In light of tonight's fun at beam and hide and seek I have decided to make this a weekly event.
Want to know what's required? It's simple.
1. Must be 25+ people at beam having a party around the campfire.
2. Enjoy the fun and take part in the hide and seek contest.
Yup folks! That's it. Easy right
I will move this event to Saturday or Sunday evenings around 9pm EST. Hide and seek contest will start at 10pm EST.
If this time frame is too late for you to join in then why not run a contest of your own Let's get IP active again and draw in newer players. IP really is a great place to be when it's packed with players right?
I will post here weekly with prizes for contest and if you would like to donate to the event please contact me in game or you may post here or message me here.
Thanks to all who made this possible tonight! I had a great time and hope you did also.
GM of BO$$