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About Cordor

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  1. Hotkeys

    I uninstalled EL and used sdmaid to clean all. Then i installed again but no effect. My Android Version is 12.
  2. Hotkeys

    Hello i changed the key.ini on android with apkeditor but #K_SPELL1 = KEYPAD_1 have no effect tyvm for development and help :-)
  3. Sorry its no bug i just need 10 Xaquelina quests so its not a bug
  4. I have now no desktop but if im empty it works
  5. Sorry im stupid i need 10 Xaquelina quests so its not a bug
  6. The new version seems to solve my problem tyvm ?
  7. The face texture is not set to the right position
  8. Thank you very much for the improvements you made ! But the right HUD area is failing often so using items or cast a spell is to repeat. Its just a question of habit
  9. I took multiple tries until it functioned. 'Use Animation Program' fails also.
  10. Sorry the buttons and items are bad in responsive
  11. Is that just my problem or do you have the same ?
  12. Hallo all, what a great work with very nice features! I played the official client without problems but with the develop version i have much problems to click on buttons and items.
  13. Game connection issue?

    Hello for me its the same but server is pingable and no login possible !
  14. im sad to hear a nice person died again in our community and wish her family and friends much power for this very hard time . She will rest in peace and in our hearts
  15. Sandy

    I hope that you all be safe and strong these days. Take care and keep your strength !!!