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Script needed to change all the maps.

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Sorry for the delay, I've been sans internet in a god forsaken hole called Newcastle* for a week.


I will get myself switched on and mod the code so it does as you request.


*well actually I was in a place called Blackhall Rocks in Durham but it's still too close to the in-laws for my liking.


It was fun to be there when the local football teams got thrashed however.

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Oh no problem, i'm just happy you can do it at all! Sucks being without internet...although sometimes it is nice to have a break :happy:

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Sorry for the delay, I've been sans internet in a god forsaken hole called Newcastle* for a week.

I resent this statement :D

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Help! There's a really Really REALLY HUGE bug in, at least one of, these scripts. It's changing the map object ID#'s :) That means that objects such as doors no longer match up with the files on the server so you can't enter houses. It hasn't happened for ALL objects. What I think this script is doing is recounting/renumbering all the 3d objects, or some of them.


Can someone please fix this?


3d object paths converter:


ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
$inpath = "C:/maps_original";
$outpath = "C:/maps_filepathsconverted";
$infile = "*.elm";
$common = "/3dobjects";
$match = array("$common/ground_objs/","$common/interiors/","$common/misc_objects/","$common/rocks/","$common/ruins/","$common/structures/","$common/trees/","$common/weapons/");

mkdir($outpath); // just in case, may cause a warning
foreach(glob($infile) as $filename)
	$fin = fopen("$filename","rb");
		$fout = fopen("$outpath/$filename","wb");
			$data = fread($fin,$s = filesize("$filename"));
			echo "***** $filename is $s bytes long\n";
			foreach($match as $look)
				$p = 0;
				$count = 0;
				$c = strlen($common) + 1;
				$l = strlen($look) - $c;
				$s = strlen($data);
				echo "\nlooking for $look";
				while($p !== false)
					$q = strpos($data,$look,$p);
					$p = $q;
						echo ".";
						$p += $c;
						$i = 0;
						$q = strpos($data,"\0",$p);
						if($q !== false)
							$t = substr($data,$p+$l,$q-$p);
							$data = substr_replace($data,$t,$p,$q - $p);
				echo " $count replacements";
			echo "\nnew data is ", strlen($data), " bytes long\n";




Tiles path converter

remove "/tiles/" and replace with "/3dobjects/"
ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
$inpath = "C:/maps_original";
$outpath = "C:/maps_filepathsconverted";
$infile = "*.elm";
$common = "/tiles/";
$t = "/3dobjects/";
$match = array("$common");

mkdir($outpath); // just in case, may cause a warning
foreach(glob($infile) as $filename)
	$fin = fopen("$filename","rb");
		$fout = fopen("$outpath/$filename","wb");
			$data = fread($fin,$s = filesize("$filename"));
			echo "***** $filename is $s bytes long\n";
			$c = strlen($common) + 1;
			foreach($match as $look)
				$p = 0;
				$count = 0;
				$l = strlen($look) - $c;
				$s = strlen($data);
				echo "\nlooking for $look";
				while($p !== false)
					$q = strpos($data,$look,$p);
					$p = $q;
						echo ".";
						$i = 0;
						$q = strpos($data,"\0",$p);
						if($q !== false)
							$data = substr($data,0,$p) . $t . substr($data,$p + $c -1);
							$u = strpos($data,"\0",$p);
							$data = substr($data,0,$u) . substr($data,$u + strlen($common) - strlen($look) +4);
				echo " $count replacements";
			echo "\nnew data is ", strlen($data), " bytes long\n";




Object name Changer


ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
$inpath = "C:/maps_original";
$outpath = "C:/maps_filepathsconverted";
$infile = "*.elm";

//This is a little awkward but will save a lot of work
//$search is the string to find
//$replace is the string to replace
//the % character is a null character to pad the strings so they are the same size in $search and $replace
//your example:
//exchange rock4 to tile13, rock5 to tile11, tile1 to tile01, etc.
//$search  = array("rock4.bmp","rock5.bmp","tile1.bmp");
//$replace = array("tile13.dds","tile11.dds","tile01.dds");
//by adding a % at the start and end of the $search and $replace we can match only the desired strings

//multiple simultaneous searches can be used by adding parts to the arrays

//change the below lines to your requirements
$search  = array("tent4.e3d","shrub1.e3d","shrub3.e3d","shrub2.e3d","plant7.e3d","thornbush1.e3d","thornbush2.e3d","tile25.e3d","tile26.e3d");
$replace = array("tent2.e3d","bush9.e3d","bush10.e3d","bush11.e3d","bush12.e3d","bush13.e3d","bush14.e3d","tile_stonewall1.e3d","tile_stonewall5.e3d");
//change the above lines to your requirements

$cs = count($search);
$cr = count($replace);
if($cs != $cr)
	die ("\$search and \$replace counts do not match\n");
echo "* $cs $cr\n";
for($i = 0;$i<$cs;$i++)
	$s = strlen($search[$i]);
	$r = strlen($replace[$i]);
		echo $search[$i]," is shorter than ",$replace[$i],"\n";
		$search[$i] = $search[$i] . str_repeat("%",$r - $s);
	else if($s>$r)
		echo $search[$i]," is longer than ",$replace[$i],"\n";
		$replace[$i] = $replace[$i] . str_repeat("%",$s - $r);
	echo $search[$i],"\n";
	echo $replace[$i],"\n";

//do not change the below lines
$search  = str_replace("%","\0",$search);
$replace = str_replace("%","\0",$replace);
//do not change the above lines

mkdir($outpath); // just in case, may cause a warning
$changedfiles = "";
foreach(glob($infile) as $filename)
	$fin = fopen("$filename","rb");
		$data = fread($fin,$s = filesize("$filename"));
		$fout = fopen("$outpath/$filename","wb");
			$count = 0;
			echo "***** $filename is $s bytes long\n";

			$newdata = str_replace($search,$replace,$data);

			for($i = 0;$i<strlen($data);$i++)
			$changedfiles = "$changedfiles$filename ";
			echo "new data is ", strlen($newdata), " bytes long and has $count bytes changed\n\n";
			echo "File creation error in $outpath/$filename\n";
		echo "File open error in $filename\n";
if($changedfiles == "")
	echo "There are no changed files, please check your \$search and \$replace parameters\n";
	echo "Changed files: $changedfiles";

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I think I found the bug:


3d_objects.c, line 234:


returned_e3d = load_e3d_cache ("./3dobjects/misc_objects/badobject.e3d");


it has the wrong path, still the old "misc_objects" so when an object is not found, not even the badobject.e3d can be found, messing up all subsequent IDs.




Here is a .exe with the above change, pls check if it solves the issue.

Edited by Fedora

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