Nerdz Report post Posted February 1, 2009 Im up to 5 Days Running (Not to brag or anything) But people have been asking me "Is it worth the 2 to 3k?" Correct me if Im wrong, But in previous Posts Cruella (or someone else) has stated that the rate at which gc is earned is flawed because you cannot take time into consideration. True. In reality, youd need some equation that takes into consideration Hours vs Gc earned. So what if we do; Time/2? Does that not mean more profit per game hours? Since I am spending less time walking from place to place, Do I not get stuff faster? Sure, I dont mix or harvest faster, But it does take the boringness out of harvesting. Ive found myself more "Awake" when harvesting and going from place to place. Why? I dont want to spend another 2 to 3kgc because I didnt eat. Same can be said with fighting, You dont want to loose that rosto because you werent paying attention, So you diss from a monster and run (which has happened to me before). So you learn vigilance on your Ctrl-1 key. Now some people will argue "Well 3k isnt much", But it adds up if I dont eat. What could I buy with 3kgc? * 300 Training Arrows * 100 PK arrows * 40 magic arrows * 46 Anti's * 1k FE ...etc. As I spend more on Speed pots, thats more I could have spent elsewhere. However, 3k is a small price to pay to get to places quicker, and reduce down time. Sure, I cant surf 4chan when en route to places, But even 4 chan gets boring after a while. People have also asked what I eat to keep running. Toads, and Lots of them. My Personal Record is 1k Toads, and thats because I went from place to place running. You'll need plenty of HE/SRS/Anti's and toads if you want to keep run forever. Honestly, Running feels like power hungry, but 10x worse. Just like real life, you dont want to run around while'll crash into people. And Honestly, I dont like running......I love it . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hermit Report post Posted February 1, 2009 You remind me of someone who has just tried crack for the first time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted February 1, 2009 Sure, I cant surf 4chan when en route to places, But even 4 chan gets boring after a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shujral Report post Posted February 1, 2009 <3 4chan, and lulz at the title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daiske1 Report post Posted February 1, 2009 So is it worth it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nerdz Report post Posted February 1, 2009 So is it worth it? Yes, as long as you can keep it up. It also becomes a problem in high traffic tend to get stopped or slowed down because of people mining iron/sulfur. Advantages: *Faster, less time spent wandering around *More time spent harvesting (which, in turn allows you to make money faster) * More Magic Exp (from healing from poison) * More potion exp (if you make your own anti's) * It looks cool Disadvantages: *huge resource usage. This includes toads, Anti's, SRS, and HE *People may get a bit annoyed, because they tend to "stop" if you cut in front of their path (no ones complained yet though) *needs gc for the potion and the anti's if you dont make them. *Requires you to pay attention when en route to places. No more Afk walking. *Fighting is almost Impossible when your EMU is taken up by SRS/HE. I guess you could have someone mule Toads/Anti's and hyper it. * Some of your EMU is taken up by Toads/Antis/SRS/HE. So, I carry 20 less items...big deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fitzer Report post Posted February 1, 2009 In my opinion (I know it count near 0) these potions are totally unbalanced. As long as one have food (have always food = have money) the player can run. It is totally wrong. The running should be for a short period for everyone, not in this way that a people can run forever. A good way to develop the running potion concept would be like this: runner lvl 0 -> the potion lasts 1 minute - cooldown 30 minutes lv 1 -> potion lasts 2 minutes - cooldown 28 minutes lvl 2 -> potion lasts 3 minutes - cooldown 25 minutes lvl 3 -> potion lasts 4 minutes - cooldown 23 minutes lvl 4 -> potion lasts 5 minutes - cooldown 20 minutes lvl 5 -> potion lasts 6 minutes - cooldown 18 minutes lvl 6 -> potion lasts 7 minutes - cooldown 15 minutes lvl 7 -> potion lasts 8 minutes - cooldown 15 minutes lvl 8 -> potion lasts 9 minutes - cooldown 15 minutes lvl 9 -> potion lasts 10 minutes - cooldown 15 minutes Every runner lvl need $X potions. The potions should costs around 100 - 300gc. Every set of ingredients should produce more than the actual number of potions, maybe remove the hard to get lenny fur and switch to a consistent number of other ings but less rare. The way it is implemented is in my opinion totally wrong. A newbie should run if he want to, it shouldn't be a feature for experienced player. Oh, and i could afford the price at the moment, as i grow enough to produce Kgc in small amount of time. It is the concept that is wrong, we are talking about running, not about a special item that boost mana or health. Oh, i almost forget to say that there should be some time reduction of the effect, based on total EMU / current EMU percentage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted February 1, 2009 The way it is implemented is in my opinion totally wrong. Sucks to be you, then. I am very happy with the way they work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Piper Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Ok, i'm running now since 2 days with only one potion. Well, ok, 2, the first one didnt last that long since i was not totally aware, how it works First: This feature is really pure *FUN*. After walking slowly across the whitestone map for nearly 5 years, which takes around 3 minutes, it's a real pleasure, that you can run across WS map now in 1.5-2 minutes The way the speed hax pot is implemented is an interesting idea and it brought back some fun, at least i had, before the map walker was implemented. Before the map walking feature was implemented, i took a trip at night from Lakeside, over Grahms, to Whitestone City. That means, you had to walk manually, click by click and avoid the ebul gargs. That was really a nice adventure, click and click and hope, that no evil creature will get you. And guess what? I found a sword in a bag on the way from Lakeside to Grahms! Ok, it was just a rusty iron sword, but that was the first sword in game i ever had. 5 minutes later i saw something hiding behind a bush and thought, it was the 455 of a deer and attacked it. Unfortunately it was a winged garg, which killed me at once and i lost my precious sword just after 5 minutes. Except that i lost that sword, that was a funny and thrilling trip, a small adventure. After that event i decided to become that strong, that i can kill gargs with a pickaxe. Well, after playing for 5-6 years now, i can say, i reached that goal at least Then the map walker was implemented and every lazy person (like me) used it, clicked on the TAB map, goes AFK and see later, what happened. Reached the place where you want to go? fine. A garg got you? Bad luck. So that atmosphere, the thrill of going across a map was gone. Now, during the last 2 days, i used speed hax pots, the fun is back. The game is not to avoid angry gargs, believe me, they really leave me alone now, but it's a battle vs. the time, cooldown and the risk to lose the running ability and need to use another speed hax pot. Poor and unlucky guy as i am, i have no antidote pots, i dont have the "i eat dead people" perk, so i am using toadies and feasting pots, sometimes fruits, for running. Which means, i have to have with me a good load of toadies, feasting pots, HE's, fruits with me to move and keep my food level up and live with the risk of getting food poisoned. So the fun is now, how can you run, without needing a second speed hax pot? You have to make sure, that you have enough food, mana, and essies with you, so you can't just use the map walker and run AFK from point A to point B, but you have to take care about your food level, or you need another speed hax pot. The goal is to keep your food level up, at least not let it sink at -29 or below. That is at least more interesting than just using the map walker, it keeps you busy The only thing, i dont like is how many food you need to run. It costs me one fruit and 6-7 toadies to run from the toadie spot in VOTD to storage, a single trip! Not talking about the cost of running from Lakeside outhouse to the HAzMAT storage and back. Since toadies weight 2 EMU and feasting pots weight 5 EMU, i would suggest to lower the food cost of running. Since one of the ingrediences of the speed hax pot is a lennie fur, which is rare, since there is only one lennie in game, i doubt, that the price for the speed hax pot will go down that much that ppl will use it just when they want to run. And when a potion costs 3000 gc, you wont use it just to run from point A to B, then switch back to walking mode and 10 minutes later switch back to running mode and waste another 3k gc for another potion. Well, thats my 2 euro cents, nice feature, but the potion and food use is too expensive IMO. Piper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Well, the potion is not really designed for running 24/7 (although you can do it if you feel like it). The idea is to use it for special stuff, like PKing or running after leo or something. And I think soon the prices should decrease to under 1K per potion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Piper Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Well, the potion is not really designed for running 24/7 (although you can do it if you feel like it). The idea is to use it for special stuff, like PKing or running after leo or something.And I think soon the prices should decrease to under 1K per potion. When the price for a potion goes down to what rings costs it will be more usable and used IMO. And in my opinion, the food cost for running is too high. Lowering the cost of the potion and the amount of food needed would force more ppl to use the speed hax pots IMO. I dont like the costs for running, but the feature itself and the way how its implemented is great too (keeping up your food level somehow). It might be nice, if an attribute like physics might lower the used food points, but thats just an idea i have right now. All in all, i like that feature and have fun using it, but in my humble opinion, some things like the food used and such should be adjusted Well, my opinion now after using speed hax pots for 2 days.. Piper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nerdz Report post Posted February 2, 2009 (edited) Well, the potion is not really designed for running 24/7 (although you can do it if you feel like it). The idea is to use it for special stuff, like PKing or running after leo or something.And I think soon the prices should decrease to under 1K per potion. It should, the law of supply and demand says So. More people hunt lenny, more furs in market, more Pots. I dont think MoPs would be a restriction though for the price. For most trips I carry 20 Toads, 16 HE, Full mana, 1 SR, 1 Anti. Honestly, I think the food usage prevents any old jack and harry from using it (which is a good thing). Why do you think everyone on the server isnt running? Price? The fact you cant go AFK for most things? You can still AFK harv high end flowers, but you just gotta time it. Edited February 2, 2009 by Nerdz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenial Report post Posted February 2, 2009 It interests me that people choose to use toadstools over PoFs, I too have played with the speed hax potion for many hours and I've never had any problems with PoF cooldown. The uses for this pot seem to be fair more than first predicted, it also seems very good for hauling, Hypothetically, to haul 20k emu over 179 steps a Maxed Mule takes 2174gc and 19 minutes Speed Hax with 960 emu takes 746gc and ~21 minutes. ( the gc amounts only accounting for Creature food/bones, due to the speed hax pot having a large price range). Also, making leather helms; a lot of people go to a school because the walk back and forth from Trik takes to long. I think the pot may be of help here too. @Nerdz, what really matters is exp/hour. Is fitting more work into an hour by running getting you more exp than what spending the gc used on food could get you? In which case, I don't think there is a yes or no answer, because it depends on the task at hand. And relying on you making high gc/hour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Speed Hax with 960 emu takes 746gc and ~21 minutes. ( the gc amounts only accounting for Creature food/bones, due to the speed hax pot having a large price range). 1. Part of the 960 EMU needs to be taken by the food for the round trip. 2. Not everyone has the IEDP perk, and I am sure the price of bones will increase if more people start using this method. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Choris Report post Posted February 2, 2009 (edited) I don't have the IEDP perk (anymore). And I can very well run without bones or toads, because feasting potions can be eaten fast enough. I use 3-4 of them per minute, so even counting 4*21*12 (their price from NPC) will make 1k gc, still cheaper than using mule. Not even mentioning the 750k gc it takes to get to max mule level if you buy the creature foods... Yes, the feasting potions take some EMU, but not that much. For a minute of running, it's ~20 EMU. Toads are worse in that, because 200 food from toads weighs 40EMU (+antidotes +HEs +SRs). I think the amount of food used by running is fine. It's a big advantage even the way it is now, if you know how to use it. (For me that means running for days continuously.) Edited February 2, 2009 by Choris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
groomsh Report post Posted February 2, 2009 2. Not everyone has the IEDP perk, and I am sure the price of bones will increase if more people start using this method. I don't think that the price of bones can go higher then 2.5gc per bone, because then it would be unusable by mixers (i have IEDP perk and mix all my things with bones). I don't think that there will be more running people (eating bones) then people mixing with bones... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Bones have no cooldown, yes? @Choris With the mule you can carry more than double your EMU. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cycloonx Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Bones have no cooldown, yes? I don't think mixers care, the only thing where the cooldown is annoying is when making bars or rings, but for other things mixers can easily use PoFs. When the price of bones go higher than PoF they will be bought less frequent (only for mixers who make bars or rings) so the prices will go back down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Choris Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Bones have no cooldown, yes? For running, feasting potions have practically no cooldown either. I've never had to wait for the cooldown while running. So I don't find bones any better for running than feasts. Though someone might find it more convenient to eat bones, because you have to wait until -5 food before eating a feasting potion, which increases the risk of letting your food accidentally going to -30. If the price of bones would go up, even less people would use them for running. @ChorisWith the mule you can carry more than double your EMU. Fully leveled mule can carry 130% more, is that right? That'd make 960 EMU into 2208 EMU. So a mule would have to walk 10 trips where a runner would need 23 trips. The time difference is not that big, 10 trips at half the speed and 23 trips at double speed makes the mule 15% faster at carrying items from point A to point B. Muling is more than 100% more expensive than running (per minute), though, if you don't count the potion in the calculations. Which I don't, because it's possible to keep running for long times. To be fair, for mules I'd also have to count the 750k gc to get to mule level 12. Of course you'd have to calculate also the time it takes to pick up items at point A and storing or dropping them at point B to be more exact, since the mule needs to only do 10 of those where a runner needs to do them 23 times. Whether to use mule or running, it's more a matter of personal opinion. Neither is really that much better than the other. Myself, I prefer running, because I'm not ready to spend 750k for the ability to carry more, when running doesn't need any leveling at all. Just one potion costing 3k. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khalai Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Do not forget also that mule cannot harvest nor trade, besides being more expensive... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow_runner Report post Posted February 2, 2009 I don't think the speed hax potion will drop too 1K, like it was mentioned. MoP alone requires a lot of stuff, vials, flowers which are used with other stuff as well. Speed hax look cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spidi Report post Posted February 2, 2009 But we have places where you cannot make more than 1 trip (read "Instances") =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nerdz Report post Posted February 2, 2009 I don't think the speed hax potion will drop too 1K, like it was mentioned. MoP alone requires a lot of stuff, vials, flowers which are used with other stuff as well. Speed hax look cool. MoPs go for 3 to 4k, that price is pretty steady, but Its probably going to increase. IF lenny furs = 2k each, then total cost for 12 pots = 6k. 6k/12 = 500gc each. For them to be below 3k, lenny furs have to cost less. Less cost = more furs in market. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cycloonx Report post Posted February 2, 2009 Prices will drop for sure, it's always like this. When there is something new everyone wants to try it, after a month no one cares and prices drop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Looter Report post Posted February 4, 2009 Speed hax is great, its brilliant to be able to get around quicker making the game more fun and worth 2kgc imho. Its Excellent for hydro runs too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites