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walk as default action icon ; go to attack ; tutorial indication

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more suggestions to improve the game:


5. walk (attack/chat/trade by occasion) should be default; use, use with, look should be not permanent - after one use the icon walk is active again.

6. if you click to attack or chat the character should got the animal / npc automatically.

7. available / running quests should be indicated over health bar of npc - at least for the tutorial npc.

8. all bots should say 'type /botname help' by using trade-icon - not only 'use buy command'.

9. increase distance to see creatures.

10. trees shouldn't catch mouse-click for walk-destination

11. sizable font for npc-dialog



... at least some praises:

maaany items, creatures, maps etc.

walk by click on map - excellent.

coordinations - useful.

... and last but not least - free.

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Interesting suggestions; I will just add a few comments:


5. walk (attack/chat/trade by occasion) should be default; use, use with, look should be not permanent - after one use the icon walk is active again.

Actually, I think you can decide what the default is with the bottom-row icons; these are scarcely used though, since right-click is the most common way to switch cursors among players. Look is indeed used rarely enough, but there are a few cases (e.g., when exploring some new room for clues) in which you eye-click on everything, and having it return to walk automatically after each and every click would be inconvenient.


6. if you click to attack or chat the character should got the animal / npc automatically.

9. increase distance to see creatures.

10. trees shouldn't catch mouse-click for walk-destination

These things have to do with how you interact with your environment. I agree that they would all be pretty convenient, but would also make the game more 'boring' so to say; in my opinion, they serve a useful function. In fact, in EL the combat itself is pretty much automatic - you don't have to drive every hit or defend by doing something. So, the player's ability is directed towards the maneuvering prior to combat. You are a good player if you can outmaneuver your opponent. This is also part of the reason why all players and monsters move at the same speed. It would be pretty boring otherwise: you would catch all animals slower than you, and you would never catch any animal faster than you. Not much space left for the individual player skill.


As for visibility, this has to do with your Perception cross-attribute: as you increase it, you will be able to see creatures farther away. The issue with trees has to do with a way to simulate, in-game, the difficulty you would have for real in moving in a wood or jungle. So, the trees are there not just for look, but also to provide a more difficult terrain to play into.


7. available / running quests should be indicated over health bar of npc - at least for the tutorial npc.

I agree, the quest system needs to be revamped. It was good for when we had 5 quests in the entire game, but now with dozens of quests and more coming at all times, the whole system (NPCs, quest lists, logs, etc.) could use some more advanced technique. Now, I think just having a big floating quest mark over all quest NPCs would make things a little too obvious, but there is scope for thinking at something more subtle - maybe, an indication for "open" for NPCs with quests you have already started, and of "done" for quests you have completed (so, daily NPCs would be "open" at all times)... or a hierarchical list of quest steps...

Anyway, actions have been taken in this direction; server-side markers for the tutorial quests are a first step, and filtering etc. has been added to the Quest log. I hear other improvements are in the works, and any good idea is welcome!


8. all bots should say 'type /botname help' by using trade-icon - not only 'use buy command'.

This doesn't bother me much personally. They COULD do easily (and I think most of them will send you a PM when you trade with them), but this is something that the various bot owners have to do themselves. Bots are not part of the game, their code is written by the various individual hosters/owners. I agree that it makes life easier, so it's a good suggestion for bot developers.


11. sizable font for npc-dialog

Also good, and I believe there was a patch for that somewhere in the code; maybe it will be added in the next release. However, since each screenfull of text has to stop at some meaningful point in the discourse, the total amount of text that is displayed cannot be altered. You would have: larger font -> larger window, smaller font -> smaller window. Not earth-shaking, but that's how it is...


... at least some praises:

maaany items, creatures, maps etc.

walk by click on map - excellent.

coordinations - useful.

... and last but not least - free.

... and I would add: multi-platform! I would not be here if this was a Windows-only game! :icon13:

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