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Guest Frain

Problem with Questlog

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Guest Frain



I play on windows and android both with my account, and there is a problem qith the questlog. my questlog on android differs from the on on windows in quantity of the quests and their progress level.

It seems to me the Leather Quest with Kelcha is broken for me. I had her awakened and her Father is willing to repair my Stuff and i also have the eye in the sky quest in my questlog (on windows where i worked on the route to leather quest recently), but the quest is not going further and Kelcha wont sell me Leather.


Pls Help me, especially with the Leather Quest. Till now the mixed up Questlog wasnt really a problem i just could reset them on the other device (android/windows) by speaking with the quest givers.





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Quest logs are handled client side only, so wqhen you use multiple system each one may get a portion of the log and you will have to open both to see where you are at.

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Guest Frain

ok yeah thank you!


 i guess the problem with quest is solved sorry!

may i delete the post somehow or...?




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I think this a good idea especially with new android clients meaning players may be playing at home and away.


Even players with one machine have issue - client crashes and loses log entries.

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Is there a particular reason that quests logs and other player data like counters aren't maintained by the server, other than to save space? For daily quests, I could see space becoming an issue, but maybe those could be kept client side only.


Especially now with an Android client, I've been hesitant to start or continue quests when on my phone because I don't want my quest logs to get out of sync. I'd synchronize them myself but you need a rooted device to access them on Android.


I just don't generally feel that this is an issue that players should have to be concerned with.

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3 minutes ago, Durldur said:

I'd synchronize them myself but you need a rooted device to access them on Android.



I do wish the files for things like this and the configuration file had different permissions so you didn't have to root to access it. 

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Guest Vatomar

Currently having this issue with wraith journey quest. Haven't figure out how to work around it. Just trying not to fuck up any more quest lines. Going to check at the magic school again.

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