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About exvitermini

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/25/1978

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  1. Now answering as Ratata

  2. Lake Winnipesaukee

    New Hampshire is gorgeous, specially in the Fall, took this picture few weeks ago, I simply love this place
  3. End of summer sale

    Hey are we gonna have Fall Special?
  4. Alpina and alts banned

  5. EFE's giveaway

    130 UmbaBarauma ingame
  6. Storage Sale

    Ill take 10k AEs eBola in game
  7. Buying Silver, Diamonds and other harvestables

    Are you the guy who played with attackingod? or something like that
  8. Scammed Asclepius char issue.

    Nice story man
  9. very old players

    I started play EL in 2004 or 2005 i was on guild Luso, good times, had several chars in all those years, quit and back couple times, today, im just a 70s noob called eBola
  10. Storage Sale

    ow im so scared hahahahaha pathetic
  11. Sign up for WTF!?!? instance US evening time

    Im interested in WTF instas 143/148 a/d ER perk AP 60 mule lvl 11 MotorHead ingame
  12. lom!

    Great guild Hardcore pkers, Lom! have my respect
  13. Auctioning Titanium Serpent Sword of Ice

    Well, hes a human being, and human beings are bad.