Mentor" tags & would show up on request, or on their own accord (Not sure if it was a paid job or volunteer thing), and seeing that tag meant you were pretty sure the player wasn't there for any other reason but to help you out.


(hmm now I'm starting to miss my Samurai ;) )

(but not that much)


Oh well just some thoughts.

EL had a speciel newbie island and a quest there as well, but it took a lot of mod time to help the newbs out as well.

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What if Mentor was a seperate, volunteer based group specifically for receiving/responding to help requests?

Maybe with a simple Help icon newbs could just click on to have the game select an online/non-afk mentor status player and alert them that playerx needs help? Something only available while on the island?

;)(too much?)

Edited by Neverman

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