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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About the_grud

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  1. max attributes etc

    when having max attributes does using coord/phys potions have any beneifit,,,same using ubbers with max defence?
  2. thank you for the top player list its really useful would it be possible to have a search name facility as in the old top player list? if not thank you for all your time
  3. Annoyance

    each to his own,,,leave him be...you post rubbish sometimes
  4. Server Update Suggestions

    load list command please
  5. Server Update Suggestions

    ability to pause reading a book,,,,,,and be able to continue to finish it on a **special ** day...also be able to kick a player from guild / reduce rank if player not in game
  6. xavierx bot payment

    xavierx Receipt number: 4FN1337300191793N
  7. kensin

    the MB didnt turn.....it was near full health and you thanked me when I attacked maybe cos i wouldn,t pay 2.2 mill gc for your ubbers earlier on the day...or drop was veggie?
  8. kensin

    Be careful in invance If kenshin tanking if you dont ask him ok to attack or use weapon he doesnt approve of he wont share This is the 1st time this has ever happened to me !!
  9. Server Update Suggestions

    allow horse to be *customable** (The_Grud_on_main)_Eternal_Lands_2023-07-08_12-18-47.mp4
  10. are you getting any error messages
  11. Who is more trustworthy?

    now had dealings with both....trust them both
  12. Ikale has passed

    It is with great sadness ,I have been told Ikale has passed away He was a really nice person who helped me greatly on my E.L. journey Always patient with me when i asked stupid questions I will miss him and so will E L
  13. broken bot

    TY Ben,,,sorted,,,using command goto home Apologies if i posted more than once
  14. broken bot

    my bot is giving this message to traders ****[PM to XavierX: buy 1 bone] [00:06:52] [PM from XavierX: Sorry, I am not a trade bot!]*** had the bot for years.....any ideas????
  15. Expiring bots

    payment for xavierx bot in NC...made owner the_grud 03/11/2022 Transaction ID 32D3545025464152C