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Market channel and Bots again, lol

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All looks well except for maybe a control(?) char(s) showing up before each colored name.




â¹Taliesin @ 3]: Selling: 105 leather (8gc each), 5 raw meat (5.5gc each), 120 potions of spirit restoration (15gc each), PM me for other items!


Could be my editor or something.... Gedit running under Ubuntu. <CR><LF> vs \n maybe?


Just posting it in case anyone else has the same issue. The answer will probably follow from myself or someone quicker to the draw ;-)

That's the color code all right. If it's not there, it doesn't get colored. Doesn't filter it out when it writes the chat log for some reason, probably because it assumes that the color codes are already stripped before it runs it through the filter.

Edited by freeone3000

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So the < is not a true < sign - but some high end ascii character (8B) which turns the text purple...

Can someone please point me to somewhere where I can find a list of all these colours please?

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So the < is not a true < sign - but some high end ascii character (8B) which turns the text purple...

Can someone please point me to somewhere where I can find a list of all these colours please?

iirc it should be character code 127+colour (with the colours being from the number column of Placid's Wiki page)

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So the < is not a true < sign - but some high end ascii character (8B) which turns the text purple...

Can someone please point me to somewhere where I can find a list of all these colours please?

iirc it should be character code 127+colour (with the colours being from the number column of Placid's Wiki page)


Wonderful - many thanks - that seems to work...

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Here are the color symbols/codes for everyone, maybe this is easier than messing with a hex editor :)


Symbol		|#		|Hex		|Color
	 0 		 #FFB3C1 	 c_red1
†		 7 		 #FA5A5A 	 c_red2
	 14 		 #DD0202 	 c_red3
”		 21 		 #7E0303 	 c_red4
€		 1 		 #F7C49F 	 c_orange1
‡		 8 		 #FC7A3A 	 c_orange2
Ž		 15 		 #BF6610 	 c_orange3
•		 22 		 #833003 	 c_orange4 
	 2 		 #FBFABE 	 c_yellow1
ˆ		 9 		 #FCEC38 	 c_yellow2 
	 16 		 #E7AE14 	 c_yellow3 	
–		 23 		 #826F06 	 c_yellow4 
‚		 3 		 #C9FECB 	 c_green1 	
‰		 10 		 #05FA9B 	 c_green2 
	 17 		 #25C400 	 c_green3 
—		 24 		 #149504 	 c_green4 	
ƒ		 4 		 #A9EFFA 	 c_blue1 
Š		 11 		 #7697F8 	 c_blue2 		
‘		 18 		 #4448D2 	 c_blue3 	
˜		 25 		 #0F0FBA 	 c_blue4 	
„		 5 		 #D2B4FB 	 c_purple1 	
‹		 12 		 #D95DF4 	 c_purple2 	
’		 19 		 #8254F6 	 c_purple3 
™		 26 		 #6A01B0 	 c_purple4 
…		 6 		 #FFFFFF 	 c_grey1 	
Œ		 13 		 #999999 	 c_grey2 	
“		 20 		 #9E9E9E 	 c_grey3 	
š		 27 		 #282828 	 c_grey4 	


As far as i know these are all correct and working, but I know when viewed in Firefox some will be missing, so if your using firefox try using IE to see them all.

Also if anyone has any problems with any of these, i would love to correct them.

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