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Everything posted by jamincollins

  1. EMP weapon

    By will have a chance to lose one or more magic items from their inventory, do you mean the item would be dropped or destroyed? From the rest of your post, you seem to mean the item would be destroyed. However, I just wanted to clarify.
  2. shared chars

    Love the idea, you've got my vote.
  3. Pair of Teleport Spells

    And so, a player makes his way to hydro one time, casts the "Set Teleport Spell" and never again needs to risk the PK areas to get hydro.
  4. Did you always want to be an all arounder?

    When my wife and I started we looked over the skills and tried to divide the skills we were interested in among ourselves as much as possible. This left me with A/D and Potions. While she largely took on Manufacturing and Crafting. And we both did Harvesting and Alchemy. When my daughter started playing she decided she wanted to be a summoner. Now, I'm taking on more and more of the crafting and manufacturing due to my wife's health. Eventually, I'll probably move into Engineering and Summoning.
  5. Death with out lag

    I have no idea whether it is related or not, but there have been a few reported instances of the health bar above the character getting out of sync with the character's actual health. Here is one: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33225
  6. Python Binding

    There are a number of bot implementations in python. If you don't mind GPL'd code you are welcome to look at my bot code as a reference: http://el.asgardsrealm.net/dokuwiki/doku.p...d=el:bot:python
  7. Hmmm... i cant log on.. hope im not banned?

    If you can log into the test server but not the main server it sounds like something between you and the server is blocking port 2000. Giving out your login credentials to mods (or others) won't help the situation.
  8. List of 'rare' books that you can't sell

    I doubt it:
  9. more xp in magic school

    Normal experience for all spells in magic schools, with the exception of Drain Mana (which gives no experience in non-PK maps).
  10. Multiplayer cheating

    [sarcasm]GREAT![/sarcasm] What about my wife and daughter that play with me? Or the other families out there that play from a single IP? Or heaven forbid the group of players that like to be social and gather at one players house? All of these are legal means of playing and all of these occur from the same IP. Again, this is a very bad idea.
  11. Multiplayer cheating

    Because it is currently legal to run multiple clients. From time to time I do have two clients running on my machine. Perhaps I'd like to log into the test server to try something while playing on the main server too. Or, perhaps I'd like to test different attribute/nexus configurations with an alt. If you have any suspicions of me illegally multi-playing I welcome you calling for an investigation. So, because I have 8+ PCs I'd never play EL? I can't begin to tell you how utterly absurd that is. Neither of these statements have anything to do with the suggestion. As stated before, the client is open source, removal of any such check would be trivial. Additionally, it removes legal multi-client play.
  12. Newbie for Hire

    I'll take up to 5k beaver furs @ 4gc each, when you get the time.
  13. Favorite skill.

    If I had to pick a single one, it would be potion. However, I'm really more of a jack of all trades, training each skill in its own time.
  14. giws did not give message in desert pines invasion

    Besides, there may not always be a GIWS warning. Getting a GIWS warning depends on players paying for its upkeep by giving GC to the NPC.
  15. Testing out the new models

    Is that with an updated CVS, or Roja's client? That's with up to date CVS. And since posting that I've noticed that it appears to happen on all p2p races.
  16. Whats your reason?

    Blackthorne comes from a character I made for an old pen and paper RPG that I used to play almost two decades ago now, Rolemaster. I made the character without a last name and over time his personality developed. Throughout the course of gaming he acquired a few different pieces of black equipment and generally became a thorn in the side of some of the local rulers. So, the character gained a last name for what he'd become, a black thorn (Blackthorne). I've used it as a family name for my characters ever since. The name has nothing to do with the various games that have since come out or the character in the Shogun novel.
  17. 1.4.0 Map Bugs

    Look ma, floating silver: IotF [283, 254]
  18. Guild Ranks

    Some bots provide services like this. For instance the bot code I maintain learns the rank of fellow guild members it sees (assumes the bot has rank 19 within the guild) and allows guild members to have it kick them for PvP training and rejoin at their same rank afterwards.
  19. Eliminate storage chat window

    Not sure if you are aware of this, but here goes. For opening those hard to reach bags (pun intended) you can CTRL+Click a quickbar slot. This will cause all of the item in the quickbar slot to drop on the ground, thus opening the bag for you. If you are concerned about the order of items in your inventory, CTRL+Click on the last item in the bag to pick up all of it and it should go to the first empty inventory slot and then click Get All.
  20. Advanced Broker-Bot

    While you might still consider this misuse, I believe Usl was accessing the list so that he could go actually ask each bot owner for permission to have Rraisa access them. In many cases this is an after the fact request, but I do believe that Usl is honestly trying to provide what he sees as a benefit to the community. He admits that there are shortcomings with the service, these have been reiterated several times already. However, the number of bots continues to grow and has (IMO) already outgrown the existing interfaces. If we don't like Usl plan, we need to come up with a better one, stop bickering, and implement it.
  21. Suggestion for Summoning Stones

    Bear fur is normally about 20gc from players. If you can't find a player selling for that or less, you can buy them for 30gc from the NPC. So that ensures that these can be made at a profit.
  22. Teleport stones

    Not to mention the ability for bagjumpers to use the stones to teleport people off their bags.
  23. Advanced Broker-Bot

    I agree that the discussions on the bot owner forum should be open. However, to not subscribe and thus not participate because the forum is current private only means that your voice will not be heard and some decisions (that may effect you) will be made without you. However, this is off-topic for this thread.
  24. Testing out the new models

    Dwarf name blocks are mis-aligned. In the following screen shot you can see that koumbayabayo's name block is behind and lower for some reason:
  25. Feathers causing disconnects

    Already reported here.