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About Trepid

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  1. Story List

    Step 3: -Write a short summary paragraph and/or outline. -Submit for approval. -When this is approved your name will be posted by the story in the story list as you writing it, so others won't take the story. "Diary of Mira" - Starts with pointing out life's paradox - Making life choices that will hopefully lead to a position in life - the paradox of the choice that leads to another choice - the small world grows and learn about new evil - learning about life and gaining new perceptions - this new perception bleeds into having only one choice in life and how that perception can change - there's a history that takes place unfolding before your eyes while making special friends - this leads to unrequited love that grows - finally love happens through learning of each other - beliefs on matters of life, spirit and after life deepen - there's a personal curse that's a precursor - evil exists and with help of friends learns to stand and face the evil - Mira learns who she is and sums up her life. Thank you and please approve me for this story. Trepid
  2. Story List

    Step 2: -Choose from the list of stories we need written (a list will be posted eventually) I want to write a story on "Diary of Mira - The discovery of many modern-day elixers and the story behind Seridia's most famous potioner." Thank you, Trepid
  3. Story & Quest Writers Agreement

    I, Trepid, have read, understand, and agree to follow the above terms of the Eternal Lands Story and Quest Writers Agreement.
  4. Problem with "Alone I break"

    TYVM Maxine. Your prompt response is most informative. Trepid
  5. Problem with "Alone I break"

    I'm no programmer so I can't tell you if it was a bug. I'm certain that I broke all weapons but there was no way for me to find out. Even though I kept a list, I cannot begin to explain why all didn't register. Update allowed me to see what needs to be broken. Hopefully it does not go on and on. I broke scythe 2x (no prompt the 2nd time except for what's indicated in chat) and was working on breaking halberd a 2nd time when update happened. Hopefully the great sword, Sunbreaker, is all I have to break and that'll be the end of it. Otherwise, having to break all great swords a 2nd time will definitely indicate a bug. As I stated before, when I came back, after a hiatus, I started with Emerald Claymore and worked my way through all the great swords. I am pleased with knowing what I have to do now. Kudos to whomever worked on the NPC to give needed information. Just curious, when I returned to NPC Gerund and it stated in chat "Sunbreaker not broken", does it only show one at a time? or does it show a whole list of weapons not broken?
  6. Problem with "Alone I break"

    Since update, I now know what I need to do. Please remove this post. TYVM Trepid
  7. I'm submitting this test story below for consideration for the team: Isle of the Forgotten - how that name rings of mystery. In Trepid's mind, the images of wonderment flowed at the sound of the name Isle of the Forgotten. Trepid had overheard the name mentioned here and there with no description attached to it. At first, he wondered how did such a place warrant a name so descriptive yet sworn to secrecy. Trepid rhetorically asked, "How was it forgotten?" An answer quickly filled Trepid's mind of ancient beasts and creatures from an ancient time, before civilization, still lived and breathed, untouched and unchanged as though this were normal. If it isn't a place that time forgot then what was it? Trepid's mind flowed with ruins of castles and half burned houses, charred remains of a forests and blackened mountains.Was the region desolated because of great monsters that roamed the land? or the result of an angry God? or did warring races and/or monster cause the district to be abandon? or was it simply a frozen wasteland or a scorching desert where no living creature can survive? Everytime Trepid heard Isle of the Forgotten mentioned, he felt it pull in his heart to explore, the way hunger pulls at the stomach to eat. The problem was there was no direction on how to get there. Trepid asked around about the location and was surprised to find that others had heard the name but nothing more. Undaunted, Trepid continued his investigation, until he finally skinned snippets of information here and there to piece together how to travel there and the clever entrance. Trepid was up and ready at the start of the new day and excitement coarsed his blood at the idea of exploration. Trepid knew to make his way to Aeth Aelfan, though he didn't know how to get there. He had the impression that it wasn't too difficult to find and he could simply stumble his way there. Trepid quickly learned on his travel that he had packed too much and that almost every map had a place where he could keep his belongings stored. Upon arriving in Aeth Aelfan, storage was one of the first stops. The beauty of Aeth was breath taking and it was surprisingly warm. The other snippet of instruction he peeled from eves dropping was to walk North East to the entrance of Egratia point. Trepid was pleased that storage was his first stop because with no load he could truly enjoy the beauty of Aeth as he walked. The North West entrance to Aeth in Egratia Point was much the same as Aeth except for old ruins laying near the entrance. Trepid's mind swimmed with images that mirrored Egratia of how Isle of the Forgotten must look. Then Trepid recalled to make his way South through Egratia to catch a boat to Iscalrith. As Trepid began walking, he heard terrible loud sounds, and immediately began to regret not wearing his armor and weapon to protect himself. Thankfully he saw the cyclop before the monster saw him and he weaved his way past the beast. It wasn't long before Trepid realized the place was crawling with cyclops and that all this weaving was prolonging the journey. The stark contrast shocked Trepid as the greenery ended and now all was naught but desert. Trepid continued to wind his way past the cyclops. Trepid began to feel heavy in his heart that the Isle was not some desolate place but a desert. Having arrived by boat to Iscalrith, Trepid felt cheated by the information he deducted and maybe the information was designed to set him up to die, while the bearers of the intelligence sat in taverns having a toast at his demise. The very air itself seemed to bleed the life from Trepid. A treacherous thought crossed Trepid's mind, "I don't want to die trying to find some place or die in the area finding answers". Trepid now had regrets that Isle of the Forgotten was a frozen waste land wishing to kill him in a frozen statue and be a part of her forever. Maybe that was what Forgotten meant, the stolen souls of explorers who are now forgotten. However, Iscal was not barren, for there was a foul smell in the air that reeked of death. The rancid air brought with it the sound of a purposeful walk of a grim reaper. Trepid did not wait for the sound to get near to see what it was and he quickly detoured off to the side while hunting for a glimpse of this foul creature. Thankfully, the terrible yeti could be seen in a distance. Still, Trepid felt this sinister place would kill him long before any yeti could. Trepid fumbled his way to the storage arriving just barely clinging to life. In the cavern to the storage, Trepid could barely see a faint trace of mist from his breath. This indicated that it was cool in this place but compared to outside it felt like the warmth of Aeth. Trepid donned on some leather armor and immediately felt the thawing of his blood. The last piece of information that Trepid gleened from travellers is to go South from the storage of Iscalrith until you find an ancient home of the ancient people. Trepid wandered a bit and found the only location of that descriptive information and smiled amused at the word ancient. Trepid entered and was both bewildered and amazed at a ray of light shimmering from the ground and up to the ceiling that filled the room with light. Trepid stepped into the blinding light that filled his every senses and he had the sensation of falling. When the light subsided, Trepid thought that he was still in the same place and that this was a trick. Disappointed Trepid stepped outside of the ancient home only to find a stunning truth - he was in Isle of the Forgotten. The first thought to cross Trepid's mind was, "have I travelled so long and far that it's now night? How could this be so because it felt only minutes?" The Isle was remarkabley beautiful and Trepid set out to find out why this place was forgotten. Trepid could see the beautiful moon but it's light could not light the Island for the way it was seemingly glowing. It seemed that everything had it's own light that shone through it's pores. As dark as it was with a faint moon light, Trepid could still see everything as though it were day. Trepid headed directly West and he could hear the crunch of the snow beneath his feet and he could hear the crunch of the steps of the creatures that dwelled in this land. Yet, this forgotten place was eerily quiet. Even a small breeze seemed to whisper through with nary a trace that it flowed through at all. Maybe forgotten meant mind trick, "I'm here, but I'm not here". Trepid could hear the frozen wood crunch of an old wood bridge as he crossed. Trepid was about to investigate one of the dwellings when something caught his eye. It was odd that there was a window on the back of a fireplace chimney. It was just begging for inspection. What's more was that the window was not even sealed and Trepid could look down the inside of the chimney and see a ladder that went down to what he thought was a cellar. Trepid had thought that the chill in his blood upon entrance of Iscalrith was bad. This cave was a hundred times worse and the cold even ate the life out of the very marrow of his bones. Even more appalling was the sight of the arctic chimeran beelining directly too him as though the disturbance in the air was a ringing signal. This cellar cavern of death was too much and Trepid quickly exited. The surface now felt much warmer and the air fresher. Trepid marvelled at how resources like flowers grew in defiance of the cold as though it were summer. Trepid could even see what looked like a bouquet of roses shimmering under the shelter of a pine tree. It seemed like the roses lived in the sanctuary of the pine tree that embodied warmth. Trepid left unsatisfied that he did not find the answer to the name, "Isle of the Forgotten". Trepid returned to the Isle many times seeking the answer to the word forgotten and discovered many of her secrets. Trepid's exploration revealed two possible reasons why this Isle is forgotten. One, it's always night here, there's no day. Two, there is a secret passage that leads to a hidden land called Tirnym Past. Tirnym Past is a wonderous beauty where no living creature dwells except for resources and residences. It seems as though you walked into mirror and seen what Ruins of Tirnym would have looked like if it were a thriving community. If anything, the name forgotten would be more aptly applied to Tirnym Past. Thus, the word forgotten, applied to the Isle maybe because Isle of the Forgotten is in some sort of cosmic time reef because of it's link to Tirnym Past, which may be why it's eternally night. Written by Trepid
  8. Problem with "Alone I break"

    I started the quest "Alone I break" a year or more ago. I know I broke scythe. I felt fairly certain I broke Halberd, Dragon Blade, and Emerald Claymore. Shortly after I had to redo my operating system because of a virus I received from a phishing site. When Eternal Lands was fresh installed, all that was in quest log was gone. I asked on invasion channel how do I find out what weapons or armor I broke for Gerund and Vixen quest. The answer was look in quest log. I explained the situation and then was told there was no way for me to find out. I was told that the best I could do was continue to break weapons in the list and if nothing happened go over ones that may have been broken before to make sure it's all complete. I started a list in notepad that looks like below: Scythe Broken Halberd Maybe Broken Dragon Blade Broken Emerald Claymore Broken Cutlass Broken Sun Breaker Broken Orc Slayer Broken Eagle Wing Broken Rapier Broken Jagged Saber Broken The only difference in that list was all the weapons that I was not sure of I put "Maybe" in front of "Broken". I then didn't play for several months (maybe eight). When I returned, I was hazy in my memory if I broke Emerald Claymore or not. I decided to start with Emerald Claymore and put Maybe Broken beside it and then when it broke I deleted the "maybe". I went through all the Great Swords the same way. Feeling certain I had broken all weapons, I went back to Gerund but there was nothing in the prompt. I decided that maybe I didnt break Dragon Blade. It was several months and the blade did not break and I bought a new computer and did a fresh install of Eternal Lands and again all information in any log is gone. Two days ago, I broke Dragon Blade. No prompt came up. Just a message in the chat. I #help_me about the Dragon Blade and Revi said that I should try the Scythe again since it was one of the earlier weapons that may not have been broken. Today I break Scythe and again, no prompt, just message in chat in red letters - Your Scythe has been destroyed. Today, after breaking Scythe I asked for help and was told: [PM from revi: If you are absolutely sure that you indeed broke all the weapons for the quest on the Trepid character, you'll have to take it up with radu...] [PM from revi: just a warning: in all other cases where people claimed the quest failed to give the reward after they had broken all the weapons, it came out...] [PM from revi: that the player was in error, not the quest; and radu gets rather annoyed if that happens] [PM from revi: the moderators cannot check the server logs, so we can't do anything about it.]. I was advised further: [PM from revi: Like I said, if you think you broke everything, you can take it up with radu directly. He can check the server logs to see what you broke.] I asked; [PM to revi: where under forums to I post] [PM from revi: that would be the bugs forum, or a (forum) PM to radu. Again, be sure that you started the quest, and broke everything on the Trepid character] Since several things have happened, beyond any control, where Eternal Lands had to be freshly installed, I did make a list in Notepad, which luckily was kept on my old computer. I feel certain that everything is broken but there is no way for me to find out. At the time I broke Scythe it was worth 70 to 80k gc before the new break rate was updated on Scythe. Breaking a new Scythe cost 15k gc. The first Dragon Blade I broke was about 80k and the one I recently broke is still around 70 to 75k gc. I am pretty certain I broke halberd and at that time it was worth about 60 to 80k gc. I put maybe broken beside Halberd because I went out and bought another for 30k - it would be frustrating if I broke that one and only get a message in chat and not a prompt. I know for a fact that all the great swords are broken. If I break halberd a 2nd time, get no prompt, then I will be at a loss. I have no way of finding out what weapon needs to be broken a 2nd time and why was it not recognized as broken the first time. It's already cost 100's of k gc. When I check again with Gerund, there's absolutely nothing in the prompt concerning any quest which means that I did start the quest. Please Help me. I feel certain that all weapons, including Halberd that I'm going to break again, are broken. If there is one that is not recognized as broken, then let me know. Otherwise, I don't know what the issue is, but would like to get my perk and reward so I can move on to the 2nd level of breaking weapons. This is a concern because the only thing I have left to break on armors, in Vixen quest, is Titanium Greaves. What if that breaks and I get no response. I forgot to mention that I put this here because I don't know if there's a bug.
  9. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Trepid wants to cancel his order. 2 batch orders have been received with very little waiting for Gen X and prompt payments. 3 batches keep getting put behind same orders or similar orders. The last 3 batches have taken weeks and weeks and can almost safely say months and months with no start to the orders. This service was used in hopes to save time. The length of time to wait for the last 3 batches which aren't even close to being started has been a waste of time.
  10. Essences and More for sell

    Trepid will order 20 Matter Conglomerate x 900 gc = $18,000 gc.
  11. Essences and More for sell

    Trepid will order 20 Matter Conglomerate x 900 gc = $18,000 gc.
  12. Essences and More for sell

    Trepid will order 20 Matter Conglomerate x 900 gc = $18,000 gc.
  13. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    I want to order 5 batches of emeralds x 10k