nathanstenzel Report post Posted January 21, 2009 I was pondering what skills could have apprenticeships a moment ago. Crafting has basic rings and medallions that you can make into more advanced items. There are gems that can be polished for magical rings too. There is the ring of power too...if anyone even makes those. Alchemy has FE used in bars and has matter essence and earth essence used in matter conglomerates. only has extracts used for refined vegetal mixture and mixture of power. Engineering has ashes and such which are used for other items which lead to explosives. Tailoring has cloth and dyes that can be used for making clothing. Anything else than these could not do an apprenticeship in the sense of the mentor using the products of that skill from the apprentice to help him make products of that skill. The only thing that is left would be the idea of "you do medial work and I let you use my supplies and tutor you". Of course, for product bearing skills, the mentor could let the apprentice make the simpler items for the mentor's shop assuming they have one. It may be a different way of thinking about things and the economy might not support the notion of an apprenticeship very well, but what do you all think of this notion? I personally wish there were more finished goods that are also ingredients. I think it would help the game's teamwork and such if we could do apprenticeships like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DHT Report post Posted January 21, 2009 Apprenticeships are guild's OR some team's business. For instance, I was once in a guild that had a ranking system for each skill - the Master Potionist of the guild would give lower level item ingredients for lower level potionists, so that they could get their skill levels etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RallosZek Report post Posted October 8, 2009 only has extracts used for refined vegetal mixture and mixture of power. + Ref mixture => Creature Food + SR => EMP Problem with extracts is that mixtures are too low level, the end products are sold rock bottom and/or need rares, leaving absolutely no insentive for a high level potter to buy them or for a lower level potter to sell them after days of harvesting. 20.5k does not feel like a whole lot when you just harvested 12k flowers at an average of 1k per hour and that's what the price should be. However, CF price of 65 allows for 191.75. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites