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About Dragonlore

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  • Birthday 09/09/1996

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  • Interests
    motocross, fishin, huntin, muddin, partyin

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  1. Mags

    R.I.P mags 😭 you'll be missed, I'll miss mags daily
  2. Chars Stolen

    He seems to have sold all but Dragonlore char. Don't buy scammed characters!
  3. Chars Stolen

    And now he's selling off my characters 🫡 was nice playing with some of you. GGs and don't trust family.
  4. Chars Stolen

    The screen shot was sent to me by an independent friend who yes is not US based. I messaged many people in hopes someone could convince my brother to at bare minimum speak to me/ try to hash things out. Those who've interacted with me (I've had this forum acct since what 2012 at least) know who I am and can absolutely differentiate between the two of us via discord and game chat. Either way this serves as a warning that Dragonlore IS NO LONGER Dragonlore as people may assume it to be. I'm fully aware that according to game rules I'm screwed as far as getting any official help to recover the characters, just want it plain and public that albeit my poor (in light of this) decision making on trusting blood family members that in regards of the chars I no longer have any control over any portion of them and folks will be dealing entirely with my brother if they choose to interact.
  5. Chars Stolen

    Screenshot of the impostor admitting his theft
  6. Chars Stolen

    Dragonlore and SecondDragon stolen from me by my RL brother going by originaldragon, kushtica/kushticann. Also has mammon char and changed his discord to that as well. I've given it a week or two to cool down but after this time he's blocked me on FB, discord, and now my phone number and is claiming to have paid for them. This is not the case and I have screenshots of him (on Dragonlore) admitting as much. Do NOT trust these characters any longer
  7. Scammed or stolen character sales warning.

    Dragonlore and SecondDragon stolen from me by my RL brother going by originaldragon, kushtica/kushticann. I've given it a week or two to cool down but after this time he's blocked me on FB, discord, and now my phone number and is claiming to have paid for them. This is not the case and I have screenshots of him (on Dragonlore) admitting as much. Do NOT trust these characters any longer
  8. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    Won't let me log in unfortunately
  9. May i create an alt?

    thank you very much
  10. Which was your biggest project ever?

    i harvested 120k sulfur once
  11. i just figured it would be an incentive to train engineering lol. merely a suggestion roman
  12. Just a random idea that I got today, I was thinking that it could be made that with a higher engineering level could give slight mine defense/evasion bonuses with higher levels. the same could be done with ranging level as well I suppose. would give people incentive to work on those skills more
  13. May i create an alt?

    its been just over a year since I was put on restriction, and I was wondering if I could create and alt now? I've not played much in this past year but I haven't broken any rules in that time and I can assure you I will not in the future. please give me a chance, you won't regret it. in game name is Dragonlore
  14. Ban

    the two characters that were mine were DragonFyre and Dragonlore, all others were belonging to younger siblings. i know it wasnt right, and i know that it will not happen again. im truly sorry that this occured i just wish that my little brothers would have listened to my warnings.
  15. Ban

    i hope im not coming across as impatient lol, but i posted this 4 days ago originally, could someone please take a look at it and get back to me if time permits?