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About violater

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  • Birthday 02/08/2000

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  1. Server Update Suggestions

    This is really nice of Mr R to take up on ideas for update and Mr Ozzy to add up so many ideas, i personally copy pasted from Mr ozzy post and i would really like these to be implemented in game. little dragon blue scales used for instance cooldown - 6 or 10 hours? dragon and bronze armor repair npc for like 5kgc ea add 2 more instance slots to all ranges Some more variety in the instances?(elaborate further) Remember the pk instance discussion from way back? That would be fun! New mob(s)(elaborate further) When you click on a mob or player that's too far away, start walking to it like you clicked on the ground, not just stop dead npc's let you buy to fill emu or use all gc amount to buy stuff NPC for warranties and shop items with plat coins which can only be from radu so some of us dont need to stay awake all night for a replacements xd 10 Glow in the Dark removals + Male Orc stone = RIG Book NPC/Mary to buy ALL rare books More animal/mob tokens--they're fun! (elaborate further) allow more active channels! A small chance for a more difficult version of an instance. Like a 1% chance (or even less) that you do ice and you get a casty as a final mob instead of 2 mb/bula(majora) Also add a new instance with frozen dragon and cooldown like 6 days or so Remove the p2p coupon from bulangiu drop pool in instance. I thought of replacing it with 1 Random item giver. Team can choose to use it and sell the loot or just sell the rig(majora) Add more Giant spawns. They are a nice mob to farm/train but very limited spots for them in game.(majora) Add / create some mcw spawns. There is currently only 1 double off the top of my head and its in KF. Just adding an additional one to the spot in ida cave would be great. They have long respawn timers and that range is kind of rough. Especially useful now that ROT was nerfed a while back(majora)
  2. Very sad news, regarding Learner

    Rest In Peace Learner This news is an unwelcome shock God Bless You
  3. Expiring bots

    Receipt number: 3CK54300T38014116 for daylecat , dunno when it expires
  4. Can't connect to server?

    Grud if u read the general chat , we all are unable to log
  5. Who is more trustworthy?

    i voted for starkie
  6. nvm

  7. Pk tournement

    Any event will have issue but kudos to you for trying, its your contest and u have the contestants. Block both side of ws arena so none will move out and you are not doing the event to please everyone , its not hand holding contest its a PK!!! contest. I dont see why you cant participate, its a simple knockout tournament . El without drama is boring -,-
  8. Pk tournement

    Oh wow its 1.30 am Monday , gl Maybe move the date by a day
  9. .

    Hi , Today 22nd august he has paid me the $ so i wud like to inform everyone that he is not a scammer
  10. .

    I have contacted him and he has agreed to pay me back by 8th september 2021 , hence i request Eternal Lands to take no action against him and i hold myself from labelling this guy a scammer till then , Tv vio
  11. .

    Hey I would Like to add here that this person is a real life scammer who charged me back for $ by falsely making a dispute in paypal. On May 14th 2021 he paid from his paypal account xxxxxxxxx for 2x 50$ transaction to my paypal account xxxxxxxxxxx for items which he received as soon as he paid and never complained about it , untill after quitting el you suddenly decided on 11th July 2021 that , oh i made twice payment and made a false statement to paypal to charge back $. You never ever contacted about this with me where i am online everyday for more than 10-12 hrs daily. I made this post so that people be aware of you as a scammer and maybe since you have some rules to follow to play this game , maybe this helps them keep you banned forever including your bots. thanks vio
  12. What would you do to "fix" KF?

    1. Return KF to normal, just no drop; 2. Make beaver tokens not work in pk areas; 3. Plenty of capped pk arenas in game already; 4. Keep current srs/emps/brs/ghp cd; 5. Keep 1 sec cd on rc mines/deto's; and 6. A KF spectator area would be cool, but couldn't have magic reach into it or out of it. 7. No summons I agree to all except point 2 coz if there is invasion in pk areas u cant use token and they really help sometimes and tbh beavers r limited and if its not capped you will do the damage :> or if u can find a way to not use only during a pk fight , which is hard i guess