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1 person invance / new daily or weekly

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Let me start by saying I really enjoy the invances and I think they're a great addition to the game. I get disappointed if I miss then, or can't stay long enough to complete it.


There has been a lot of discussion about the timing, and players inability to participate for whatever reason. This got me thinking what about a one person invance that could happen at the players convenience? There are many ways this could play out, but the basic concept is the invance starts by sending the person to a smallish map, maybe even as small as a storage map with a bunch (50-100) monsters. I'll list some of the options I have been thinking about.



could be purely xp like invance where creatures drop their normal and rare drops, invasion where they have a chance for rare drops 10K or invasion tokens, etc, or possibly use some instance creatures.



single or multi

have a goal defend an area, or just kill them all

re-enter after death or to restock allowed? Could be like instance die with rosto you return, die without you leave map and your db behind



Could be random like haider, but with chance to pass

Could choose from a list, but the reward is proportional to the difficulty. Ex if a 100 a/d choose rats they would get 1 xp bonus per creature, but if a 40s choose fluffies they would get 1000xp per creature. Numbers aren't specific, just to illustrate a point

Could be all a single type of creature, or a mix.

Could pick from a list, but the list is restricted to +/- 10 a/d of the player



like daily, once every 4th game day

hour based like instance with a chance to buy a reduction in wait time



Anyway just some thoughts. I realise it will have to be balanced. I'm sure there are a million reasons why it can't or won't work but thought I'd throw it out there.

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It only would be doable by people with TINF perk and we already have enought "fast exp" sources.

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