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A EL gouverment

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I thought to myself, there is thousands of players, and sevrel towns.

but who runs these towns? noone, absolutely nobody, thats why i propose a local democracy for each town, not a power hungry one, just a type of king or something. heres a thing i did to explain:


imperial gaurdien= representent of the continent

Queen/king= president of a map

assistant= vice president

a loyal= watchman/woman to a town designated by the king/queen



the imperial gaurdien would have to have a skill over 90

queen/king a skill over 80

assistant a skill over 70

and a loyal a skill over 60


then they could put special taxes on thier parts or on the continent.

in the future they could make people pkable in some parts like in some towns etc.

i thought of this while exploring all these ghost towns on c2.

i think this system would be fun, and the people can be nominated by others that are above

level 50.

the ones who can vote have to be level 30.(when i say level i meen any skill level)

king wouldn't have any real power just taxing power. they would get 1% of all taxes payed, which is still alot

in el gold :P if you have any questions please, just ask.

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Would the king have a tax limit? If someone that had the stats of Smooms or Scarr (Not saying those two people) came into power and had no taxing limit, they could impose a large tax that would cause us all to kill eachother O.o

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yes, a 19.80% tax limit


and it would be voted first.

anonymous pole on forums that way no pk threats are risked.

Edited by Thorr

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Two things I have against this:


1.) We already have a few NPCs whose backstory is that they are the leaders of their respective areas - Lord Luxin of White Stone, Nyeald the Portland mayor, and Kalana the governor of Corren. This shouldn't be a player thing, IMO - it limits story progression if we let players "own" the normal maps.


2.) Democracy, if practiced in any form, was extremely rare (and in many cases limited) in the medieval times we're familiar with. Now, certainly, we could differ from that for our virtual world here, but in many ways this is more than just a "detail".


Maybe there should be some form of a player council or something, but it really shouldn't have any ingame weight, IMO - then what's the point?

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Where to begin? um here i think: its above all a role playing game is it not?

So players should be playing the roles not npcs', and the point of this was, to, um, role play.

A council is boring, and doesn't go fast enough.

A player that controles a map has consequences, but will help te games' market system by favorising trades between players.

second consequence is that the players would then have to enter act in thier community even more, and all would find thier own home.

as for thhe rest, its easy, the towns that are litarally deserted will gain importance if thier ruler is wise, and has a low tax, or none at all, therefore the el population will grow to be even more and compitition will rise between maps, an economical compitition and guilds will find thier continent and all will be good and fine at the end of the day.



truly yours, the undercover man

Edited by Thorr

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Uhm... don't we already have guilds for a system of organisation? Anyway, what advantage would paying taxes have? How would it work out? To whom would the other 99% of taxes go? And finally, how do you propose we connect forum polls to the game? You want the admins to spend their time adjusting configurations and restarting the server?

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this is a suggestion for the future, no present changes, and all im doing is explaining the propostion that i made.


the other 99% percent will be givin to the imperial guardian


and the elections would be every four months.

fair and easy to do.

after the poles are taken the very hard working mod or dev takes the results and aplies them to the game in a little window that is made for such action

Edited by Thorr

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this is a suggestion for the future, no present changes, and all im doing is explaining the propostion that i made.


the other 99% percent will be givin to the imperial guardian

And what would they do with it? EL doesn't have medicare, or infrastructure, so we hardly need a taxation system, except if you want to raise an army... which goes right back to the guilds idea. As it stands, guilds can already control resources and maps (temporarily) if the maps are PK'ing maps.


(Reason I'm grilling you is to get the whole idea out. :devlish: )

after the poles are taken the very hard working mod or dev takes the results and aplies them to the game in a little window that is made for such action

Uhm, no... UIs make the programming problem even worse. It would most likely be server config. files, editting which is not a pleasant task. Let's try to keep to the community, instead of relying on manually altering the server.


(This whole post is opinion, BTW.)

Edited by crusadingknight

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Well, aren't we the curious ones? the guilds are the community in the community, the taxes would be paid to the people who run. and , the maps will not belong to them, they will just "run" them, nothing more than to represent that map. but they will have responsabilities to forfill such as helping new guys etc, and to change a couple of douzen of names every 4 months isn't the most complicated thing in the world either, i didn't say it was simple but it can be done.


the guilds are good, but just not perfect yet, we need something above that, a king or whatever you want to call its name has no importance, well you can't call him/er senior loser either so i thought out a plan.


this system existed in the medievil days, i think EL should adopt it's idea.

and just think, 1% of 100k, that makes 1k by itself, and multiply that by the number of players thhat will spend that much a day on one npc?


My idea is to make this game realler than the guild system we have now.

and eventually, yes, inter contenent wars, why not.

in EL almost everthing is possible so if you ave anymore questions, please do not hesitate to ask, all opinions are needed in developing a game.

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Well, somehow this reminds me for games like space trader or cesar or how ever they were called.


And that could be somehow entertaining...


You have a ruler of a city and he collects taxes and runs the city.


He decides the amount of the taxes per month. If you dont pay, you cant enter the city.


He decides maybe to hire guards, npcs, bots or real player, which will kill monsters in the city or such. And pay for them.


He decides about a fee bots have to pay to be in the city, or he gives money to bot owners to move into the city.


He decides about shops/storages in the city and about the prices. Higher prices, he earns money, lower prizes, he loses money.


He has the right to pass laws like yes/no summoning in town, yes/no PKing in town, and such. And he can buy "perks" for the town like protection from solar flares, peaceful mother nature perk, etc for gc.


So, in conclusion, the ruler of a town has some features to "configure" his town. So players/bots will come and pay or leave.


Sounds somehow nice to me :devlish:



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Finally, a person thhat understands me one hundred percent, that is what i was thinking.

Just to say that the minds running EL are very understanding :)

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This has been suggested before and if I recall, it was shot down since we DO use NPCs and we need CONSTANT ones, not ones that change because players quit. So if you want to RP an official, go ahead but making it official is overkill.

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Well, maybe in the future this suggestion will be rethought of and a system simular will come out. the only problem is that EL towns are public property and not designated to a specific person.

I understand that the towns need " CONSTANT " npcs', and the npc would stay constant, for the most part anyway.


well thanks for your time, and maybe one day EL will be a midevil monarchy run by mods and "royalty".



truly yours, the undercover man

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so, i thought of this: for taxes you choose high low or medium.

to buy the "perks" for your town, you must have the money on you go see the wraith, and buy.

npc at the entrance of the town, to benifit from the perks, you must pay the tax.

the tax money will be put into the storage of the town ruler.

the perks would last only for six ingame hours, since thats how long one bad solar flare day lasts.

the tax money that is left from paying the "loyal" "assistant" and "king" is paid to the "Imperial guardian"

and his job is basicly to represent his continent.


i just rewrote the idea to be more logical maybe we could try it out on a test server some day.

lets just keep thhis idea in the archives...

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m aybe such a system would work in pk maps..

like kf you have several forts, you have several pk guilds which can take one over and get some nice extra's for example.

but the forts can be re-taken so you lose the bonus

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like hardcore said, i could see it be in pk maps.

1) cuz there are big shots out there that think that can run the whole place..which they have done with an occational fall here or there from a gang banging

2) it would prevent some newbies from coming in there and getting completely pwned...would also stop the lag that they cause from popping in and out

-however that would stop them from getting a bit of an experiance


But Just in general in cities and regular places that people go to, well, i just can't see EL heading into a direction like that.


It is a nice idea, however, i would think that it would defeat the purpose of some NPC's which are not only 'rulers' but quest givers.




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Guest Enyo

This has been suggested before and if I recall, it was shot down since we DO use NPCs and we need CONSTANT ones, not ones that change because players quit. So if you want to RP an official, go ahead but making it official is overkill.

I agree with Lord_Vermor. Even though your proposition sounds interesting and fun, I can't possibly see how it could work with EL. It would involve too much time and programming, something EL doesn't have in abundance.


Maybe you should go back to the drawing table and remap your idea into something more plausible or achievable?


I could see NPC who are programmed as Guards much the way we have them as Tutorials and Quest Leaders and Merchants, etc.. I could also visualize level restrictions for certain maps, that would be interesting, as well. Maybe there could be costly level restriction cloaks like for knighthood, etc. where a player could choose the colour, style and crest from a list in options.


However, I can't really visualize a thriving government in this kind of game unless its all run by NPC. Players wouldn't be able to control taxes, etc. Thats not possible. I do believe that there should be EL taxes, though... I just woke up not long ago and now its only 4 am so let me think some more on this.

Edited by Enyo

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This has been suggested before and if I recall, it was shot down since we DO use NPCs and we need CONSTANT ones, not ones that change because players quit. So if you want to RP an official, go ahead but making it official is overkill.

I agree with Lord_Vermor. Even though your proposition sounds interesting and fun, I can't possibly see how it could work with EL. It would involve too much time and programming, something EL doesn't have in abundance.


Maybe you should go back to the drawing table and remap your idea into something more plausible or achievable?


I could see NPC who are programmed as Guards much the way we have them as Tutorials and Quest Leaders and Merchants, etc.. I could also visualize level restrictions for certain maps, that would be interesting, as well. Maybe there could be costly level restriction cloaks like for knighthood, etc. where a player could choose the colour, style and crest from a list in options.


However, I can't really visualize a thriving government in this kind of game unless its all run by NPC. Players wouldn't be able to control taxes, etc. Thats not possible. I do believe that there should be EL taxes, though... I just woke up not long ago and now its only 4 am so let me think some more on this.


i agree w/ enyo that an all NPC government would be more plausable and i'd like to see more NPCs here fill up some of the buildings (especially since we cant have them) and it'd leave room for more quests and things to do later i mean even if they don't talk i'd like to see that some1's home instead of being tempted to take it as my home when i can't and as far as stuff like guards to keep monsters out of the cities the programming has already been done - and i complain about them every day-ANTS - i'd complain alittle less if they were confined to certain areas like in towns to keep newer ppl safe while they're in town and actually provide an actual service instead of their function being more than half the time an inconvenience but that thread isn't about that - but i think an NPC government could open lots more possibilities to the game like w/ random events (ex. invasions) could add more aspects to the game like laws like the guards could b programmed to notice outlaws and can attack - like they at least seem to notice PKable ppl . meaning u can let ppl try to steal (adding another skill) the possibilities w/ that alone are endless if it would b imp[imented


but what do i know i've been up over 36 hrs already...lol - but if this alternative idea has ANY merrit i'd like to discuss it further

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i agree w/ enyo that an all NPC government would be more plausable and i'd like to see more NPCs here fill up some of the buildings

There is a limit to how many NPC's are allowed per map, we can't just go "fill up" the buildings with them.

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Guest Enyo

i agree w/ enyo that an all NPC government would be more plausable and i'd like to see more NPCs here fill up some of the buildings

There is a limit to how many NPC's are allowed per map, we can't just go "fill up" the buildings with them.

Thats true. Aislinn would know more about this than me for sure. What do you think about NPC guards in the villages or maybe some villages and having some maps which are level restrictive, etc. ? What about the other suggestions that I made such as the cloaks, etc. ?

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OK, dictartor ship?

Get a hold of of your self, do you want me to get to power?

They would all suffer :stare: .

i geuss NPCs would do, and i understand perfectly that there can not be too manny of them on a map.


We could just take off the NPCs we dont like... or not.


And dictator ship is so out of style :omg: ,

Now a-days we call it the fifth republic of F.....

but thats another story

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actually this idea sounds like fun to me but its indeed very hard to program such things also IF this would come to be implemented keep some leaderships race-bound, like for valey of the DWARVES don't let a human rule, a dwarf should.

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i agree w/ enyo that an all NPC government would be more plausable and i'd like to see more NPCs here fill up some of the buildings

There is a limit to how many NPC's are allowed per map, we can't just go "fill up" the buildings with them.



i can't say nothing to that becase i don't quite understand it - y exactly are there limits of that sort NPCs shouldn't use up any kind of broadband or other resources unless they're being interacted w/ in some way shape or form or are moving (monsters) but since most NPCs stand still i don't see the reason - i'd like to know more because maybe we could come up w/ suggestions for that too :P

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