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Ideas for increasing the importance of guilds(fairly long)

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I have an idea that could increase the importance of guilds in eternal lands. As it is now, it generally seems like there is little to no rivalry between most guilds, especially between the guilds dominated by players with high skill levels.


As it is now, it seems like it is in the best interest of these higher skill guilds to remain allies, or atleast not to be at war with each other. A player with high A/D would rather fight someone noticeably lower in skill, rather than fight someone that could potentially kill them. This is understandable, who wants to take unecessary risk?


However, if there was a greater incentive that could encourage players to take the risk and to fight the higher skilled players, guilds in my opinion would be more interesting. What could this incentive be? Well, of course there are numerous possibilities. Current incentives for pk for example revolve around killing other characters to obtain items that have substantial monetary value. Well with the rostogal stones, this has been somewhat limited from what I have seen and heard.



With my idea, power would be the incentive. I have two ideas that could involve all types of guilds, non-pk or pk.


(1) Create a castle or a fortress on a map that guilds would fight for control of. The guild controlling it, a pk guild for example, would receive benefits for having control of it. Such that guilds would be motivated to fight for it. I don't really have a definate idea for a benefit, but perhaps a manufacturing area that reduces the skill level required to manu, a private pvp arena, or resources... anything that would motivate guilds to control the castle/fortress.


Other guilds would then fight against the guild occupying it, as a coalition with other guilds or on their own. The opportunity to attack and take over the castle/fortress would probably have to be limited to certain times ( once a week in real life?) It wouldn't be reasonable to expect a guild to defend it 24/7.


This would encourage strategic alliances and also higher skilled guilds to compete against each other. If a coalition guild attack force attacked the guild controlling the castle/fortress and killed them off, perhaps the guild with the most survivors would gain control of the castle/fortress (in this case the coalition could backstab each other ito ensure their control of the castle/fortress)


In my opinion this could be as exciting as invasions are. Can you imagine 40 players storming a castle defended by 10 highly skilled players? For this to work, control over the castle/fortress would have to change enough that one guild woudn't have seemingly permanent control of the castle/fortress. Some things could be done to ensure this, perhaps the guild controlling the castle can't obtain new guild members during the occupation of the castle/fortress, preventing the boosting of their defense forces.


(2) A guild could become the "ruling" guild and act as the temporary government of EL. This would be open to nonpk and pk guilds. Probably moreso for nonpk guilds as the guild would likely be chosen by votes casted by guild leaders for example. Again, benefits would follow for the guild forming the government. I don't know what kind of benefits would be used here, I am more interested in the first idea I presented.



Well, I think these ideas could make guilds more powerful and overall alter the interactions between all guilds for the better. If you guys could share your ideas, and add to my ideas that would be appreciated. Especially ideas for benefits.




:edit I just read about the pk contest that will be happening in kf, sounds somewhat similar to my first idea. Perhaps instead of benefits, items could be awarded.

Edited by Ayreus

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It's like a minigame, have been suggestged alot of times. However I find yours very good. :icon13:

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government? Nah... no one wants them in charge of anything but the bloody, refuse-filled pits they go to for pickin a fight, but this mortos dude sure would like it. And him being a god and all that, what is there to stop him from giving *nice* benefits to the guild that wins a certain area?

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