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Everything posted by bluap

  1. I'd really like this to be done. +1
  2. Latest build includes: Enable auto equip when using the item keys. Popup window colours added to those that can be redefined in named_colours.xml. Remove trailing white space from new and saved mark marks.
  3. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    The latest client builds trim white space from the end of #mark commands and from marks when load from file.
  4. I've added colours for the popup menu system to the named colours list. This is controlled using the named_colours.xml file in the data directory. Here is an example of the new file. You need to change the r, g, b values. You can choose colours using a tool like the one on the w3schools site. Once you have your set of colour values, divide each number by 255 to get the r, g, b values required for the named_colours.xml file. The latest build have this change.
  5. Extra Small Inventory Window

    OK, so I've fixed the problem and re-committed the update. All the builds are done. I am 100% sure this version will not eat your manufacturing recipes. I hope that nobody downloaded the bad version, I removed it within 30 minutes. I feel bad if you did, sorry. I recovered my recipes because to do daily back-ups which is a good thing for everyone to do. Perhaps we could do a forum post on how to back up and restore your EL files ....... The issue was because I modified the structure used for items. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that this structure is used when reading and writing the manufacturing recipes. The update no longer modifies that structure. Using a binary format like this is a very bad idea anyway because it is so fragile but that's another project.
  6. Extra Small Inventory Window

    I've committed the change and updated builds are in the usual places. I've reverted the change and the build due to an over sight that could corrupt your saved manufacture recipes. Always glad for these backs-ups...
  7. Searchable #sto

    As Kaddy said, this used to be the way it worked. However, the filtering was all done in the client and while the data was cached, it was removed to reduce server bandwidth. The old behaviour could be restored (the code is still there in the client) but the removal reason is still probably valid. The filter could likely be implemented by the server but again the output would have to be OK, bandwidth wise. This would need a minor change to the client to removed the old code and pass the command through to the server.
  8. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Yes, I am only concerned with the swap feature. Using an item either consumes it or puts a cool-down on the item stack. With the swap feature, you could hold the key down and it would just swap back and forth, potentially several times a second. I'm sure Radu would want to avoid that.
  9. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Agreed. I'll need to to a small delay between one swap and back again to avoid spamming the server. This would not effect using the mouse double click, just the key binding. 1/5 of a second is not noticeable but perhaps a little low. Would 1/2 or 1 second be OK? I'll add some UI feedback to make it obvious.
  10. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Turns out this is really easy to do given the work already done. If the item is not usable (use cursor), just try to equip it (including swap). This works as expected. The only issue is that bones are usable and so Use is tried in preference to equipping whether you can eat them or not. If that's OK, we probably good to go.
  11. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Great, glad you like it.
  12. Most of the content is sent by the server but some of the colours are set by the client. I know Learner was making some changes to the OL client to enhance the popup menu and we have talked about sharing these between EL/OL. Perhaps we could add the colours to the named_colours.xml file so they can be configured. The hot keys and the by-pass of menu would be much trickier.
  13. A couple of bug fixes an some new features (see first post). All the builds have been updated.
  14. Extra Small Inventory Window

    I've implemented changes so that the buttons and / or the equipment grid can be moved to the left side of the window. There are two new options on the title bar menu for the window. I also did quite a cleaning up the code to make to make it easier to add and move things around. I added two other new features. 1) There is now an "Unequip all items" button in the form of a "<" under the the equipment grid. 2) If you have the message display part of the window closed, there is now a small dot at the top of the "V" which has the same colour as the last message received. I found I was missing the red/green messages as an indicator of success / failure. I've updated builds in the usual places.
  15. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Yes, we could do that. I'll take a look.
  16. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    OK, its certainly the simplest explanation.
  17. I've got a version of this working, any suggestions for a key binding to use by default? We have so many already in use. For now I've use CTRL+U (sUmmoned menU) and pushed the code to github.
  18. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    OK, thanks, I'm glad its resolved. I'll have a look at trimming space anyway, that way we can avoid this happening in the future.
  19. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    Oh, and I forgot to say, also check if you have included extra spaces after the mark string, for example "#make 16:30 " would not be unmarked with "#unmark 16:30". Perhaps we should trim space from the mark string just in case..... You could check if you have extra space by using the mark filter.
  20. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    I cannot reproduce this or see why it would fail looking at the code; the position of the mark (x/y) is not used at all when doing #unmark. I've examined and run the code for the base 1.9.5 version also and while there are minor changes for server marks it is fundamentally it the same code. I'll keep looking but if there is anything unusual about this, please let me know. For example if you use #markpos or #mark_color too. 1.9.5 was released May/June 2018, I assume a typo.
  21. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    Great, that's exactly what I need. I'll give it a try and see what I can find. Thanks.
  22. #unmark not work on some sections of maps

    Could you be a bit more specific about the problem please. Perhaps some coordinates and some #mark and #unmake examples. #unmark takes a string parameter and removes the first mark it finds that matches the string. So far I can't reproduce any problem with it.
  23. Extra Small Inventory Window

    Oops. ALT+scroll and SHIFT+scroll also work for the +/-10 so we could just remove use of control and fix the tooltip. Any other suggestions?
  24. I'm not high enough level to have used it so that's good to hear confirmed. So, the latest summoned creature would be fine, or any creature you have summoned. It would be interested to hear from Radu if there was an easier, more reliable way to do this server -side.
  25. Clicking the summoned creature sends a message to the server which sends a message back to the client to open the menu. The client needs to send the actor ID of the summoned creature to make it work. I can't see how you could work out which creature to use in a location with more than one choice. It may be possible to record the IDs of creatures as you summon them. The client you would have to look for the next new creature to be created shortly after the summon message so it could be wrong depending on timing. If is OK to assume you want the menu for your last summoned creature, it could work OK. Any other ideas?