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Capturing animals and monsters

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i thought it would be quite fun if you could capture animals and monsters to make them your slaves or servants. here's some points about the idea:


-requirements to capture a creature could be either to have at least 5 attack and defence levels above the creature's levels, or to have a capturing skill. and you could have to read books on capturing creatures too.


-once captured a creature they become like a summoned creature, they lose health every so often and they fight for you. you can heal them too.


-depending on your level, there is a chance that the creature will rebel against you and attack you, or that it will escape.


-to capture a creature you will need to have the requirements and certain items on you: a rope and a weapon (any). at first you will fight it, eventually you will capture it, the amount of time it takes you to capture it depends on your level and skill.


-they follow you wherever you go


-you can capture multiple creatures (which has a greater risk as they may all rebel). you can do this by having multiple ropes on you, you cannot use the same rope on 2 creatures, 1 rope per creature. the more creatures you have, not only is it gonna hurt if they all rebel at once, but the chance that this will happen increases.


-you can capture a maximum of 5 creatures at once.


-you can release them, which means you have a free rope again to use as you please. this wont mean that you can deliberately release a high level monster so they can attack a low level player, because as soon as you release it it will respawn back where you captured it.


-i thought it might be quite hard to implement, but maybe you can give them certain commands like: harvest something you click on, fight something you click on etc.


and wouldnt it look cool to be walking round with 5 chimerans by your side eh!?

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i did use it. i didnt type in pets cos thats not my idea. you capture them and they become more your slaves or servants, not pets. its more of an alternative to summoning if you have high attack and defence but low summoning lvls (but is less useful than summoning loadsa creatures), you just capture some creature off the street, not buy some animal from a pet shop.

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- you have to have a high lvl 2 summon some monsters and u have to read summoning books on some monsters.


- summond creature lose health and you can heal them if you have the required lvl in magic.


- Summonds can "rebel" on u sometimes, they can wonder off never 2 be seen again.


- 2 summon a creature u need some essies and the drops from the animal ur summoning or some special essies for monsters.


- Summonds fallow u where ever u go, they don't fallow u if u change maps or TP away.


- U can summon multipal creatures at the same time, u can summon a wolf and then a garg if u want 2 the only thing stoping u from summoning a chimmy is ur lvl.


- u can summon more then 5 creatures at the same time, if u summon alot of em u can get lag, and do remember Don't summon at or near a storage or a high traffic area!


- If u change maps or TP away the summond creatures will be temporarly free.


Your suggestion is already in the game, it's called summoning.

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I would suggest you spend your time playing the game more AND reading the forums before posting more suggestions.

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