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Guest fairydragon

novac mini quest

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Guest fairydragon

Hi! I have changed to a new computer in last couple months, I have killed many of novac creatures and not receiving messages. As example, I have killed 45-50 brownies in places where the brownies do not normally spwan. Several players have told that I might have a bug. I have also kill 45-50 rats and have not received message them. I have also kill close to 30 cockatrices. I would like to finish my quest. Can someone please help me.

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Novac gives 3 quests:

#1 Talk to Novac in Isla Prima, south from the campfire. He will tell you to kill specific creatures one by one. You must do them in this order, and after each kill you must return to Novac to get your experience and the next creature.

#2 After getting to the Fox part in Novac's first quest, he will give you another quest. This time he needs specific animals for a potion.

#3 After finishing Novac's combat tutorial quest #2, he will give you another quest. He needs more specific animals for another potion.

Reason you can't get message- you are trying to complete in wrong order or you are trying to kill another creature.

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Two different things going on here, I think.


For the rat and brownie: are you absolutely 100% sure you didn't already kill them using your old computer?

For the cockatrices (which are not part of the 'mini quests'!): chances are you managed to miss the correct one, there's quite a few spawns.

Or, indeed, you might have done it already (not sure you get a reminder of where you are in the quest from Novac)


If you still have the old computer (or at least access to its hard disk) you might be able to check the old quest log(s). Those are simple text files, named quest_<name>.log, where <name> is the name of the character who did the quests. (so that would be quest_fairydragon.log for you if you are playing the fairy_dragon char).

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Just as a clarification, Novac has two different types of quests:

#1 is the combat tutorial, specific creatures (one spawn on the given map) that are always on that map. These you have to do in order. If you go to Novac, he will tell you which creature he needs killed next. After killing it, return to Novac to get the xp (can be done on Tzu for double xp).


#2 and #3 are Novac's special creatures. They are groups of creatures that can be killed in any order. They can spawn on many different maps, often where that creature does not normally spawn.


The first batch is: brown rabbit, raccoon, green snake, red snake, wolf

If you go to Novac and have triggered this quest, he will tell you one of the creatures you still have to kill. Each time you kill one of these creatures you will get a pop up message, in some cases (the snakes I believe) you will also get some extra xp.


The brownie and rat are part of the second batch, you can only do these after completing the first batch.

The second batch consists of brownie, boar, brown snake, rat and woodsprite.

Again, if you go to Novac, he will mention one of these and tell you that you need to kill it still.


In both cases Novac will only mention one of the creatures, while you might still need to kill more than just that one.

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Guest fairydragon

Thank your replying. The creature I am on for the first quest is the Cockatrice, I will try killing some of them.

I did finish the batch of request 2 of Novac. Yes, I understand this how this works. I have had people let me know when a brownie has shown up where they are not usually found and I have kill several of them. They were shock, I did not get the message. These players have tried to help me more than once. These other players think it very strange, after kill in several of them, I have not gotten the message, yet. Encourage me to get hold of you to see if there is anything, I can do to finish my quest. My old hard drive was wiped clean, when I received my new computer. If you have any other suggestion, I open to try them. Again thank you for your time.

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Tag each cockatrice in Willowvine by ranging ,,,,then when all tagged kill them one by one until you get a nessage...you have to kill the correct creature not just any of them

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Thank your replying. The creature I am on for the first quest is the Cockatrice, I will try killing some of them.

I did finish the batch of request 2 of Novac. Yes, I understand this how this works. I have had people let me know when a brownie has shown up where they are not usually found and I have kill several of them. They were shock, I did not get the message. These players have tried to help me more than once. These other players think it very strange, after kill in several of them, I have not gotten the message, yet. Encourage me to get hold of you to see if there is anything, I can do to finish my quest. My old hard drive was wiped clean, when I received my new computer. If you have any other suggestion, I open to try them. Again thank you for your time.

Talk to Novac and see which creatures of the second batch you need to kill. You might already have done the brownie and rat. Also make sure you have actually started the second quest. Edited by Maxine

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Guest Guest

Hi! I finish batch with brown rabbit, raccoon, green snake, red snake, & wolf. I have gotten message for the boar, but not for any of the other creatures. Novac is saying that I need the brownie. This all started when I received my computer. Thank you for your help.


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