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Everything posted by Learner

  1. Issues like that just means the server would have to track restrictions, name history, and other factors.
  2. Cant Login since today morning [solution on second page]

    My web pages (such as the TOP 100 players) has a Donate Button/link at the bottom or you can contact me privately and I can give you details as well.
  3. Seems reasonable. Have it cost 100K gc per use which goes to Darrock's storage. Nah, the GC poofs instead of going to any players or mods.
  4. efe...fire arrows

    Start mass mixing FE to get your EFE's cheaper
  5. server box

    Settings->Chat includes settings for whether Server Messages should be treate4d separately or not. Following Darrocks suggestion will get you back to seeing all the channels at once, or you change the current channel and filtering by clicking the other boxes.
  6. How to play Eternal Lands Alone

    Not just an offline server, but your own server or your own game.
  7. Marking [non]PK areas

    Each map has a switch that marks the entire map one way or the other, then you can map areas within it differently. any attribute that can go into the [general] block can also be used on a specific area, and visa versa
  8. game not working

    A program stopped working message usually means that the game crashed and the first suspect is always bad video drivers.
  9. Crafting update?

    Maybe the bars are really small
  10. Crafting update?

    Keep in mind that higher NPC prices allows for a larger range of player controlled ring price. In an economy like EL has there is no perfect solution.
  11. Crafting update?

    +1 for NPC increase price
  12. Unable to see total exp

    Once you hit max exp, it stops adding ... or it would wrap around.
  13. I just posted in the unable to connect thread that I have temporarily opened access to all users on my proxy server
  14. Cant Login since today morning [solution on second page]

    I have TEMPORARILY removed the requirement on my proxy server that requires payment. That nmeans if you connect to lrnr-main configuration (by setting a shortcut the same way you get to test but use 'lrnr-main'), you may be able to get in now. Radu had tested it before I removed the restriction and he was able to connect to the game when he was blocked before. Any paypal donations as a thank you will be accepted.
  15. I don't think a client update is needed, rather a server update and detailed testing.
  16. Report the Little Bugs Now for fixing in 1.9.5

    You should play it safe and double check the location on the server just-in-case a server map is out of date. This can happen easily during map updates, missing one or two.
  17. Automatic name completion in PM's

    Actually, having a , or . end the name makes more sense to more people then a $
  18. The Fully Random Joker

    In OL he moves automatically on the NewDay so people know what his schedule for relocating is, plus since he can announce what his prize is players know the deadline as well. One things that is needed is Joker knowing certain maps NOT to be on ever. Like Instances since that can disrupt game play and remove accessibility.
  19. A suggestion by me & Aisy

    Of course I should also have dug up an image that showed her fangs as well since she is a Vampire.
  20. Those are the ones that have contributed over time ... not who is active now.
  21. Defining [use_areas]

    Another hint is to keep the center of the use_area close or just in front of the item being clicked on. This helps when you are too far away from a door or a flag since the center of the use_area is then used as a possible destination to walk to until you teleport. In the past there have been cases where the senter was in a strange location and you actually seemed to walk away from form the object you clicked on..
  22. Defining [use_areas]

    I don't see any issues with multiple overlapping use areas as long as they are for using a different map object. The map object you need to use helps tell the two apart. On the other hand, multiple use areas for the same object (overlapping or not) can act in unexpected fashions depending on the order listed and if the player is standing inside of one or more areas or not.
  23. EL Premium Proxy

    Due to the recent incident of another major loss of connectivity to the EL game server, I will now spell out more of my ideas for the EL Premium Proxy service that might be able to help in this and other situations. If enough people like it and put their money where there mouth is, I'll get cracking on at least the minimum services it could provide and see if we can raise the priority with Entropy for the long term features that it needs. The original thread is at http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...e=show&st=p The EL Premium Proxy service would provide: 1. Access to main EL Game Server by accessing a different system. So if part of the internet is having problems, you might be able to get to the game server through the proxy. For example, in todays outage people could not reach the game server, but could post in the forums. Those people would have a good chance of using this service to get in. 2. Access to the El Game Server on ports other then 2000. For people that find they are having accessing the game on port 2000, but the port 2001 test server works 3. Access for AOL players and others people on banned ISP's because of other troublemakers To prevent abuse: 1. NO REFUNDS 2. Reserve the right to provide service or decline the service 3. Limit of 5 player names that can not be editted/changed (players who change their names will have to use another of their 5 slots for their new name). 4. No shared shared characters 5. Friends that are visiting you should have their own account, not use yours 6. Friends playing at other locations need their own account (you can't buy the service and add the name of 4 of your friends to the list to use the 5 names) 7. Moderators will have the option of closing your account on the EL Premium Proxy Services in extreme cases 8. No automated enrollment, I will have the chance to review who wants access before the service can be used. This would hurt if you have problems and don't already have an account. 9. All EL rules must be obey, trying to use this service to bypass the rules or hide what you are doing (like illegal multi) will result in losing the account without a refund. 10. Logs will be kept! We reserve the right to log more then just access for the purposes of preventing abuse of the system or EL rules! 11. A family can share a proxy account Proposed fees: $5 for five character names for a month $30 for five character namess for a year
  24. EL Premium Proxy

    Fixed, try it now.