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Everything posted by revi

  1. .

    I think it's rather the other way around, Aislinn let you have a certain number of characters. I may be missing something, but I don't quite see how you'd stop her if/when she decides to remove your alts, or even remove you completely from the game. As I see it, by making extra alts, after agreeing not to do so, you broke the agreement you had, an agreement which allowed you to continue playing... That those alts were obtained/created "each (...) for specific reasons" doesn't change that.
  2. kingpin banned

    Well, locking you characters is corrective punishment. Afaik, your IP(s) aren't banned, so you could start playing a new character with no problem. Are you sure you want to go there? And I'm not referring to scamming, which isn't against the game rules...
  3. Alpina and alts banned

    Well, you weren't banned. Characters on Kaelfury's IP were locked. You actually say as much in your first post... That means there is nothing to stop you from coming back to the game. And while the story about the Brim character has no relation with this lock, it shows you should still have access to at least one good character. Now to the Alpina and Abarth characters. They were not locked while on your IP. So what proof do we have Alpina and Abath are in fact still your characters, given that you are involved in character trading? You claiming they are yours isn't proof. And the game owners/admins/mods giving you a character that you actually sold could cause very unpleasant situations...
  4. New client update available 1.9.5.p9

    That also explains why I couldn't reproduce it: caps filter OFF
  5. New client update available 1.9.5.p9

    Not shrinking when empty would be nicer, I think: Most posts don't take two input lines (depending on font choice/size and window size, of course), so leaving the input line high enough for one line of text would eliminate the jumping up and down of the existing text. I like the scroll indication, though
  6. New client update available 1.9.5.p9

    Erm, yes, that's exactly what I showed in my previous post, and which Ben confirmed in his reply. As said there, this was an intentional change. And further discussion it was made clear that it will not be reverted...
  7. Traitors Row

    Well, locking and banning would still happen, this is just in addition. It might actually avoid some things being hidden under the rug. Some of the more obnoxious players never appear in the ban forum, but try to deal through PM and such. Or worse, just disappear for a while and pop up on 'new' characters. So the "prison" would make them known to a wider public.
  8. New client update available 1.9.5.p9

    I think warzard means console mode, not "game view". In console mode, I have the text extend to the bottom of the screen minus one line or so. Iirc, the edit line used to be open all the time at a height of one text line. Since the ttf fonts were introduced, it is collapsed to a few pixels when there's no text in it : and when you start typeing it expands to the line height needed, shifting the whole history text up by about a line: Something else I noticed: if a line is just reaching the end of the screen, I sometimes have a spurious empty line (as if there are a few spaces that get wrapped to the next line). The "Maximum Number of Chat Lines" concerns the "game view", I think? All in all, a very nice update, with an enormous improvement in ttf rendering and nice extra options. Thank you very much for all the (fast) work
  9. Running toggle

    Just one question. As it is currently, you cannot switch between running and normal walking (other than by letting the speed hax lapse, afaik). Would this suggestion also include an option to switch off running, while you still have the possibility (rested or haxed with pos. food)?
  10. Running toggle

    As I read this, the forced stop in only when you do not use the potion, or run out of food. If you're haxed and not rested, you use food to run same as now, while you are rested and haxed, you don't use food anymore.
  11. Traitors Row

    Actually, radu could run them as bots from the main server. No need to declare them as bot either, so they keep the white names
  12. kingpin banned

    To avoid this post from disappearing, like some of your other ones did, I quoted it integrally. I have to check a few things, and read this again, but first impression is that you "glossed over" a few other incidents. I wont name them until I have checked my logs and notes. However, if my memory is correct, I don't think an unlock is in the cards, and certainly not a speedy one. EDIT: (Bolding in the quoted text is mine) So you admit to macroing on two occasions. While claiming innocence may work on the first, it won't on the second occasion... NOTE: while giving out personal information usually is frowned upon, in this case it is Locuas who gives out details of his personal life. So I left it.
  13. Login problem after changing password

    My guess would be that that means you'll have to pay radu $5 to recover the pass. Nothing we can do about it. Note: changing the password in-game cannot freeze the client or make buttons stop working. It sounds like you didn't quite type the pass the way you thought you did. You can of course keep trying to guess the pass, but keep in mind that after a certain number of failed attempts your IP gets banned.
  14. That's not quite how I read her post. For me, it meant that inside storages and a few other areas should not get aggressive invasion monsters. I most certainly did NOT get the impression she was in favour of getting that "officialised" in the form of a general rule, map annotation or compass message. But I'm sure she'll correct me if I am mistaken. As for attempts to shut down this discussion, you have been trying to do exactly that since your second post. ANY criticism your proposal received (note: your proposal, not you personally) was met with insinuations about motivation, accusations of the criticism being organised etc. I agree with Raz here:
  15. Not even going to think anymore about this, let alone comment. Enough insults already.
  16. Well, fine. Don't be surprised you'll only get invasions like "drop 5k in an outdoor map and be done". Having to check all locations before dropping the monsters makes a hidden invasion even more time consuming than it is now. And what about the caves invasion map? No way all those locations are going to be checked before using the map. And there's no difference for me between a random house and a random cave...
  17. Did you really have to insult all the moderators that replied here?
  18. el screen

    So what did you change between last time you played and this?
  19. Ataala ban

    To be frank, I don't even see any proof you actually own the character, whatever you may claim. Buying a character and leaving the pass unchanged is... surprising, to say the least. And you say someone else got it locked...
  20. Ataala ban

    As the moderator that locked Ataala, I can tell you that the character was indeed used with a lot of others to spam and bash the game. Given the amount of trouble we got that time around, I see no reason to unlock the Ataala character (or any of the others involved, but most were just created for the occasion :/ ) But, taking your story on face value, and if I understand you correctly, you bought the character Ataala in 2016, without changing the password on it. That means you were sharing the character, and game rule 8 comes in play : «(...) Characters that break the rules can and will be locked, regardless if "someone else" was on it.»
  21. EL Network Protocol Documentation

    On paper, the problem with that is making sure that the documentation keeps agreeing with the source. Then again, it's not the part of the code that changes most often... Otoh, I didn't find the network protocol all that hard to figure out from the client source. Trying to find out where to make changes (and what was needed) was what broke my efforts...
  22. bad days

    Well: [15:13:40] [SirCamolot @ 6]: Will do a suntzu next day if not serped (...) [15:37:19] Day ends: Day of the dead English: This day, there is a random chance that when an entity dies (human or computer controlled) it will respawn full health where it died, without droping any items or using rostogol stones. Role Playing: Mortos has some extra power today, so he will randomly save any living (or undead) being from it's ultimate fate. [15:37:19] Today is a special day: Scotty's vacation English: No #beam me up. Role Playing: Umm.. Scotty has to take his cat to the vet today, so he can't beam you up. [15:37:33] [Alpina @ 6]: removeable? [15:37:36] [dragon_killer @ 6]: don't think [15:37:45] [Hymora @ 6]: ye its bad day imo [15:37:55] [jnd @ 6]: who didn't kill Scotty, anyway? [15:38:08] [dragon_killer @ 6]: There is no bad day to remove.. First and last line: someone planned a Sun Tzu day, and server decided otherwise, attempt to remove a "not good" day failed (or someone was trolling, of course)
  23. Greater feasting potion?

    Changing bread that way would mean removing bread from bag spawns (notably IP), and that removes a decent food source for new players. Also, 10 wheat + 1 WE represents about 25-30 gc, making it one of the more expensive foods (in gc/food point; FP is about .24, bones .25-.3, "new bread" would be up to .4). Anyway, either suggestion would require a server update. From Burn's postings, I get the impression there are plannes for that (map/client updates also require a server update), but still...
  24. I found a servere client sound bug

    Looks like a permission problem on those files, if I just left-click on them I get that "this file is not available on your account" (yes, I'm logged in :P)
  25. Speed Hax Spell

    And keep in mind that for a lot of those items, their pricing made economic sense when those items were introduced