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Factions and buisinesses

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I've always thought it would be a great addition to the game to have factions in the game. I know there are the gods but I'm thinking more along the lines of factions established by citezens and the likes. These could perhaps have benefits for people that join and advance in the ranks, such as lower prices off same faction NPCs or ways to earn extra gold off work. There could be rival factions so when you join one, another faction that isn't too friendly towards them may charge more for items, reveal less information, ect.

A few ideas for factions are:


Magic School:could add more NPCs into the magic school in TG, players can get better deals off of magic based items such as essences and jewelry. The jobs and such would most likely be along the lines of magic-biased missions and perhaps include a little crafting and potion jobs such as diliveries and get X amount of this.


Militia:this could be based in Nordcarn, fits it best. This one would give discounts on weaponry and armor, and it's jobs would be combat biased, if possible could include escort jobs, hinting a little bit of manufacturing in a few jobs. This faction would be somewhat like EL's security in a sense.


Council:basically the political and economic faction. This would be aiming towards manufacturing, crafting, and alchemy, and offer discounts on high profit items. Jobs would be a mixture of aiding poor areas, pursuading NPCs, and money donations.


Conjuror's Club:Acts as a hub for summoners. Help out with summoning and give discounts of summoning equipment such as life, death, and matter essence, meat, bones, and furs.


Trapper's Society:This one gives better prices on animal items, ranging from fur clothing to furs and pelts. The jobs would be mainly aquiring furs and the likes for the post, with decent pay.


gangs-There'd be a couple of these, each having their own enemies and allies.

gang 1:defensive fighting based, offer cheap healing and the likes. allied with gang 2, enemy of 4

gang 2:this one is the crime ring, the concept behind this one is shady deals and valuables, this gang is basically very money based and requires some funds to join, but helps in the long run, allied with gang 2,3, and 4,

gang 3:offensive fighting based, helps out with attacking needs such as weaponry and the likes. allies with 2 and 4, neutral to 1

gang 4:assassin style gang, the idea behind this gang is speed, meaning they may discount on small weapons and other light gear. allied with gang 3, enemy of 1



and last but not least, it would be great if many of the buisinesses (like gen stores, taverns, ect) could have some small odd-jobs for you to do for some quick gold, such as diliveries and perhaps getting items. Be great for newbies who really aren't ready for much outside of IP and WS, but need to get some money

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