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About julianvc

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  1. Forum validation requests

    Thank you very much.
  2. Forum validation requests

    Hello, onrypegasus is trying to activate her forum account. He had some problems posting here. She asked me for help. Could you activate her account, please? Thank you very much. Yulin_Old
  3. Very sad news, regarding Learner

    RIP Learner. Yulin_Old
  4. Bot expiration

    Albacea paid Número de recibo: 87693301GB264263R Yulin_Old
  5. New client binaries for testing

    Thank you very much Yulin_Old
  6. New client binaries for testing

    I installed it from your ppa and I copied tab maps but only .dds files, not elm.gz. I got this message when I executed the comand: ckdata: File matches expected checksum
  7. New client binaries for testing

    Hello bluap: I got these error messages: [21:39:45, actor_init.cpp:139] Error: GL error at actor animation program [21:39:45, sound.c:5012] Error: Warning: Points defined for default boundary. Points will be ignored. [21:42:58] Last message repeated 14 times [21:42:58, io/elfilewrapper.c:796] Error: Can't open file './3dobjects/rocks/snow_rockbig2.e3d'. [21:42:58, io/e3d_io.c:364] Error: Can't open file './3dobjects/rocks/snow_rockbig2.e3d'! [21:42:58, 3d_objects.c:442] Error: Can't load file "./3dobjects/rocks/snow_rockbig2.e3d"! [21:42:58, 3d_objects.c:490] Error: Something nasty happened while trying to process: [21:42:58, io/elfilewrapper.c:796] Error: Can't open file './3dobjects/rocks/ice_rockbig2.e3d'. [21:42:58, io/e3d_io.c:364] Error: Can't open file './3dobjects/rocks/ice_rockbig2.e3d'! [21:42:58, 3d_objects.c:442] Error: Can't load file "./3dobjects/rocks/ice_rockbig2.e3d"! [21:42:58, 3d_objects.c:490] Error: Something nasty happened while trying to process: This was the program output: Note it is overwritten each time you run the game. I checked and the crash happens on the test server too. Thank you very much. Yulin_Old.
  8. New client binaries for testing

    Hello all: I have just installed the new version ( and when I entered Ozu! guild map the client crashed. After that, when I try to log in that char the client always crashes. I think Burn fixed the same problem when version 1.9.4 was released. Could you fix that problem again, please? Thank you very much. Yulin_Old.
  9. Expiring bots

    Plata bot paid: Id. de transacción: 29E509232K2250358 Yulin_Old.
  10. Expiring bots (end of June)

    Albacea and Tasmani bots paid, Número de recibo: 9VK7953720415164D Yulin_Old.
  11. Expiring bots

    Plata paid: 82524866D40825351 Yulin_Old
  12. Expiring bots

    Payment for Albacea and Tasmani. El Id. de transacción de este pago es: 1MN91847M71659315.
  13. Expiringbots, November 2015

    Plata paid. Id. de transacción: 9VX188823R3638140 Yulin_Old
  14. Indicator of % book read not working

    Hi: I posted the same bug in this post: http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=60005 Maybe it can help you