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Hevenspawner Medallion 1/10

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The chance for loosing the heavenspawner medallion should be 1/10. Then people will perhaps buy and use it and there will be a new economy for it. (I can sell more Matter Conglomerate) :)


PS: I don't have Hellspawn and don't plan to take it.


There was a thread from 2008.. but that's long ago. Time to discuss it again.

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The medallion costs around 8kgc today. 20% chance to spawn in hell and 10% of loosing the medallion means you need on average 160gc to enter a building or a cave. I think that would be fair. What do you think ?

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The hellspawn perk gives 10 PP, which would cost you at least 15M gc to get otherwise (for use in attributes).

At least there is a way to mitigate the negative effects of this perk, which is not the case for e.g. gelatine bones or HoS.


With your proposal, the perk would be worth about 100 000 map changes/enters, against 10 000 with a single use medallion.

I see no reason to lower the cost that much, as you should know what you get yourself into when taking such a perk.


(as for selling more matter conglomerates: don't be too sure about that, the bars are one of the items where market price is getting too close to NPC price to bother with harvesting and mixing)

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Please explain how it is worth 100 000 map changes.


A free/from nexus PP might be worth 2 Mio gc today. But it doesn't mean the perk is worth that. Remember it's a negative perk. You loose a lot of time walking out of the underworld, you can't reach most of the minerals and ore which are in caves. You must have a big pocket to walk with the medallion.. If you don't have regular income you spend almost your entire gc for these medallions. Clearly the perk is for hardcore pker, not the peaceful mixer. I would call it a doubtful advantage.

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I had HS -perk some years ago. When I had it did I make hydrobars for 25-30 nexus, dont remember how many dors to hydro, but I used only Medallion the last 2 dors and some days could I make 3-4 hydro runs without going to UV, depending on astro.

I did not use the Medallions other places.

There are outdoor places for most ore and minerals and many outdoor storages.

Like Sedicolis where I used to make FEs.

I f you know the maps is HS not a big problem, I think its why the Medallions are hard to sell.

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Most people who hspawn take it because they don't need to change maps often. I periodically take and remove it based on what I want to do in game.


If this change was made I would probably take hspawn on all my chars and use medallions frequently. The question is, how big of a negative should the perk be? ATM it really limits you a lot, whereas if this change were made, it would not be so limiting.

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Please explain how it is worth 100 000 map changes.


numbers are rounded a bit, but here goes;

hellspawn gives you 10 PP, at 1.5-2 M gc/PP that is about 16 M gc (to simplify)? With your change to the medallion, you say a door or map change would cost on average 160 gc. Divide the 16M from the PP by the cost of one passage, and you end up with about 100 000 passages.


That is just to compare the cost of the medallions to the cost of the PP if you had to get them through hydro. I have not taken into account the cost in time lost, nor the advantage you get from the extra 10 PP. Note that if you use the medallions continuously, the perk gives a much smaller disadvantage (medallion of 1 emu), as you would break it only once in 50 passages. So you'd lose 1 equipment slot and perhaps a few inv slots


A free/from nexus PP might be worth 2 Mio gc today. But it doesn't mean the perk is worth that. Remember it's a negative perk. You loose a lot of time walking out of the underworld, you can't reach most of the minerals and ore which are in caves. You must have a big pocket to walk with the medallion.. If you don't have regular income you spend almost your entire gc for these medallions. Clearly the perk is for hardcore pker, not the peaceful mixer. I would call it a doubtful advantage.


If you don't see an advantage, then you should not take the perk. But then this discussion is useless...

And a perk that gives 10 PP should give you a big handicap. And that handicap should not be diluted by providing a simple means to get around it.

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Antisocial gives 10pp. Compare it to HS perk and see whats the difference. Not to mention, even if you know places for outdoors mining, you are still heavily handicapped for having to walk longer distances.


I agree, that the perk is really niche and is much more inconvenient/expensive than most of the other perks.


Although, I do not agree, that matter conglomerates require a bigger market. Harvesting medallions are already difficult to buy.

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Although, I do not agree, that matter conglomerates require a bigger market. Harvesting medallions are already difficult to buy.


A bit off topic perhaps (though one of OP's motivations seemed to be a wish to increase the market for medallions), but have a look at what bots are offering for conglomerates. You easily get 1050 per, which makes the cost for a seridium bar around 6450 (starting from essies they'd cost you about 1100, bar goes to 6750). NPC sells them for 7000. Given the effort required to make the conglomerates, I prefer buying the bars...

And if you can't find harvesting (sic) medallions, where are you looking?

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