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Everything posted by hussam

  1. Inconsistency in book read

    btw bluap, if I leave the fast reading room before finishing the book, will the knowledge bar reset to standard rate? I think it didn't last time.
  2. way to detect degrade level of armour

    Every time you get damage while training (you don't block the opponent's hit), there is a chance an armor part will degrade. A titanium shield has the same chance to degrade whether you have been using it for four years or one day.
  3. Knights of Badassdom

    lol, it's time to level up
  4. Bot Banned plus or negative

    Yes, it only takes twice longer. Im guy who banned from many bots, but its not bad for me, its bad for them,since i go and buy from others bots when i can buy from them. Not twice as longer. hardly a few minutes more. You can easily sell a 100 titanium shorts a day if you slave for your bot.
  5. Bot Banned plus or negative

    It's a roleplaying thing. It's part of the game. Banning people from bots is no different than bag jumping or red tagging people. It's all part of the role playing aspect of the game. You have to accept that it takes all kind of behaviour to build a community. However, you can look at it from a different side. Why would I sell my stuff to someone who doesn't like me? Let them go through the trouble of finding someone to buy stuff for them from me instead.
  6. Bot Banned plus or negative

    Some items are sold within minutes. You can ban half of EL from your bots and still make a very nice profit. Try selling daritha stuff, HE, SRs, etc.. Those items never stay long enough on the shelves.
  7. My account

    If you are trying to create a new game character, download the game from here Then install it and launch the client and click "New Character".
  8. pulled out of an invance

    Because someone who isn't using a weapon isn't helping which is how this started. Yet you insist on deviating from that point. With his bare hands? You quoted "You must bring good gear with you, don't come naked or with iron swords or with training arrows/bolts or with low level bows." No weapon is even worse than iron sword. WolfWitch only made him go to storage and get a weapon. That is very lenient on her side. Yet again you choose to continue to be judgmental. I don't understand how moderation is now turning into a topic of public discussion.
  9. pvp in guildmaps

    Then no one will pay for a guild map.
  10. Are you a hardcore player ? :)

    Haidir/daritha/invances were a brilliant addition. Invances for example give you experience in exchange for risking losing a rostogol. I think that is very fair. Even if you look at invances/dailies as cheap experience, they still decrease the gap between the power leveler and the casual player. Those are some aspects that should stay if we were to start all over. What I would change is: 1. Remove antisocial. 2. Remove nexus removal instance drops. 3. Make NPC sell more stuff. I think all armor should be sold from NPC including dragon sets. 4. Limit the amount of attributes you can add to your overall. For example, at 100 overall, I can have 40/40 p/c, 4 reasoning, 4 will, 4 instinct and 8 vitality only. Any remaining free pickpoints I got from negative perks can only be placed on positive perks or nexus. 5. Ban gc selling. Encourage players who want to buy gcs to buy items from shop and sell them in game. If some player absolutely feels they need to make real life money out of someone else's game, they can sell harvestables or essences, etc.. instead of gcs.
  11. Are you a hardcore player ? :)

    I've been thinking, wouldn't an overall level reset/item wipe (without touching skills levels) be sufficient if this soley to fix some game mechanics?
  12. Are you a hardcore player ? :)

    Sulla, it's not a response to something in @6. It's just groomsh's curiosity. As a matter of fact, I think bringing up this topic every once in a while is a worthwhile idea. It gives the community a chance to look in the mirror and focus on what needs to be changed.
  13. Are you a hardcore player ? :)

    I voted the 3rd option. It really depends on who stays as well. I will definitely stay if my friends stayed.
  14. Idea for a cape/perk

    make a reward perk that you get when you achieve 5 skills at 100+ regardless of overall/resets.
  15. 48 max attribute is plenty in my opinion.
  16. request to make a messenger bot to rate trade bots

    After the big spartan_warrior scam, I doubt many people will publicly reveal how much gc their bot is carrying.
  17. More Iron

    The only thing that has been removed at this location was some coal about 2 years ago. Nope, there used to be more iron at that spot and it was removed.
  18. Grueing a lot this time of night

    Around the time when you are grueing a lot, try running a traceroute. under windows, start -> run. type cmd.exe and then in the console window, type: tracert game.eternal-lands.com Under linux, it's 'traceroute game.eternal-lands.com'. Also try running #ping every once in a while in the game and monitor the readings. a fluctuation in the readings means a congested network connection. Good luck
  19. Help, please

    if you are able to log on from a different location, give the essences to a guildie or a friend who are regularly online and they can deliver the essences for you
  20. Help, please

    Can't you log on from some other location? a friend's house or library or some computer shop and deliver your essences?
  21. birthday of LLL

    Woot! Congrats LLL!
  22. New and updated trade bot list

    New owner for Nibal is Hussam.
  23. Remove the + from Channel

    I just tried it. looks good
  24. NMT game

    NMT today from yeti. the last one was 40 a/d levels ago when I trained feros.