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playing the game from different computers

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First of all, my compliments for the game! Have been playing a few days and my social life is already in danger of being overrun by "game life"! :)


Then, a question. I looked in the forum but couldn't find anything about it (if it was covered in another post, please direct me there and accept my apologies).

I installed the game on both my pc at home (pc A) and the one at work (pc B ) (ssssh! Don't tell my boss!!).

Fact is, after playing one session at work, playing from my home pc doesn't show any note or quest I got while playing at work. I noticed that when i played from pc B, I didn't have the notes written on pc A (but the quests were there).


Both pc are running ubuntu 10.04. Pc A was running EL v.1.9.0 while pc B was 1.9.1. Could this be due to the different versions? Now pc A is 1.9.1 as well, though. Will do more testing tomorrow.


Any suggestion/advice?

Thank you!



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The notes and quest log is saved on local machine in .el/main/etc

For further clarification:


Your questlog: quest_Bullfrog.log

Your counters: counters_Bullfrog.dat

Your recipes: recipes_Bullfrog.dat

Your chatlog: chat_log.txt

Your notes: notes.xml

Your spells: spells_Bullfrog.dat

Your settings: el.ini


Make sure you copy the files from one PC to the other PC, when switching between

work and home.

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I have a similar setup, where I play from multiple computers, and have had good experiences with synchronizing the entire .elc directory (that would be the log/settings directory on Linux; substitute the appropriate folder for Windows or Mac).


While for the first time the synchronization might take a while, any following synch would only copy the changed files (or, with good tools, the changed parts of large files, e.g. your chat_log.txt), which is very fast (in my case, 800-1000 times as fast as a full copy).


As for the synch itself, I use rsync on Linux over an encrypted ssh connection, but other solutions are also good - after all, this is just a general problem with keeping multiple copies of a folder in sync, something for which many operating systems offer native solutions even (e.g., the infamous Windows' "briefcase"). There is a pretty extensive list of tools (most of which are GPL and free) on Wikipedia.


Happy playing!

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A somewhat crude, though effective, method is to email the game files to yourself from Computer A, go to Computer B and download them, and overwrite Computer B's files with A's.

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Thanks a lot for all the replies!

Seems this is a good ground for a feature request, then! ;)


The suggestion about rsync would work work-2-home but not the other way around (firewall blocking) so I think I'll go for the crude email way. As long as it works, I'm good!



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Thanks a lot for all the replies!

Seems this is a good ground for a feature request, then! ;)


The suggestion about rsync would work work-2-home but not the other way around (firewall blocking) so I think I'll go for the crude email way. As long as it works, I'm good!



rsync can work in either direction. copy either to or from depending on how you do it.

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