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Everything posted by Arnieman

  1. very old players

    I remember there used to be a discussion about newbies/oldbies/etc. - Last time I heard the discussion, newer players were newbies, before the crash were oldbies, and if you weren't one of them, there wasn't a real consensus to what to call you I started in January 2005, played actively through about late 2007, and have since tried to make comebacks, but with RL happenings and kinda EL fatigue... (not so much with the game itself, but in the way I chose to play vs. leveling requirements). Eventually, I may come back, but for now, I'll occasionally log on to chat with old friends.
  2. Static

    I died in invance, and I know I should have had a rostogol - I didn't. Usually, we can trust ANYONE on our team. However, this time... DarkDiablo held my bag for me, and was returning it to me. However, in the split second between DD moving and me going for the bag, Static teleported onto the bag, and raided it. When he moved, I then took my bag - only to find some of my armor removed. Taken were a Titanium Shield, Titanium Greaves, FR Cloak, and some gc drops out of the invance. I am not as concerned about getting my armor returned, I just post this to warn that Static is without honor. Take care in any dealing you have with him - he also bagjumped Rhyander in the same invance.
  3. Haidir passes

    I voted "really crappy" I typically take what I get and have yet to get anything I couldn't take with a serp Sun Tzu, I'll try for higher ones, but I mostly get better on those days anyway (luck of the draw)
  4. Cash for clunkers safe?

    After watching the video posted by sora... 1.) Anyone else think that looks about as "environmentally safe" as burning tires? It looks to me to be a very wasteful process, producing more pollutants all at once than are saved by not letting that car "live" out it's life on the road? 2.) Not necessarily connected to the video, but still to the program... Is it really economically viable in this rough time to force everyone into buying new cars because older ones just won't be available? 3.) Is the environmental impact really worth the effort and red-tape and loads of taxpayer money? My thoughts, NO. Nice try, Obama, but not sound judgment at this time.
  5. Environmental saving ideas!

    The paperwork for an "Indecent Exposure" charge is not environmentally friendly o.O My personal environMENTAL saving proposition: Find pseudo-scientific political windbag spouting about "global warming". Shoot said windbag. EnvironMENTAL benefits: Less emissions of hot air, leading to less global warming! One less politician! Body can decompose, returning vital wasted resources to the soil! NOTE: This is only intended as a humorous proposal, and should not be taken as an endorsement by me or an actual plan to take the life of anyone. This is written for those with a sense of humor, and if you have a chance of taking it seriously, I suggest you disregard it immediately before the rabid squirrel commando death squad comes to eat your entrails - with sporks.
  6. Michael Jackson dead.

    Just to clarify a glaring mis-statement I have seen... I don't think that in American court trials, juries can find someone INNOCENT. I could be wrong, but I think they can only find them NOT GUILTY. Whereas the two are similar, they are not the same, as the former means that the accused could not have committed the crime, where the second means that the evidence provided doesn't conclusively prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crime. If I am wrong in my statement that American juries can't find someone innocent, only not guilty, I am confident that the use of an "innocent" verdict is extremely rare, as to say that the "not guilty" verdict is far more common. That said, I don't feel that MJ's guilt in the matter is something that is up to me to decide, whether he actually did it or not. If he did as he is accused, it's pretty sick. Even if all he did was holding sleepovers for kids, without allowing chaperons, and nothing perverse happened (such as the accusations of liquor, pornography, sexual conduct), I still feel that's inappropriate. I can't say that if I had children, I'd let them stay in a similar circumstance, fame or no fame. That also said, I believe this boils down to a few facts: Michael Jackson was an artist, who changed his industry with his work. He's deceased now, and whatever he did in life, he has only God to answer to now. I do hope he rests in peace - as I would wish for anyone who dies to rest in peace. I admit I'm kinda late in the game here... also, I do admit a "religious" bias. For the first, I apologize. For the second... I can respect your views, but I will hold mine - please respect my views.
  7. 80's music!

    <slightly offtopic but merely tangential> This thread reminds me of one of the shows at one of my workplaces... Seriously, why in 2009 does an amusement park need a show about the 1980s? And why did they need it in 2008?
  8. Probably already stated, but my personal opinion: If you die, and you lose your "death bag" or "db", those items are, per game rules and mechanics, lost to you. If you ahppen to get back to that db in enough time, and someone else hasn't gotten to it and looted it first, you're entitled to every bit of it you want. However, someone does get to it, tough luck unless they're nice enough to return it... and you shouldn't cry about it. That's the GAME rules. THEN, there are what the players have accepted as the rules they want to play by, that have no real validity to them - thus, the COMMUNITY rules. These rules hold such things as "db jumping" as wrong - thus, causing a dispute. Obviously, the "community" rules hold that, if you die in combat, unless another player bested you, that you should be able to run back and get your stuff back... the dispute arising if you don't. So, we have the difference between GAME and COMMUNITY, official and unofficial. If the poll were asking if I thought that taking "death bags" were abuse-worthy, I'd say not in the slightest - it's got nothing to do with game rules. But the poll asks if the action is worthy of the "disputes" forum. Since it's against this long-accepted-by-many rule, I'd say that's exactly where such threads belong. At the same time, if instead of trying to burn down the whole forum with useless flames, people would use it ONLY to post their disputes and attempt resolutions, then that forum just might serve it's purpose.
  9. Were you really there? Back on topic - you have never lived until you have heard a cowboy try to teach chickens riding motorcycles how to yodel, to break up an asteroid about to hit the earth. Ah, I miss Riders in the Sky... it was one of their crazier story lines. Sorry, thought this was zany yodeling stories
  10. Depletable Resources Poll

    Voted NO. I might amend my vote if the need for mass-harvesting, IE, the fact that it takes a LOT of resources to get anything, gets reduced... Just my quick thought.
  11. One character per person at a time

    I voted NO. I have one main and 2 alts, plus whatever "alts" I have run to assist in contests. Should this rule pass, without exception, contest "alts" become a thing of the past - who'd wanna sacrifice time with their main for as much as 3-4 hours, for a contest? I would live with the rule, if it came to pass, but I respectfully disagree with either its necessity or "definition". I agree with what was stated early in the thread that the spirit of the no-multi rule (#5) should cover the same thing this rule presumes to, without the negative implications... AFAIK, NO BENEFIT means NONE.
  12. Classified Ads

    wow... lmao
  13. Do you like the gummy bears?

    make it stop, please... I may gouge out my eyes for this
  14. Just one of those days.

    I agree with Gohan, tho when all else fails, flamethrowers are good venting mechanisms. That said, no flaming people.
  15. Manufacturing strike!

    As a side note - as I'm not a current active participant in game, my support or dissent against this latest move is null, or at best nothing more than just a "you can do it!" message. I will say that in the past, I know of two strikes and "unions" that formed with similar aims. The first, I was part of. The Alchemist Union was massively maligned, yet largely successful - we had good organization. I actually made a good bit of money there... but we eventually fell apart do to complacency when we got what we wanted. Strangely, I was making money this way WHILE MrMind was making money HIS way. The second, a "Manufacturers Union" started with one top player saying he was tired of selling below cost... This failed, IMO, because there was no organization to this... Just my two gc worth.
  16. Best Linux Distro?

    So, I am a "loyal" Windows user, since 3.1 and now into XP - but not yet Vista. Can't seem to bear the thought of Vista... That aside, I recently had some older computers come to my possession, and I think I may try to build a working one out of them and then, well... I wanna test using Linux. The question becomes, what is a good Linux distro for someone who has used DOS and Windows - but is no way an expert, but wants to become more versatile? I can't post specs here yet - the comp isno't built. Highest probable processor I can think of in the mess is Pentium 3, no clue on clock-speed. Other specs I will post if this also will help people to point me to the best possible Linux distro for me. Anything else I can think of as I chronicle my adventure, I'll post here. If you can and want to help or contribute creatively, feel free.
  17. Favorite Colors

    Alright, I'm sure you are all wondering why... but the thought came up that, I could think of a friend or relative who claimed to like each of the major colors (red, orange, etc.) except yellow. So, I decided to make a poll for the purpose of finding out, if anyone really likes the color yellow - and will admit to it. Of course, I included all the colors of the rainbow - except indigo, because I've yet to hear anyone refer to indigo as it's own color and not just "a shade of blue". Black and white are also included, despite my finding most people who prefer one or the other, also have another color that is "their favorite". Gray is included because it's smack-dab in the middle of black and white, and Brown is... brown. Other colors, which seem to be a shade of a main color, weren't included, for brevity. Same for most 2-color blends - for the most part, these have one color being more prevalent than the other. Try to pick the color that best matches your choice, or pick other and explain in a post if one doesn't match right. And no PKing anyone for their color choice! (j/k)
  18. woot, another mathematically significant special day that has absolutely no bearing on our everyday lives!
  19. Best Linux Distro?

    Alright, someone brought up something that I probably should have addressed from the start. I would consider myself who - for the most part - just wants my system to work, and beats the tar out of it to make it do so. I used to be kinda advanced with Windows, but as time has marched on and I didn't... not so much anymore. The first goal for any project with Linux for me would be getting the system to work, the eventual goal would be to actually learn Linux.
  20. Best Linux Distro?

    Seems like the most popular is Ubuntu or some form thereof. Not yet built the machine, life issues coming up and all... Will keep posting as updates come.
  21. Isn't Vista great!

    Talk about a Windows crash
  22. How Did You Get Your EL Name?

    Why my names are: Atahn: Originally was a PS RPG, name is lost to me, that the main char is "Stahn" - when I was rolling the char, my bro deleted the first letter... so I replaced it with "A" and have liked the name since for fantasy games. Someone once told me that apparently, "atah" means pain or something in some language... Aetherion: Loosely referring to the classical elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Aether. Aether is the 5th element, The others being fire, water, earth, and air, making up the terrestrial sphere, and aether being outside that. The loose meaning is that Atahn is a wanderer, having no real home... and will be better explained when I actually write my story. UnnamedOne: Originally created as a test-alt when I was a quest writer, and I wrote a sample that required me to walk into a monster-infested PK map - and I didn't want to risk losing my MM cape just to make my name as a quest writer. Later developed into just a play-alt, not really developed since about the 120 client (could be wrong). Nhata: Bomber-alt - perked up and ready to go, she makes a completely suicidal opposite to Atahn. Also not really developed in a long time. EDIT: Forgot one Arnieman: Nickname from my RL friends - they said I drank a lot, and derived my name from a beer-guzzling barstool-warmer from the Simpsons. At the time, they weren't referring to alcohol, tho I can handle my liquor.
  23. Hoarding poll

    Mostly inactive now, but occasionally I play now, so I feel fair in responding. I would guess my gc is in the 100-200Kgc range, and I know my collection of stones and enriched esses has to be over 30. Reasoning: I am for the most part an all-rounder. My rare items have been most often as the result of harvesting (stones) or alchemy. I tend to keep these either for personal use, or for barter with friends. My gc has largely been from fighting, or the selling of essences/dung to players, or flowers to shops. This is most often used for the purchase of books or ingreds from players, when I'm not feeling like mass-harvesting for my insanity projects.
  24. Kill the post above

    Dr Pepper to fix you right up!
  25. Kill the post above

    teh ebul sugarness pwns j00, dentist!