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The wandering Trade Bots of Tarsengaard

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At least in TG some trade bots left their market huts and stand now somewhere close to it.


My guess is, that those bots disconnected , and when they reconneted, the spot, where they use to stand, is occupied by a nasty player, or more likely, by a creature which was just there where the bot used to stand.


Maybe making the spots where are bots are located unwalkable somehow, or only walkable for bots, might solve this problem.


if not, bots will wander across those market places when they dis- and reconnect until they leave that place.


The problem seems to be, that those market places have not many tiles to walk, so any creature can block the spot where a bot is located, and then the bot will show up at a spot nearby.



Edited by The_Piper

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This happens everywhere, and happened long before markets in MM/TG were added.

If the owner is active, message them so they can put it back in place.

If the owner is unknown or inactive, message Aislinn or Vinoveritas, either can move it back where it belongs.

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