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About Wizzy

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  1. Hatwood

    So very sad to hear
  2. She' runs arch in case she forgot to mention it
  3. How to Harvest - A true beginner's guide

    Obviously getting ready to craft TP for his bung hole!
  4. Does your mobile provider block port 2000?
  5. How to defeat trolls?

    1) Become stronger 2) Use Monster Magnetism perk or cloak and they will ignore you 3) Use invisibility potions or spells to sneak by them 4) Use other imaginative means
  6. Wonderfull, Thanks Burn
  7. Very sad news, regarding Learner

    Such sad news. We have had so many interesting conversations over the last 20 years, Learner will be sincerely missed.
  8. Obviously the safety officer stay_puff has been lacking in his duties ensuring people are staying safe. I will have a word with him in pm and return to this thread when a solution has been made.
  9. Why the game is not on steam

    It was looked into, and there are issues to do so. Radu can speak more about it if he cares to.
  10. What would you do to "fix" KF?

    Well, merc was the example above. It could be a new ore that you need to harvest with cutlass's. But creating a reason to go and fight over makes the most sense. This is also why hydro bars should never have been added to the NPC But oh well
  11. What would you do to "fix" KF?

    I have been saying for years that there should be a resource of some sort that is needed, and only available in KF. People need a reason to go in and fight for something. Once upon a time it was Merc. Now it there is nothing, except for as flower daily.
  12. Yes, having these as radu said above is fine. Invisible rats don't attack and should not even be a question.. 99% of players have never seen one or an Ivan... There are plenty of unused maps to invade, so the few with outdoor storages having a designated afk spot is fine with me. This will even give us ammo when we hear "I dided in invaison afk" .. and were you in a Safe Space?????????????? I go back to my adult colouring book now Wiz
  13. Traitors Row

    Do this!
  14. Its fine with me, would suggest that the invasion safe zones you mention are marked on the Burn'd tab maps so we can see them easily at a glance "IS" or some code like that. There are plenty of unused places to invade, so I have no issue if that is what people would like.
  15. *NOT* Unban Anamir

    Anamir has been unlocked, with storage wipe. Macroing is never a good choice. But, at least you can start fresh. Wiz