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Thanks to radu, he gave me permission to run EternalBroker on the PK server.


The broker works as known, you give him an order and he announces it in market channel.


Which doesnt help that much, because there is rarely anyone.


The idea i had, when i make that bot, was this:


Advertisements in newspapers. You read an advertisement in a newspaper, try to contact the person, make the deal or not.


To do so, PM the broker with #orders, then you will see all orders he has.


If you find what youre looking for, try to contact that player using PM or send a gossip message.


Since there are quite a good load of players on the PK server, who log in every now and then, the broker and gossip might help the economy by making it easier to let others know what youre buying or selling.


Here are the brokers commands (just PM him with #commands to see that list in game)


[PM from EternalBroker: --------------------------------------------------+]
[PM from EternalBroker: Available commands:							   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #help, help, ?  - displays a help message		 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: -												 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #commands	   - displays this list			  |]
[PM from EternalBroker: -												 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #orders		 - shows all orders i have got	 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #orders patt	- shows all orders matching patt  |]
[PM from EternalBroker: E.g.: #orders leather							 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: Will show you all orders with leather items	   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: -												 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #my_orders	  - shows all orders you gave me	|]
[PM from EternalBroker: #my_orders patt - shows your orders matching patt |]
[PM from EternalBroker: -												 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #new_order action quantity price item			 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: - creates a new order							 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: - action = buy or sell							|]
[PM from EternalBroker: - price = the price you want to pay/get		   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: that is the price for 1 item you wanna sell/buy   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: - quantity = how many items you buy/sell		  |]
[PM from EternalBroker: - item = the item you want to buy/sell			|]
[PM from EternalBroker: E.g.: #new_order sell 1 100 iron helmet		   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: is an order to sell 1 iron helmet for 100 gc.	 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: -												 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: #delete nbr	  - deletes order #nbr			 |]
[PM from EternalBroker: E.g.: #delete 17 deletes order #17.			   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: Of course, it must be one of your orders...	   |]
[PM from EternalBroker: --------------------------------------------------+]


Happy trading then :(



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