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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About Dragrace

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  1. Christmas Giveaway 2021

    Oh Howdy there!
  2. PK Tournament 6/13/21 6pm GMT

    Here's 2 videos of the Tournament i've made.
  3. Psst, if you are reading this. I have an Eternal Lands YouTube :)https://www.youtube.com/c/MarAri/videos

  4. How to fix the broken EL Wiki forum

    I'd like to point out that this is what the "Eternal Lands Wiki" main page looks for me. I have no solutions. Just showing a problem while we are on this topic.
  5. Every Golden Achievement

    I'm sure that he is. Unless there are some screenshots floating around. But, what I know is that most high levels have all but few achievements. Here's a screenshot of my char, I am missing 1 very hard one and 1 pretty easy one. It's been like this for years because I never cared. I guess most other people have not cared either. I do believe STX char is the first one to get all of them (unless I see proof otherwise)
  6. EFE's giveaway

  7. Selling Honey Comb

    Hey there; when i'm not training I use my alts for harvesting; this weeks random harvesting I do is "honey combs" ---> I am Currently Selling 10,000 Honey comb for 4gc each I also accept small harvesting jobs (5k to 25k materials) for the right price of course. Pm me in-game. If i'm afk I will get back to you.