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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. Auctioning a Cutlass

  2. Best ways of building up a mage

    So I have this character that I didn't know what to do with, so I thought I would create a mage out of him...you know help me in fights and during invasions...and kill me some giants so I can get kewl stuff. My question is...what is the best way to go about building a mage.. Currently he has Level 36 Attack; 39 Defence Level 23 Magic Level 32 Harvest Sucks(worse) at all teh other skills Attributes so far Reasoning 20 Will 32 Overall 13(reset) yes, took some negs...see below(insert about pk) What would be the best way to go about this...what perks would be good...attribute leveling....best way to get overalls with the skills I have listed... Just give me some ideas please... btw...this is a pk server character so please do go rambling on about illegal multiplaying and all that crap because it IS LEGAL on pk server....which is also why I can afford to take a majority of the neg perks cuz I have 4 other characters...
  3. Back in-game, so I can alch for you... Talon OR Patriot
  4. Buying

    I can make gold and silver rings/meds no problem. Are you supplying the bars or would I have to alch those(no problem) as well?
  5. Trade Bot Donkeh

    Ok so >RT< guild ownes Donkeh now, most likey for the last time. Our question is what would you like to see sold on him? We are not a super rich guild so we can't sell lots of high end armor. Also, we are Allies with SPAM and their bot Canned, so anything we sell that Canned sells will be sold for the same price SOME THINGS WE CAN MAKE AT THE MOMENT Training Armor(s) Potions(Attack, Defence, SR...) All Essences Iron, steel, silver,gold bars(note these are heavy so not a lot can be stocked) Also, anything we find while harvesting/fighting that we don't need we may put on there too... give us some ideas, thanks
  6. Trade Bot Donkeh

    Yes, Talon is a potter(n00b) but getting there and could put some Fighting type pots on there soon. UPDATE: we have put some training gear and some emralds/saphs and they have sold quickly, so we will likely continue with those items... Anything else??
  7. Trade Bot Donkeh

    Yes, those are some items we have the capability of putting on. However the swords and meds take 1 slot each so we can't put a TON of them on. Maybe a couple of each
  8. [Buying & Selling] Summoning/Misc

    Will buy Iron plate may sell you ede, but want more than 1kgc for it
  9. Final Vote: Main->PK Char Copy Proposal

    I am for it. I think it will help get the pk server more populated Patriot/Talon18= yes
  10. >RT<

    >RT< is looking for members. We are a non-pking guild for the time being, and we are working on leveling up in different skills. However we do have fighter characters and train on them to eventually meet the A/D cap. So if you are looking for a cool, fun guild to join, check us out. Here is our website which contains rules and regulations that would have to be met in order to join. Check us out >RT< Guild Website Also feel free to PM us in-game for any questions or for more info. Rogue34 - Guild Master Patriot/Talon18 - Asst. Guild Master
  11. Another idea to add people

    I agree with the others, having more people over here would mean more people to pk. It might actually become a "pk server" I myself have gone out on pking missions only to come back empty handed, because the only person online happens to be the only person on the server I have a NAP with. So, I am all for it...if it drastically changes the way the server works...so what...it is just a game, and I can't see it being all that bad anyway. Might actually be pretty fun. Aight all you fighters...warm up, lets kill all the main server n00bs. Talon
  12. Another idea to add people

    I agree with Chris and a few others that the "warrior" type skills such as A/D maybe others should be halved. I personally dont mind the manu/pot/crafting and whatnot being transfered as is, but I also am not #1 or in the top 5 in any of those skills to have my name kicked out of. SO that would more or less be up to those who do, I am not saying I hold top rankings for A/D but I dont want a bunch of idiots from main coming over and pking me like crazy all the time just because we would have TONS of capped players instead of our 3! Anyway, I wouldn't object even to all skills being halved, that would still be a huge jump over the rest of us who had to start from scratch on pk (I know I havent totally had that expierience ) Talon
  13. Auction for Cutty

  14. I Was asked to make this post

    Yeah I know, I was kidding. I did hear something about that on the enriched esses, the more there are in the game the chance of making them goes down. NOT saying that is true, but I did hear it from somewhere. But I know that the rate of rare stones isn't affected by how many are in-game.
  15. I Was asked to make this post

    So that is why no one can hardly find a binding, Segor has them all. Kidding. I think if people harvest/mix a ton enriched esses and rare stones will show up more. People prolly have a number of them but they get hoarded so no one else can find any. Talon
  16. I Was asked to make this post

    I think that the rates should increase on the rare stones. Possibly have the Weapons dude returned, but only if the prices went up. I mean there are some pretty rich people on pk and it would be easy to go out any get 2-3 bronze swords for 20kgc each and totally own. JS are like 40kish...Selling on shop wouldn't be good imo because 5-10$ and you could have a set of Tit/Steel armor, or 5 great swords. Or at least the RARE ings for those. So unless the prices were really high, I think it would be bad for the economy. Also, it seems like a good amount of people have great swords/armor already but they had to work to get them, so the find rate/make rate on the bindings/esses shouldn't go up a ton. Talon
  17. Shocker is a thief

    Gather's Meds are Pr0...
  18. PK server invasions

    3 days rocks. Get lots of A/d exp that way
  19. Food when manufacturing

    Or you can all come and mix on PK server where there is no cooldown on ANYTHING!!!!! I love it. SO very awesome. I just eat veggies/fruit. Sit in NC and make 6-7 HE eat 3 veggies 6-7 HE. It is fun.
  20. EITC Shop!

    Do you have a shop on pk server?
  21. I want a siggy but I only play Pk server... any ideas?
  22. Attribute Removal Stones

    I also know the frustration of buying someone elses character. And when I did I have reset. The reason being that each person has his/her own attribute besides P/C that they like. But all of them are good for something for a fighter...except will. Also, it may possibly be that some people are hesitant to sell attribute stones to certain people due to reputation. May not be totally sure on that, but just something I have noticed. I mean, who buys/sells from Woodeh's guild? No one!!! because they have a poor reputation. Just because this is a pk server, doesnt mean people like being pked...even though it is fun to do so. It would be nice if there were a few more in-game though...I want some nexus removal stones. Muahahahahaha Talon
  23. [ Buying ] [ Selling ]

    #edit due to pro's lame behavior in stealing my stuff...my guild wont sell/buy anything to you
  24. Selling Cutlass

    I am selling a Cutlass. *note-this is a cutlass, not a "cheap cutlass"* Ok, so how this is going to work is like an auction. I will kick start the auction. Kickstarted bid for Cutlass....50kgc ok, go........................ Talon18 *edit* Auction will end on September 12th at 4:00 PST. And bids after than dont count. *edit #2* I will also be willing to trade this sword for plate armor....Titanium or above though. I will also consider such things as Mirror cape, BP cape, NMT, or any other such armor items useful to a fighter char.
  25. Selling Cutlass

    Gratz to spike for winning the auction