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About cho-yun

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/25/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Seridia - Tarsengaard or Irilion - Emerald Valley / Palon Vertas - I'm also on Ch7
  • Interests
    Live in England

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853 profile views
  1. very old players

    I cannot remember the last time I was here..
  2. EL Urban Legends

    Let's be honest, there are some majorly old players around. Some just appear now and then. "The Joker is the only way to get rare items." - I remember being told this once
  3. More Allarounders in the game

    Also have a chance of breaking in whatever they do... Excavator Cloak of inorganic -> break while harvesting Fast regeneration of Magic -> break while using magic Power saving of vegetal -> break while mixing No more tear of human -> break while fighting Conjurer cape of Animal -> break while summoning
  4. fishing maybe?

    who's going to tell him? I think fishing could work sooner or later, It will be like harvesting I guess... And I thought Scaled armour was like chain armour but made in a different fashion...
  5. Many Improvements

    First sight of these Improve your title Improve your searching skills I haven't searched yet however my memory recalls these too many times
  6. Events

    Ayumu points 1 - I consider the same, depending on the prize i'm giving away and who it's aimed at. Example Leather Armour sets, aimed at newbies, make it somewhat challenging (Seridia) 2 - Oh I remember thoses days. Iron Armour set, Enriched essence set, 20kgc. Some people spend time using rings or teleportations to get the prize quickly, sometimes bringing the wrong item, wasted more essence or rings. However, people would play for the thrill of it and winning was just a bonus. (Acelon, Bugabear, Molime, Magpielee(even though he usually wins) are a few I remember) (Sorry if anyone feels offended I did not include them) However, like Ayumu said, now if the prize isn't good enough, no one seems to care unless they got nearly no items anyway. 3 - And yes, donations were great, bigger they were, the more chance of more poeple playing or offering a better challenge to those who want it. If the prize isn't worth the challenge, no one plays. 4 - Hench I try to do surprised events ingame when I can. PS: sorry if I insulted anyone as well in some way
  7. Events

    I tried to host one a few days back (think it's a few weeks now lol) Channel 7 has a few people active on it and a moderator told me only well known hosters get an announcement I prefer hosting than playing However due to lack of resource collecting - It's hard And on that note - I'll like to thank everyone who has donated to me or helped me in order to host a few contests lol
  8. Awards system

    Here's a few Nature's Hell walker - Most deaths while killed by random events The ### Hoard - Person with the most ### Master trader - Most trades with gold coins for something of equal value (might not work) The Nurse/Doctor - Most successful remote heals used I Love Stone Pets - Person who uses the most summoning stones
  9. Hethersett500

    Hey guys I havent been here in a while, this is due to school work. Recently I got myself into a charity run thing to raise money for a local charity. i'm doing along with 60-100 other people. This event is the first of it's kind in Britian however has been down in Wales (I heard) In 24 hours we are all going to do a relay run for 500km to raise money for Chairty This Charity is called EACH (East Anglia's Children's Hospices) Their website can be found here:- http://www.each.org.uk/ They're a charity who helps families who has someone within whom has a terminal illness or has a complex condition. They help the familes through tough physical and emotional times This is a local charity of Norfolk This event will take place on Friday 13th to Saturday 14th It would be great if anyone could donate some money to this cause and sponsor us at http://www.justgiving.com/hethersett500 I'll be in the overnight shift and day shift - a total of 17 hours. Please sponsor us as every bit counts You can leave a name and comment but I think it will look werid as my teachers will read something saying donated £20 comment: Good Luck Choey Lastly - Thanks for reading
  10. Original monsters

    No idea if there are other games with cockatrice in, but I want a jabberwocky in EL (as a random strength/health and other attributes monster) just for invasions and maybe instances too. FF12 but it's a large fat chickenball
  11. Magic Map

    not really but i try to join these events I've missed nearly all of them x_x' GCSE year
  12. Magic Map

    I cant believe i missed another one lol...
  13. has the idea of having say 50 solts in each npc storage been suggested? You can have only 50 slots at Raven another 50 at Moglor etc Increase stragic ideas 50 x N storages could be 25 instead
  14. mining quest

    I believe (if you search) quest are being looked into There just is not enough people to code or program these quest. Pickaxes arent too bad priced in my opinion.
  15. Experience Boosters

    so who has $2440 to get to 150? or $5140 to get 178? That castle will be built in no time