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I've looked all over the forums and did not find this suggested, so if it has already been suggested then forgive me.


I'm not sure how the guild ranks are stored, but currently there is no way to find out what rank people are in the guild other than using the #rank command. What I feel should be done, if possible, is to make a command that allows guild members to search for a certain rank and have it show them everyone who is that rank. What would also be nice is if using the #list_guild command would show the rank of each person next to their name.


If there is already something like this then I guess I've been gone too long and missed it.

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May the #list_guild be improved first... When a char does #killme yes while being in a guild, the name will show forever. I've heard it was the same with namechanges (both names showing), not sure about that though.

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Guest MacNathan

Why not have a guild ranking placed after your Guild Tag? Or would that be too much like Stratego? :)

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Why not have a guild ranking placed after your Guild Tag? Or would that be too much like Stratego? :)
The problem is knowing the guild rank of characters who are not online. We can already find out the rank of online characters with the '#rank' command. Edited by trollson

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Like #List_Guild - #Rank_Guild. Would list the Guild ranks, highest to lowest. I think +18 rank to use the Command, cos they're the only people whoi may need to use the Command.

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well this is another idea, but because this topic is about guild ranks it is kinda under the same thing...


well i was thinking of that the GM's of a guild could make different ranks have names, such as


rank #1 hauler

rank #2 miner

rank #3 geologist

and so on, just to make GM's have a little more fun making different names for there different ranks depending on what type of guild it is


i would like to hear what you think about this



thanks Joss

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Like #List_Guild - #Rank_Guild. Would list the Guild ranks, highest to lowest. I think +18 rank to use the Command, cos they're the only people whoi may need to use the Command.

What if I want to find out who can kick me for some pvp? ;)

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I've looked all over the forums and did not find this suggested, so if it has already been suggested then forgive me.


I'm not sure how the guild ranks are stored, but currently there is no way to find out what rank people are in the guild other than using the #rank command. What I feel should be done, if possible, is to make a command that allows guild members to search for a certain rank and have it show them everyone who is that rank. What would also be nice is if using the #list_guild command would show the rank of each person next to their name.


If there is already something like this then I guess I've been gone too long and missed it.


First, as suggested, have the person's guild rank show in the "#list_guild" command. Then, add a regex to the command, so that "#list_guild 19" will list all lines that have "19" as part of the line (similar to how "#storage ..." commands work). You'd get some false hits (with characters names such as "UberLeetPker199" or such), but for the most part it would meet your requirements without requiring too much effort on the part of the devs (the regex stuff is already there, after all).


If an effort is made to modify the "#list_guild" command, I would like to suggest another addition - have it show an asterisk for those who are currently online. Yes, I'm aware that Gossip can provide this via the "guildies" command, but she sometimes takes a while to realize that a person is now in a guild.

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Like #List_Guild - #Rank_Guild. Would list the Guild ranks, highest to lowest. I think +18 rank to use the Command, cos they're the only people whoi may need to use the Command.

What if I want to find out who can kick me for some pvp? :medieval:

"#GM Can someone kick me for PvP please?"


:) And most people in a Guild know who the Top Rankers are. :P

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Maybe I'm dense, but I don't really understand why this is necessary to know - except for some potential trouble making. Within your own guild, you should know who is/are at the top, otherwise you an ask in your guild channel, as suggested above.

If you need to know top people from another guild, you can check #guild_info and/or that guild's website. You can use #ig if necessary.


Maybe because of recent events I feel a little jaded, but the only other reasons I can come up with why you might want to know this is negative. I might want to know who is high ranking around me so I can do something socially unacceptable more easily. Or, I might take great satisfaction out of killing a guild master in PK, as opposed to just a regular guild member.

Hm. Those don't seem very good reasons to me to add the guild rank to every player's name. If there are positive reasons that I can't think of, please let me know.

One final thought: Not every guild is equally structured. In some guilds you have to do certain tasks in order to advance in rank. In others, there is no such system and rank number doesn't mean much. So, a person's rank number might not even mean very much, depending on the guild's way of handling this.



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Maybe I'm dense, but I don't really understand why this is necessary to know - except for some potential trouble making. Within your own guild, you should know who is/are at the top, otherwise you an ask in your guild channel, as suggested above.

If you need to know top people from another guild, you can check #guild_info and/or that guild's website. You can use #ig if necessary.


Maybe because of recent events I feel a little jaded, but the only other reasons I can come up with why you might want to know this is negative. I might want to know who is high ranking around me so I can do something socially unacceptable more easily. Or, I might take great satisfaction out of killing a guild master in PK, as opposed to just a regular guild member.

Hm. Those don't seem very good reasons to me to add the guild rank to every player's name. If there are positive reasons that I can't think of, please let me know.

One final thought: Not every guild is equally structured. In some guilds you have to do certain tasks in order to advance in rank. In others, there is no such system and rank number doesn't mean much. So, a person's rank number might not even mean very much, depending on the guild's way of handling this.




I'm a GM myself and I would really like a command to see all ranks of my guildies because: I want to make a website including everyones rank but how can I know their ranks if they aren't on? Some ppl would say I got crappy memory because I gave them ranks myself but since i don't log at same time with a few and some are even inactive I can't know exactly if playerx has rank 4/5 or 6 and i want my website to have exact ranks not stupid things i remember....Having a guild with 10 members you can remember their ranks but when it gets to 15+....so this would be really useful if possible

Edited by Garnoo

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Very useful.... I have needed to contact a high rank player in a guild - and did not want to send an IG first... this would be ideal for this!

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Some bots provide services like this. For instance the bot code I maintain learns the rank of fellow guild members it sees (assumes the bot has rank 19 within the guild) and allows guild members to have it kick them for PvP training and rejoin at their same rank afterwards.

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