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Goodnight, I get the luxury of goin to sleep now and when I wake up EL will be there (hopefully :P..


Bad news is I've also got work in the morning so will only be a short logon.


Ah well sweet dreams.




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i will give someone a thermal serp and full plate if they find a word that rimes with purple!

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Lets play E-L on the forums!



You failed to flee

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You failed to flee

You recovered 120 matersial points

CoKPhaY kicked the bucket

scarr: hmm who wanna fight me ?

zorro: :icon13:( *runs*

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me to, i got the same problem, it wont connect. how much longer do we have to wait for untill the server comes back?

Edited by jcs

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i will give someone a thermal serp and full plate if they find a word that rimes with purple!



doesnt really rhyme

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nurple ?

must be real word!

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cordial, council, counsel, couple, crackle, cradle, crewel, crinkle, cripple, crucial, cruel, crumble, crumple, crystal, cuddle, cudgel, cul, curdle, cycle, cymbal, dabble, dactyl, damsel, dandle, dangle, daniel, dapple, darnel, dawdle, dazzle, decimal, dental, dermal, devil, dextral, dial, dibble, diddle, diesel, dimple, dingle, direful, dirndl, dismal, distal, docile, doleful, doodle, dorsal, dottle, double, doubtful, dowel, dreadful, dribble, drivel, drizzle, dual, ducal, ductal, ductile, duel, duffel, duffle, dull, duple, dwindle, eagle, easel, eiffel, equal, ethel, ethyl, evil, fable, facial, facile, factful, factual, faddle, faithful, fatal, fateful, fearful, federal, feeble, fennel, feral, ferrule, fertile, ferule, fetal, fettle, feudal, fibril, fickle, fiddle, final, fiscal, fitful, fizzle, flannel, floral, focal, foible, fondle, fontal, forceful, formal, fossil, fragile, frazzle, freckle, fretful, frightful, frivol, frizzle, frontal, frugal, fruitful, fuddle, fuel, fugal, fugle, fumble, fungal, funnel, futile, gabble, gable, gaggle, gainful, gamble, gambol, gambrel, garble, gargle, gastral, gavel, general, genial, gentle, gerbil, gerbille, giggle, girdle, glacial, gleeful, global, glossal, glottal, gobble, goggle, gospel, grabble, graceful, grackle, gradual, granule, grapple, grateful, gravel, griddle, grippal, gristle, grizzle, grovel, gruel, grumble, guileful, gull, gunnel, gunwale, gurgle, guzzle, hackle, haggle, handel, handle, handsel, hansel, harmful, hassle, hateful, hazel, healthful, heckle, heedful, helpful, hemal, herbal, hobble, hopeful, hostel, hostile, hovel, hoyle, huckle, huddle, hull, humble, hurdle, hurtful, hurtle, hustle, hymnal, idle, idol, idyll, ireful, it'll, jackal, jangle, jekyll, jewel, jiggle, jingle, joel, joggle, jonquil, jostle, joule, journal, jowl, joyful, juggle, jumble, jungle, jural, justle, kennel, kernel, kestrel, kettle, kibble, kindle, kirtle, kittle, knuckle, label, labile, ladle, larval, laurel, lawful, legal, lentil, lethal, level, libel, lingual, lintel, lisle, little, local, loyal, lull, lustful, mammal, mandrel, mandril, mandrill, manful, mangle, mantel, mantle, manual, maple, marble, marginal, marshal, marshall, martial, marvel, measle, medal, meddle, menstrual, mental, menthyl, merkel, metal, methyl, mettle, mewl, michael, middle, mindful, mingle, minstrel, mirthful, missal, missile, mistral, mitchell, mitral, mobil, mobile, modal, model, module, mogul, molal, mongol, mongrel, moral, morsel, mortal, motile, mottle, mournful, muddle, muffle, mull, mumble, mural, muscle, mussel, mutual, muzzle, myrtle, narwhal, nasal, natal, naval, navel, needful, needle, nestle, nettle, neural, neutral, newel, nibble, nickel, niggle, nimble, nipple, nitrile, noble, nodal, noddle, noodle, normal, nostril, novel, nozzle, nubile, nuchal, null, numbskull, numskull, nuzzle, octal, offal, ogle, opal, oral, ordinal, oval, paddle, painful, panel, papal, parcel, partial, passel, peaceful, pebble, pedal, peddle, penal, pencil, people, peril, personal, pestle, petal, petrel, petrol, phenyl, phial, phonal, phrasal, pial, pickle, piddle, piffle, pimple, pistil, pistol, plasmal, playful, pleural, plical, plural, pommel, poodle, popple, portal, postal, prattle, prayerful, pretzel, prickle, prideful, primal, puddle, puerile, pulpal, pummel, pupal, pupil, purl, purple, puzzle, quarrel, quibble, quintal, rabble, racial, raffle, ramble, rankle, rascal, rattle, ravel, real, rebel, rectal, regal, regnal, renal, rental, reptile, restful, retinal, revel, rhinal, rictal, riddle, riffle, rifle, rightful, ripple, ritual, rival, rouble, royal, rubble, ruble, ruddle, rueful, ruffle, rumble, rumple, runnel, rural, rustle, ruthful, sable, sacral, saddle, sample, samuel, sandal, satchel, scalpel, schedule, schnitzel, schnozzle, scleral, scornful, scoundrel, scrabble, scramble, scrapple, scribble, scrotal, scruple, scuffle, scull, sculptural, scurrile, scuttle, seasonal, sectile, semble, senseful, sentinel, seoul, sepal, septal, sequel, servile, sessile, sessional, setal, settle, several, sexual, shackle, shamble, shameful, shingle, shovel, shrapnel, shrapnell, shrieval, shrivel, shuffle, shuttle, sibyl, sickle, sidle, signal, simple, sinful, single, sizzle, skilful, skillful, skittle, skull, slothful, smuggle, snaffle, sneerful, sniffle, snivel, snorkel, snuffle, snuggle, social, songful, sorrel, soulful, spacial, spackle, spangle, spaniel, sparkle, spatial, special, speckle, spectral, spinal, spindle, spiral, spital, spiteful, spittle, spousal, sprinkle, squabble, squiggle, squirrel, stable, staple, startle, statal, steeple, stencil, sterile, sternal, stifle, stigmal, stipple, stomal, stopple, straddle, straggle, strangle, stressful, streusel, strobil, strobile, stromal, structural, strudel, struggle, stubble, stumble, subtle, suckle, supple, sural, swaddle, swindle, swivel, symbol, table, tackle, tactful, tactile, taffrail, tamil, tangle, tarsal, tassel, tasteful, tattle, tearful, teasel, temple, temporal, tendril, tensile, textile, thankful, thermal, thimble, thistle, thoughtful, threatful, throttle, tickle, tidal, timbale, tingle, tinkle, tinsel, tipple, title, tittle, toddle, toggle, toil, tonal, tonsil, topple, total, tottle, tousle, towel, trammel, trample, tranquil, travel, treacle, treadle, treble, tremble, trestle, trial, tribal, trickle, trifle, triple, trommel, trouble, trowel, truckle, truffle, truncal, trundle, trustful, truthful, tubal, tumble, tumbrel, tuneful, tunnel, turtle, tussle, twaddle, twattle, twiddle, twinkle, umbel, umbral, uncial, uncle, ural, urinal, useful, usual, vandal, vassal, venal, vengeful, ventral, verbal, vermeil, vernal, vessel, vestal, vial, victual, vigil, vinyl, viral, virgil, virile, visual, vital, vocal, vowel, vulval, waddle, waffle, waggle, wail, wailful, wakeful, wangle, wankel, warble, wassail, wasteful, wastrel, watchful, wattle, weasel, weevil, wheedle, whiffle, whistle, whittle, whorl, wiggle, wilful, willful, wimble, wimple, winkle, wishful, wistful, wobble, woeful, worthful, wrangle, wrathful, wrestle, wriggle, wrinkle, wrongful, yodel, yokel, youthful, yowl, zestful, zonal


these all rhyme with purple :icon13:

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why is it takeing so long to fix the route?????


i wish to know [ incase they are playing without us]

hurdel Edited by king_rick

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i give 2 k and thermal serp nd full plate for somone who finds a word that rymes with orange [ not seriange]


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i give 2 k and thermal serp nd full plate for somone who finds a word that rymes with orange [ not seriange]

I don't believe any of you will give a thermal.. and if its a joke you should say it. :icon13:

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