BruSu Report post Posted January 1, 2020 At first a happy new year! Now my wish: If I understood Radu right in his interview, he is thinking of giving mixers the opportunity to gain nexus removals. Perhaps it would be an easy solution: if you gain level 100 in a mixing skill go to the wraith and get a pp as reward. . And perhaps one more for level 130 and 160 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted January 1, 2020 Erm, nexus removals do not give you extra PP... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diealot Report post Posted January 2, 2020 Uh... I guess my maths is a bit fuzzy... Unless this is for people who have maxed oa, I guess I don't get it? Level 0 to 100 is 43.7M exp Level 162 to 163 is 42.8M exp Level 163 to 164 is 45.0M exp Unless you are level 163 oa or higher, If you raise a mixing skill to level 100 (from 0) you already get +1 pp? If you get a mixing skill to level 130 that's an additional 145.2M exp (from level 100), which is larger than the difference of any two levels. Going from the arbitrary point of level 163 again, you'd get within 4M, or 97% of the way, to level 166. Meaning 4 pp. People have shown that getting pp is doable. People have shown mining hydro is doable. *shrug* I guess I don't see why more pp are needed unless we are talking about people who are maxed out on exp, and in which case, this seems like a cheap way of accomplishing that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted January 2, 2020 The original suggestion from radu was to introduce a way so that mixers could get nexus removal stones. OP transformed that in a suggestion to give extra PP. Not quite the same thing... While nexus removals are very nice, also for mixers, what might be as nice is nexus transfer stones, to switch PP between skills (allowing you to not have all nexus at 5 or 6 all the time, and still be able to switch with relative ease, at a cost). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StouXy Report post Posted January 2, 2020 The idea was more of giving them the Pickpoint, not the stone. Because you could create many alts, gather the stones and transfer them to your alt Will elaborate with radu on that in the next interview more possibly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted January 2, 2020 You'd still need the hydro bars for the nexus removals to be of any use. So having alts gather stones is only helping up to a point. And could be countered by forcing a minimum skill level to even have a chance of getting a removal. That forces either a lot of investment (REGs or big books), or a lot of effort to get an alt army gathering stones... Note that (harvesting) alt armies haven't so far managed to reduce pricing of serpent or binding stones, so their influence seems rather limited. And as a mixer, I don't see any valid reason to basically give mixers free extra PPs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted January 2, 2020 The idea was because many people who are not built for pr0-fighting would like to work towards that ability without sacrificing everything they already worked for. For the most part, only the more advanced fighters get the gc and stone drops needed for helping with all those pickpoints. Maxing out overall level does not come close to providing the pickpoints still needed. Keep in mind, it's still super expensive and doesn't happen all that often, even for the big fighters. But it would be nice for some help along the way for non-pr0 fighters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted January 2, 2020 So what exactly is proposed here? From what I gather, radu proposed a way for mixers to get nexus removal. Which means that the mixers still have to get the gc to get the hydro. So the extra PPs indeed don't come cheap, but there's an unlimited amount of them (in theory, at least) Now, OP in this thread proposes what amounts to a few free PP when reaching certain levels. That's giving mixers free PP, and a very limited number of them at that (at best 36 of them, for someone getting all skills to 160, and all skills giving the extra PP). The top non-combat players right now would have gotten about 15 extra PP, full attrbutes with a few fighting perks would need upwards from 300 PP... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted January 2, 2020 I was just discussing what was discussed with radu, not what BruSu posted about. That's a completely different idea entirely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinoveritas Report post Posted January 4, 2020 Well i would like an extra reward system. that is based on leveling, and yes getting pickpoints (not nexus removals) would be indeed a great way to reward good job, I know what it means to level a lot of skills high, i am considering myself to be an Allrounder, i have all but 4 skills at over 100 by now, and its a hard yearlong work to get there regardless of skill, so it would be nice to give people every X amount of xp something extra. Make a Goal based system. if you reach a goal you get something, be it a pickpoint, be it gc or other items. Give people something to work for, and they will try to get it, and probably even spend rl money to reach it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caladina Report post Posted January 22, 2020 with regard to getting more exp to gain the pp reward, would it be nice to have a bonus experience reward for mixing a rare item in normal mixing, ie efe while mixing fe not when using the enrichment stone formula, same with all rare mix achievements ie swords pots etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites