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OK, here's a list of "undocumented" features based on the latest CVS:


Configuration options:

The game provides 3 (or 4 if you also count the in-game options menu) interfaces for configuring options.


You can configure options in el.ini. You can configure options on the command line (parameters added to the game when starting it) and you can configure options by using the in-game command line/input text line.


In el.ini every option has a # in front of the option's long identifier. As options when starting EL, you'd either use the long or the short identifier as the following:


<el> -short_id value


<el> -short_id=value


<el> --long_identifier=value


For instance, on linux when connecting to the test server you can do the following:


./el.x86.linux.bin -sp 2001


./el.x86.linux.bin -sp=2001


./el.x86.linux.bin --server_port=2001


I think that you can use the same options in the windows shortcut to EL, but I am not sure.


On the in-game command line, each option needs to have a % in front of it's long name:


%sit_lock 0

Sets sit lock off.


Some options use a boolean value to set it on or off. A boolean value is simply "True" or "False" - in computer language 1 = True and 0 = False, so if you want to enable an option, use 1 - on the contrary if you want to disable an option use 0.


The following options are configurable:


Video options:

Video options sets the current video mode. You can pick between the following:


1 = 640x480 16bpp

2 = 640x480 32bpp

3 = 800x600 16bpp

4 = 800x600 32bpp

5 = 1024x768 16bpp

6 = 1024x768 32bpp

7 = 1152x864 16bpp

8 = 1152x864 32bpp

9 = 1280x1024 16bpp

10 = 1280x1024 32bpp


The video mode has the following identifiers:

type: number

default: 4

long identifier: video_mode

short identifier: vid


Full screen


The full screen variable defines whether the game should be run in full screen or not. If it's run in full screen you need to set the value to 1, otherwise set it to 0.


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: full_screen

short identifier: fs



We have 2 different types of shadows now. In order to use the shadows, you need to specify whether you want to use shadows or not:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: shadows_on

short identifier: shad


If you want to use the new shadows you need to enable shadow mapping:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: use_shadow_mapping

short identifier: sm


Furthermore you can specify the maximum shadow map size. This would usually be 128, 256, 512, 1024:


type: number

default: 1024

long identifier: max_shadow_map_size

short identifier: smsize


Furthermore, you can tell the client not to remove shadows if the fps drops to below 5 fps. This is done using the following variable:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: no_adjust_shadows

short identifier: noadj


You can also enable and disable clouds shadows:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: clouds_shadows

short identifier: cshad


Poor man

If you have a very slow computer, you will get better performance from using the poor man variable. However, poor_man will make text harder to read and make the game look a lot uglier, as it uses low quality texture filtering.


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: poor_man

short identifier: poor



You can either enable or disable reflections by the following parameters:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: show_reflections

short identifier: refl


FPS options

You can tell the client to show the current fps in the upper right corner by using the following variable:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: show_fps

short identifier: fps


You can furthermore limit the program to only display x frames per second, hence stop using that many system ressources. This is done using the following variable:


type: number

default: 0

long identifier: limit_fps

short identifier: lfps


If the number is 0 the game will use as many ressources as possible and display as many frames per second as it can.



You can tell the client to use mipmaps with the following variable:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: use_mipmaps

short identifier: mm



You can tell the client to use point based particles using the following variable:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: use_point_particles

short identifier: upp


You can set client to only display a certain percentage of the particles (can be > 100), hence giving you a better or worse performance:


type: boolean

default: 100

long identifier: particles_percentage

short identifier: pp


Vertex arrays

You can tell the client to use vertex arrays for the displaying (will improve performance but use a lot of memory):


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: use_vertex_array

short identifier: vertex


Mouse movement

The mouse movement can be limited to a certain times per second. Lowering it will improve performance but hurt responsivity, whilst increasing it will do the opposite:


type: number

default: 15

long identifier: mouse_limit

short identifier: lmouse


You can also check the click speed (the time in miliseconds between 2 clicks, that will be handled as a double-click).


type: number

default: 300

long identifier: click_speed

short identifier: cspeed


Camera movement

You can set the rotation speed of the camera when rotating the camera using the arrow keys:


type: number

default: 15.0

long identifier: normal_camera_rotation_speed

short identifier: nrot


Furthermore you can set the fine camera rotation speed that's used when using shift+<arrow keys> or using the mouse:

type: number

default: 1.0

long identifier: fine_camera_rotation_speed

short identifier: frot


Text and fonts

The text size of the actor names is decided by the following variable:


type: number

default: 1.0

long identifier: name_text_size

short identifier: nsize


You can also check the font used for names:


type: number

default: 1

long identifier: name_font

short identifier: nfont


Furthermore you can change the size of the chat text:


type: number

default: 1.0

long identifier: chat_text_size

short identifier: csize


You can also set the chat font:

type: number

default 1

long identifier: chat_font

short identifier: cfont


Sound and music

You can specify whether you want to use sounds in-game or not:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: no_sound

short identifier: sound


You can specify the sound gain (volume) by the following:


type: number

default: 100

long identifier: sound_gain

short identifier: sgain


Likewise with the music gain:


type: number

default: 100

long identifier: music_gain

short identifier: mgain


The volume is specified between 0 and 100


Sit lock

You can enable/disable the sit lock by the following:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: sit_lock

short identifier: sl


Item window on drop

If you do not want your inventory window to pop up when you open a bag, disable the item window on drop variable:


type: boolean

default: 1

long_identifier: item_window_on_drop

short identifier: itemdrop


Digital clock

If you want to have a digital clock displayed in the hud, use the following:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: view_digital_clock

short identifier: digit


Show stats in hud

If this variable is set to 1 and the video mode is 800x600 or higher, you'll see the stats in the hud:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: show_stats_in_hud

short identifier: sstats


Show help text

If this variable is enabled you'll be shown on-mouse-over help text over the icons and the bars in the hud.


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: show_help_text

short identifier: shelp


Relocate quickbar

If this variable is set to 1 it'll let you relocate the quickbar using:

ctrl+leftclick in the quickbar would enable you to move hte quickbar (pressing again would dock the quickbar)

shift+leftclick in the quickbar will switch between horisontal and vertical mode

clrl+shift+leftclick will reset the quickbars location


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: relocate_quickbar

short identifier: requick


Compass direction

You can switch the compass direction 180 degrees by setting the following to 1:


type: boolean

default: 0

long identifier: compass_north

short identifier: comp


AFK message center

You can set yourself as going afk automatically after n minutes of being away from the computer using the following variable:


type: int

default: 5 (minutes)

long identifier: auto_afk_time

short identifier: afkt


Setting the afk time to 0 will never set you as afk automatically, and if you mark yourself as afk you need to unmark yourself as well, as it will not set you as being in front of the keyboard even if you start writing/clicking


You can set the afk message using the following:


type: string/sentence

default: "Automessage: I am currently away from my computer, please leave a message on PM and I'll get back to you"

(Notice the " "-marks - if you don't put them there, all spaces will be stripped)

long identifier: afk_message

short identifier: afkm



Set the game to use the ignorelist (from the global_ignores.txt):


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: use_global_ignores

short identifier: gign


Set the game to save the ignores when logging out:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: save_ignores

short identifier: sign


Set the game to use the filterlist (global_filters.txt)


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: use_global_filters

short identifier: gfil


Set the word that the words in global filters will be replaced by with the following:


type: string/sentence

default: smeg

long identifier: text_filter_replace

short identifier: trepl


If you want to filter extreme caps usage, set the following:


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: caps_filter

short identifier: caps


Login information and data

Set the server address using the following:


type: string/sentence

default: eternal-lands.solexine.fr

long identifier: server_address

short identifier: sa


Set the server port using the following:


type: number

default: 2000

long identifier: server_port

short identifier: sp


Set the username:


type: string/sentence

default: <none>

long identifier: username

short identifier: u


Set the password:


type: string/sentence

default: <none>

long identifier: password

short identifier: p


The following specifies if you wish to log server messages or not (i.e. You failed to harvest this bear)


type: boolean

default: 1

long identifier: log_server

short identifier: log


Data directory

In linux/bsd/*nix the data directory can be anywhere and you do not need to be in the EL directory when executing el, if you've specified where the game can find the data. This is done using the following:


type: string/sentence

default: <current directory / none>

long identifier: data_dir

short identifier: dir



The game now supports using different languages:


type: string/sentence

default: en

long identifier: language

short identifier: lang



Set the browser using the following:


type: string/sentence

default: "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

long identifier: browser

short identifier: b

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Here's some additions to the console commands that you have posted:



The #afk command can be issued with or without an argument. The first time you check it it will set you as AFK, while the second time you check it it will set you as being in front of the computer again. However, if you use the automatic/timed AFK trigger, then you'll be set to be in front of the keyboard as soon as you start typing or clicking.


It also takes 1 argument, where you can change the AFK message:


Example usage:

#afk I'm out jogging, bb in an hour.


#msg <number>

Once you come back from being AFK, you will have a list of messages - to read them one at a time, type #msg <number>. To print them all, type #msg all.





Gives you a status of the memory usage of the cache system - has no or little use for players.



Shows the current people on your ignore list


#ignore <playername>

Ignores all messages from that player


#unignore <playername>

Removes the player from your ignore list



Shows the currently filtered words


#filter <word>

Replaces the word with the filter word ("smeg")


#unfilter <word>

Removes the word from the filter list


#log conn data

Logs all connection data.


#mark <label>

Create a mark on the map on your current position with the label <label>


#unmark <label>

Remove the map mark with the label <label>


#goto <x>,<y>

Go to coordinates <x>,<y>

Edited by crusadingknight

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Static hotkeys/keys


Action: Exits the game

Triggers: alt+x; ctrl+q


Action: Paste copied text into the game

Triggers: ctrl+v; shift+insert


Action: Toggles fullscreen mode

Triggers: alt+enter


Action: In console mode it moves the console text up, so you can read the older parts of the chat log.

Triggers: Up arrow key


Action: In console mode it moves the console text down, so you can read the older parts of the chat log.

Triggers: Down arrow key


Action: In console mode it moves the console text one page up.

Triggers: Page up


Action: In console mode it moves the console text one page down.

Triggers: Page down


Action: Clears the current input text line

Triggers: Exit


Action: Removes one character from the input text line

Triggers: Backspace


Action: Sends the input text line to the server

Triggers: Enter


Configurable hotkeys and key.ini


The rest of the hotkeys are configurable through the key.ini-file. The basic structure of this file is the following:


<Hotkey identifier> = <hotkey>



The following special keys are defined:


UP = Up arrow key
DOWN = Down arrow key
LEFT = Left arrow key
RIGHT = Right arrow key

F1-15 = F buttons

BACKSPACE = Backspace (<--)
TAB = Tabulator
CLEAR = clr?
RETURN = Enter
PAUSE = Pause button
ESCAPE = Escape button
SPACE = Space button

KP0-9 = Keypad buttons
KP_PERIOD = Period key in the keypad
KP_DIVIDE = Division key in the keypad
KP_MULTIPLY = Multiply key in the keypad
KP_MINUS = Subtraction key in the keypad
KP_PLUS = Addition key in the keypad
KP_ENTER = Enter key in the keypad
KP_EQUALS = Equavalent key in the keypad

HOME = Home button
END = End button
NUMLOCK = Num lock
CAPSLOCK = Caps lock
SCROLLOCK = Scroll lock
RSHIFT = Right shift button
LSHIFT = Left shift button
RCTRL = Right ctrl button
LCTRL = Left ctrl button
RALT = Right alt button
LALT = Left alt button
RMETA = Right "meta" key
LMETA = Left "meta" key
RSUPER = Right "super" key
LSUPER = Left "super" key
MODE = Mode key
COMPOSE = Compose key
HELP = Help key
PRINT = PrintScr
SYSREQ = SysRq key
BREAK = Break key
MENU = Menu key
EURO = Euro key
UNDO = Undo key

All of the above can be used when defining your own hotkeys in key.ini




The name specifies the name in key.ini (you must write it with a leading # character)



Action: Moves the camera up

Default: Up arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Moves the camera down

Default: Down arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Zooms out

Default: Page up


key.ini line:





Action: Zooms in

Default: Page down


key.ini line:





Action: Turns your character left

Default: Insert


key.ini line:





Action: Turns your character to the right

Default: Delete


key.ini line:





Action: Moves your character 1 step forward

Default: Home


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles healthbars

Default: alt+b


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles player names

Default: alt+n


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles displaying the current and total hit points next to the actor

Default: alt+b


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the stats window

Default: ctrl+a


key.ini line:




Name: K_WALK

Action: Toggles the walk cursor

Default: ctrl+w


key.ini line:




Name: K_LOOK

Action: Toggles the eye cursor

Default: ctrl+l


key.ini line:




Name: K_USE

Action: Toggles the use cursor

Default: ctrl+u


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the options menu

Default: ctrl+o


key.ini line:





Action: Repeats the last spell

Default: ctrl+r


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the spells window

Default: ctrl+s


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the manufacturing window

Default: ctrl+m


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the inventory window

Default: ctrl+i


key.ini line:




Name: K_MAP

Action: Toggles the map window

Default: Tab


key.ini line:





Action: Rotates the camera to the left in normal steps

Default: Left arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Rotates the camera to the right in normal steps

Default: Right arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Rotates the camera to the left in fine steps

Default: shift+left arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Rotates the camera to the right in fine steps

Default: shift+right arrow key


key.ini line:





Action: Opens the last shown url in a new browser window

Default: F2


key.ini line:




Action: Toggles the console window

Default: F1


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles clouds shadows

Default: F3


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the knowledge window



key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the encyclopedia window

Default: ctrl+e


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM1

Action: Uses the first item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+1


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM2

Action: Uses the second item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+2


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM3

Action: Uses the third item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+3


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM4

Action: Uses the fourth item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+4


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM5

Action: Uses the fifth item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+5


key.ini line:




Name: K_ITEM6

Action: Uses the sixth item in the quickbar

Default: ctrl+6


key.ini line:





Action: Toggles the text bubbles

Default: alt+o


key.ini line:




Name: K_AFK

Action: Toggles your AFK status

Default: alt+ctrl+a


key.ini line:


Edited by Wytter

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Was wondering - perhaps this should be put in a .txt or something and shipped with the game. At least then they cannot complain about lack of documentation on configurating the client, question is just if they'd bother with reading it at all...

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I've already said that the most important stuff really should go into the encyclopedia. Maybe the rest can be arranged into a better manual and put on the web site.

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It seems you can't change the keys unless you can compile a new client, but I still haven't gotten all the correct files I need, nor do I know where to get them.


And I don't think many people know exactly how to compile it, so isn't there an easyer way ?





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Get the key.ini from the cvs.

Oh thanks Crusading :)

I can just copy it to my EL folder then ?


I'll just test it ;)


Hope it works


[EDIT]: Yea that was it, i should've guessed it :P, but was too scared to test it :P

Still weird the file wasn't included in the last update :)





Edited by Salem

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Escape key clears the complete input line, no need to backspace letter by letter.


#list_perks command list all perks you have, including the cloak youre wearing.



Edited by The_Piper

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Escape key clears the complete input line, no need to backspace letter by letter.


#list_perks command list all perks you have, including the cloak youre wearing.



I think we're just talking about the client - #list_perks is server-side :)

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Command #markpos

Usage #markpos x-pos,y-pos label

Description Puts a mark with the given label at position x-pos,y-pos on the current map.


With regards


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#mark <label>

Create a mark on the map on your current position with the label <label>


#unmark <label>

Remove the map mark with the label <label>


#goto <x>,<y>

Go to coordinates <x>,<y>

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#mark <label>

Create a mark on the map on your current position with the label <label>


#unmark <label>

Remove the map mark with the label <label>


#goto <x>,<y>

Go to coordinates <x>,<y>



Ooops, forgot those. Merged them into the console commands list. :D

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In wytters shortcuts post:



Action: Clears the current input text line

Triggers: Exit


The key is not Exit, its Esc



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