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i will give someone a thermal serp and full plate if they find a word that rimes with purple!


Not sure if someone said this or if contest is over, but surely, couple is the obvious answer.


Also, Curple.

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ok no ones getting the termal serp cos you havent won and you could have said curple (its a word)


Which I did and got a 'you wish' :P. Just say nobody's getting it cause you never intended to :D


did you check my list? I believe there were many there that ryhmed with purple, because they all came from a rhyming dictionary under "Rhymes with purple" :P

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Give me titanum chain and i'll pm u :D



nurple ?

must be real word!

abel, able, actual, aerial, agile, aisle, amble, ample, anal, angel, angle, ankle, annual, annul, anvil, apple, april, artful, aural, austral, awful, axal, axil, axle, babble, babel, baffle, bagel, baleful, banal, baneful, bangle, barrel, basal, bashful, basil, battle, bauble, beadle, beagle, beetle, bengal, beryl, bestial, bethel, bevel, bible, blameful, blissful, blushful, boastful, bobble, boggle, boodle, bottle, bowel, bramble, brattle, brickle, bridal, bridle, brindle, bristle, bristol, brittle, brothel, brutal, bubble, buccal, buckle, bugle, bundle, bungle, burble, burgle, bursal, bushel, bustle, cable, cackle, camel, campbell, cancel, candle, capsule, caramel, careful, carnal, carol, carrel, carvel, castle, casual, cattle, caudal, caudle, causal, cecil, central, cereal, channel, chapel, chasmal, chattel, cheerful, chicle, chisel, chloral, choral, chordal, chortle, chuckle, circle, civil, clausal, cloistral, coastal, cobble, cockle, coddle, coital, colonel, consul, coral, cordial, council, counsel, couple, crackle, cradle, crewel, crinkle, cripple, crucial, cruel, crumble, crumple, crystal, cuddle, cudgel, cul, curdle, cycle, cymbal, dabble, dactyl, damsel, dandle, dangle, daniel, dapple, darnel, dawdle, dazzle, decimal, dental, dermal, devil, dextral, dial, dibble, diddle, diesel, dimple, dingle, direful, dirndl, dismal, distal, docile, doleful, doodle, dorsal, dottle, double, doubtful, dowel, dreadful, dribble, drivel, drizzle, dual, ducal, ductal, ductile, duel, duffel, duffle, dull, duple, dwindle, eagle, easel, eiffel, equal, ethel, ethyl, evil, fable, facial, facile, factful, factual, faddle, faithful, fatal, fateful, fearful, federal, feeble, fennel, feral, ferrule, fertile, ferule, fetal, fettle, feudal, fibril, fickle, fiddle, final, fiscal, fitful, fizzle, flannel, floral, focal, foible, fondle, fontal, forceful, formal, fossil, fragile, frazzle, freckle, fretful, frightful, frivol, frizzle, frontal, frugal, fruitful, fuddle, fuel, fugal, fugle, fumble, fungal, funnel, futile, gabble, gable, gaggle, gainful, gamble, gambol, gambrel, garble, gargle, gastral, gavel, general, genial, gentle, gerbil, gerbille, giggle, girdle, glacial, gleeful, global, glossal, glottal, gobble, goggle, gospel, grabble, graceful, grackle, gradual, granule, grapple, grateful, gravel, griddle, grippal, gristle, grizzle, grovel, gruel, grumble, guileful, gull, gunnel, gunwale, gurgle, guzzle, hackle, haggle, handel, handle, handsel, hansel, harmful, hassle, hateful, hazel, healthful, heckle, heedful, helpful, hemal, herbal, hobble, hopeful, hostel, hostile, hovel, hoyle, huckle, huddle, hull, humble, hurdle, hurtful, hurtle, hustle, hymnal, idle, idol, idyll, ireful, it'll, jackal, jangle, jekyll, jewel, jiggle, jingle, joel, joggle, jonquil, jostle, joule, journal, jowl, joyful, juggle, jumble, jungle, jural, justle, kennel, kernel, kestrel, kettle, kibble, kindle, kirtle, kittle, knuckle, label, labile, ladle, larval, laurel, lawful, legal, lentil, lethal, level, libel, lingual, lintel, lisle, little, local, loyal, lull, lustful, mammal, mandrel, mandril, mandrill, manful, mangle, mantel, mantle, manual, maple, marble, marginal, marshal, marshall, martial, marvel, measle, medal, meddle, menstrual, mental, menthyl, merkel, metal, methyl, mettle, mewl, michael, middle, mindful, mingle, minstrel, mirthful, missal, missile, mistral, mitchell, mitral, mobil, mobile, modal, model, module, mogul, molal, mongol, mongrel, moral, morsel, mortal, motile, mottle, mournful, muddle, muffle, mull, mumble, mural, muscle, mussel, mutual, muzzle, myrtle, narwhal, nasal, natal, naval, navel, needful, needle, nestle, nettle, neural, neutral, newel, nibble, nickel, niggle, nimble, nipple, nitrile, noble, nodal, noddle, noodle, normal, nostril, novel, nozzle, nubile, nuchal, null, numbskull, numskull, nuzzle, octal, offal, ogle, opal, oral, ordinal, oval, paddle, painful, panel, papal, parcel, partial, passel, peaceful, pebble, pedal, peddle, penal, pencil, people, peril, personal, pestle, petal, petrel, petrol, phenyl, phial, phonal, phrasal, pial, pickle, piddle, piffle, pimple, pistil, pistol, plasmal, playful, pleural, plical, plural, pommel, poodle, popple, portal, postal, prattle, prayerful, pretzel, prickle, prideful, primal, puddle, puerile, pulpal, pummel, pupal, pupil, purl, purple, puzzle, quarrel, quibble, quintal, rabble, racial, raffle, ramble, rankle, rascal, rattle, ravel, real, rebel, rectal, regal, regnal, renal, rental, reptile, restful, retinal, revel, rhinal, rictal, riddle, riffle, rifle, rightful, ripple, ritual, rival, rouble, royal, rubble, ruble, ruddle, rueful, ruffle, rumble, rumple, runnel, rural, rustle, ruthful, sable, sacral, saddle, sample, samuel, sandal, satchel, scalpel, schedule, schnitzel, schnozzle, scleral, scornful, scoundrel, scrabble, scramble, scrapple, scribble, scrotal, scruple, scuffle, scull, sculptural, scurrile, scuttle, seasonal, sectile, semble, senseful, sentinel, seoul, sepal, septal, sequel, servile, sessile, sessional, setal, settle, several, sexual, shackle, shamble, shameful, shingle, shovel, shrapnel, shrapnell, shrieval, shrivel, shuffle, shuttle, sibyl, sickle, sidle, signal, simple, sinful, single, sizzle, skilful, skillful, skittle, skull, slothful, smuggle, snaffle, sneerful, sniffle, snivel, snorkel, snuffle, snuggle, social, songful, sorrel, soulful, spacial, spackle, spangle, spaniel, sparkle, spatial, special, speckle, spectral, spinal, spindle, spiral, spital, spiteful, spittle, spousal, sprinkle, squabble, squiggle, squirrel, stable, staple, startle, statal, steeple, stencil, sterile, sternal, stifle, stigmal, stipple, stomal, stopple, straddle, straggle, strangle, stressful, streusel, strobil, strobile, stromal, structural, strudel, struggle, stubble, stumble, subtle, suckle, supple, sural, swaddle, swindle, swivel, symbol, table, tackle, tactful, tactile, taffrail, tamil, tangle, tarsal, tassel, tasteful, tattle, tearful, teasel, temple, temporal, tendril, tensile, textile, thankful, thermal, thimble, thistle, thoughtful, threatful, throttle, tickle, tidal, timbale, tingle, tinkle, tinsel, tipple, title, tittle, toddle, toggle, toil, tonal, tonsil, topple, total, tottle, tousle, towel, trammel, trample, tranquil, travel, treacle, treadle, treble, tremble, trestle, trial, tribal, trickle, trifle, triple, trommel, trouble, trowel, truckle, truffle, truncal, trundle, trustful, truthful, tubal, tumble, tumbrel, tuneful, tunnel, turtle, tussle, twaddle, twattle, twiddle, twinkle, umbel, umbral, uncial, uncle, ural, urinal, useful, usual, vandal, vassal, venal, vengeful, ventral, verbal, vermeil, vernal, vessel, vestal, vial, victual, vigil, vinyl, viral, virgil, virile, visual, vital, vocal, vowel, vulval, waddle, waffle, waggle, wail, wailful, wakeful, wangle, wankel, warble, wassail, wasteful, wastrel, watchful, wattle, weasel, weevil, wheedle, whiffle, whistle, whittle, whorl, wiggle, wilful, willful, wimble, wimple, winkle, wishful, wistful, wobble, woeful, worthful, wrangle, wrathful, wrestle, wriggle, wrinkle, wrongful, yodel, yokel, youthful, yowl, zestful, zonal


these all rhyme with purple :P


i hate to say it peeper but both of the words i made bold would rhyme w/ purple too - u didn't say they had to make a word that changes the beginning letter u said it had to rhyme and those 2 do definately

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thought we were doing orange ,,not purple :D


I don't even know if the original poster of the contest is still here. Several people have come up with correct answers for both colours. I think it's now lapsed into "Amusement until the server returns."

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thought we were doing orange ,,not purple :D


I don't even know if the original poster of the contest is still here. Several people have come up with correct answers for both colours. I think it's now lapsed into "Amusement until the server returns."

Wasn't it the purpose from the beginning ?

Edited by Tanathiel

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at this rate,, we could be here all day then :P


I'm eventually going to have to go out into the real world for Starbucks. That's.... scary.



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i want to play el who is with me!



We can always go outsides and slash rabbits..i know a guy who looks like an ogre..perhaps I can beat him up?

And flowesr..oh flowers are everywhere to pick..the hard part is finding a grizzly bear here tho..:D


*hugs* stay strong guys..all bad things must come to an ending soon :P



Edited by Jezebelle

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We can always go outsides and slah rabbits..i know a guy who looks like an ogre..perhaps I can beat him up?

And flowesr..oh flowers are everywhere to pick..the hard part is finding a grizzly bear here tho..:D


*hugs* stay strong guys..all bad things must come to an ending soon :P




Oh wow! I actually want to go pick flowers now. There's actually really pretty wildflowers here.

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i want to play el who is with me!



We can always go outsides and slash rabbits..i know a guy who looks like an ogre..perhaps I can beat him up?

And flowesr..oh flowers are everywhere to pick..the hard part is finding a grizzly bear here tho..:D


*hugs* stay strong guys..all bad things must come to an ending soon :P





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