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About aredhel

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  1. very random. much gamblers fallacy.
  2. A word of warning

    Solar, don't bother with the IP address, of course those phishers and scammers hide behind proxies or operate from virus-infected normal home users' PCs. I get heaps of such mails, trying get get my banking pins, paypal password, ebay login, you name it they want it.

    Please don't get that bot, it would be very annoying to get automated "Gratz" .. next time you want a "welcome bot" who adds everyone to their buddy list and say "hello" a second after they log on. Sheeeeesh~~~ please give me peace!!! I get enough spam!!
  4. Antlers

    Easy TS pots with stackable antlers? Noo!.. the shrooms+flowers+mixing are much more of an annoyance. Usually there is a surplus of antlers in game. That said, keep them non-stackable, since they are pretty huge
  5. 23 Serpent Stones Auction

    My bid: 175k
  6. Different exit for Instances Invances

    you're right about the logic, but IP has an advantage, too - after each instance, a team with knights clad in shiny armor appear on IP for every newbie to see and discuss their adventures over a bottle of beer or wine, so, if they would get teleported to a hidden chamber, the newbies would miss out an opportunity to recognize a possible goal to reach in this game: become one of those great shiny knights
  7. More Gypsum Locations

    Exactly! Even sleepwalking is possible, it just takes a long time I'm considering to take hellspawn perk, because i can still get my gypsum with it
  8. summoning in combat

    yes, a cooldown of perhaps 3 or 4 seconds, would probably do the trick, and since it already costs mana ....spamming ceases to be viable we also have to consider it's effects on PvE - what will happen in invances/invasions if summoners can summon and fight at the same time?
  9. summoning in combat

    Is there a shortcut for the summon menu yet ? It's a bit hard to switch as it is now.
  10. Mule level update

    The only (and very huge) con for a mule there is: They eat a LOT of creature food ! And Saxum, for the frostbite, having 2 or 3 BR pots with you should be more than enough
  11. EXP Boosters

    Hello Raspberrybeard Ghrae is correct, we already HAVE a lot of XP boosters ( - and indirectly some of them they CAN be bought for $$) If more were introduced, the super-duper-power-levelers would max out their attribs even faster, so it won't change a thing, as the gap between "pr0" and "n00b" would remain the same.
  12. cloak buyin npc

    Being naive now, checking bot market. There's a good and balanced amount of both buy and sell orders for each BP/MM/Mirror - so you can't say there is no buyers ! The only cape for which there's no real demand is the Warlock's So perhaps think of other possibilties than a mere NPC drain, because we want fun items, not stupid sell-to-NPC items, 1. Make it more known, many players don't even realize it exists!.. 2. Change it's stats to make it more useful 3. Steal them from Boedha's storage then he won't have any problem with them no more
  13. Instance with 3 man

    It already gets harder with less people. You need more resources in spite of having less EMU to mule them in. I actually agree with OP, once we went into a 80-100 with 5 people regular, one had to leave early (or died, i don't remember). I had to log off for a minute because of RL emergency, and during the same time, another player must have grued, so when i logged back 1 minute later, we got kicked, in spite of being still 4 ! I learnt my lesson and will try to stay logged in !
  14. Guns.

    The short bow is a gun.
  15. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    I believe the minimum sword for 40-60 should be S2E or titanium short as minimum, so newbies have the chance to enter with cheap equipment they can afford to lose, if they want. Requirement for *fighters* from 80-100 and up should be at least full steel or full titanium in general, unless you have a special "profession" like ranger. That being said, i don't think it should be too strict. One might have a broken greaves and still be able to fight with it for a round. ...and... Sounds bossy, the way you're putting it. Better just state your opinion - you are not alone with it !