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Guest Stef

pick points

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Guest Stef

i think a good update would be to sell pickpoints.


say you made a mistake and got the wrong pick point eg you wanted one of physique but you ruched through the menus and chose will instead and regretted chosing that one, you should be able to sell your pickpoints back to wraith, or at least swap x number of pick points on a seperate attribue if this makes sense?


Stef ; :D

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i can think of some ways to really abuse being able to get pp back


1. right before doing something like harvesting, get a whole bunch of pp in reasoning, then go back to normal

2. exchanging of nexuses for each other means never having to commit to anything, as you can get artificial nexus to make whatever armor you want, and then immediately get human nexus to equip it, without having to level up

3. scamming people by letting them see your stats one way, and then changing it at the wraith and killing them


i'm sure tehre are others :D

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Yes, this would be too easily abused. Maybe a feature like "reallocate last pp spent" if you misclicked or something would be nice.

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One thing stef said that I dont think yawl caught was a trade ratio when reassigning pp. Like you give back 2 PP and get only 1 back. OR give 5 get 4.. whatever. That would pretty much stop any abusing you are paranoid about. It would also allow a change of heart without basically having to start all over. It would add options in any case.



I dont think she meant this but the phrase she used "sell pickpoints" brings to mind another interesting option. What if you could sell a PP you earned for cash? Not to other players of course because that would be easily abusable, but sell them to the wraith and you get 2k coins, 10k coins, 7 coins... the amount would provide an endless topic for debate.

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Guest Stef

i do like this idea, and i think the sell pickpoints for cash is a big add on to my idea. i understand about the abusing, just didnt think of that i suppose.


keep it in mind though, people would be pleased for someway of selling their pickpoints :P


im a he/boy...not a she/girl :huh:


stef is short for stefan ;)

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1 - level up from 1 to 5 taking 120 veggies (one simple harvest session)


2 - sell the veggies for 40 (you can carry 80 of those early on)


3 - take power hungry and i cant dance


4 - sells the 13 pp for [insert price for one here]*13


5 - reset


6 - goto 1.





what would be the way to avoid that ?

cut reset in favor of the possibility of selling pps ?

make the sold pps never return ever and your first levels after reseting would not grant you pps ?



besides, why would you sell the pp instead of taking attributes/stats/perks/nexi with it? i mean... leveling up IS an harder thing later one and those things are way nicer that anything you could buy with the money :P

Edited by immerentis

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This could only work if they made it so that attrbiutes had to stay equal. For example...

You cant have 35 p/ 32c with 4 will. You wouyld need them to be at max one a part at a time.

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care to develop LV ? i mean , i honestly REALLY dont see the realtion between the selling pp idea and the need to have balance between attributes :P


could you develop further?


(and would instinct count as an atribute?)

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1 - level up from 1 to 5 taking 120 veggies (one simple harvest session)


2 - sell the veggies for 40 (you can carry 80 of those early on)


3 - take power hungry and i cant dance


4 - sells the 13 pp for [insert price for one here]*13


5 - reset


6 - goto 1.





what would be the way to avoid that ?

cut reset in favor of the possibility of selling pps ?

make the sold pps never return ever and your first levels after reseting would not grant you pps ?



besides, why would you sell the pp instead of taking attributes/stats/perks/nexi with it? i mean... leveling up IS an harder thing later one and those things are way nicer that anything you could buy with the money :P

remove #reset?

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say you made a mistake and got the wrong pick point eg you wanted one of physique but you ruched through the menus and chose will instead and regretted chosing that one
Just think twice before you choose which pickpoint to use :P I think the disadvantages already listed in this thread overweigh the possible advantages by far.

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Immerentis, good point. Make it so PP gained from antiperks are not sellable. Also make the price of PP change with OA. So at OA 5 a PP is cheap. at OA 55 a PP is worth more. In any case im sure harvesting fricken flowers will still be a faster way to make money :blink:




If abuse is such an issue to everyone maybe we shouldnt have reset as an option. Reseting is like starting a new character with immediate high skills and it can be considered to be abused. It seems to be a standard tactic to go low on P/C to more easily gain combat level then reset and start putting PP in P/C when you are high enough in combat skill to kill high xp monsters. I know of a group that goes All rationality till all the books are read then resets and follows whatever career path they choose. why is that not abuse? They are not changing thier minds, they are using reset as part of a strategy. They are using a function of the game in an unintended way to thier advantage. I believe that is the definition of abuse...

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Selling pickpoints is a bad idea. Pickpoints aren't tradeable goods.

So choose wisely.


It is not that problematic if you by accident put a pickpoint into the wrong attribute, the next OA level isn't *that* far away after all.


The reset command is basically there so you can undo bad choices for perks.

Being able to reset is a good thing, because it may take a while to realize how good or bad a perk is.


And when it comes to 'strategy' one have to understand that resetting will always put you miles behind the one who made the right choices from the beginning, thus not resetting.

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If abuse is such an issue to everyone maybe we shouldnt have reset as an option.



ok now thats a trade off, giving up on something useful as reseting , to get the awesome option of shooting your own foot selling pp :)


ok, bitter sacarms off...


what i mean really is:


a) #reset is useful in a game at gold stage because you can have a change of heart and restart from some point that is not scratch. that is a very useful feature that adds to the replayability of a game, however , in a game at gold stage the #reset method should be rethinked, people should loose things upon resetening maybe some X% of their levels or just some X% of their experiences in each category , making that new level THAT much harder :) my last reset ocurred as i decided to embrance a life completely devoid of violence. nad is surely nice to be possible to.


B) in a beta game the #reset as we have is not a commodity , is a need. that was proven to me when they changed the manu system and trick recently , it was just not interesting for me to be a manuer anymore , and im not a manuer anymore.. I converted myself to potionmaker, nad it was not my fault, just the nromal evolution of the game changing. penalising someone for reseting because the game itself changed is unfair :) as long as the game is continually morphing, the hability to #reset without penalties should be left there... as #beam me should be left there, #beam me is unneded in a gold version of a game, but when you can be teleported into a rock having it is good :)


c) ask any mid - to - high level player how much they would pay for 2pps (i know you were nto offering this to player market) you will quickly understand that pps are way more precious than money, in the begining og the game you gain them so easily that you do not grasp the real valor of them, as lvels goes up you start giving some serious importance for them... newbies would sell their pps and regret it later. period. if you give the option to sell pps only to people with at least level 50. nobody will ever sell any pp :)

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uhh... thats makes the game too easy... if you mess up then you gotta reset your own fault!

You are right to some extent... But what about selling negative perks? Imagine I took some time ago the I can't Dance Perk, now I'm level 70 and I'm fed up with alchemy and magic and want to bash some skulls. Bu I can't dance, so I have to reset... It could be easier if you could collect the amount of perks a negative perk gave you and "sell it" (this way you would just "borrow" pps by taking out negative perks. The price or the percentage rate of this "borrowing" would be the time necessary to sell those perks back - at lev 50 or 60 you gain pick points at a very slow rate). You couldn't sell back positive perks for pps, though.

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