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Posts posted by Roja

  1. If you want to make your own guild map then you need to download the newest map editor.


    Download it and install it directly into your Eternal Lands directory. Do not let your unzip program create a new folder for it to go in. Instead, when you download it save it directly into your EL folder and choose "extract here". if you're on windows the default path would be here: C:/Program Files/Eternal Lands/


    Map Editor Download Link for Windows



    Linux map editor? If you can compile it and give me one I'll post a link for that here ;)


    *Notes on some changes:

    -Now all maps are saved as .elm.gz which the map editor can open/save to.

    -If you want to delete ground tiles, you can now hold down shift in delete tile mode and "paint" delete them, making it easier/faster

    **There is a bug if you delete tiles in the m minimap mode-it will delete the height map as well! So do not use this unless you want a null height map!

  2. Ou I love the last one with the falcon bromber..thanks!

    With and without effects are fine to post. I don't really care what creations...I'm just looking for screenshots that look cool :)

    It's hard to describe exactly what shots I'm looking for, I look at the overall picture but basically it has to:


    -Be easy to read, nothing confusing to make someone say "wtf is that"

    -Have points of interest-half blank screens are boring to look at

    -Make sense overall(for instance I like your summoning shots where you are standing instead of sitting...sitting looks kinda odd for summoning creatures.)

    -Meet all the criteria I listed in my first post here :)




    Kilomenjaro: that's a great shot..but you're supposed to be using the new test client...

  3. nathanstenzel: I did go through and fix all the bugs myself. A lot was posted however so it is possible I missed something on accident. Also realize you might have to wait for the next release that contains updated maps for some of the bugs to be fixed.

  4. Here are the options we're compiling with officially:


    ### Current release default options ###
    FEATURES += ATTACHED_ACTORS				 # allows to have 2 actors that are attached together, one of the actor will exist only on client side (needs server support)
    FEATURES += CLUSTER_INSIDES				 # Group objects into separate clusters for clipping on inside maps
    FEATURES += CONTEXT_MENUS				   # Enable context menus
    FEATURES += CUSTOM_LOOK					 # allows you to customize your look.
    FEATURES += CUSTOM_UPDATE				   # allows autoupdating of custom look information
    FEATURES += FUZZY_PATHS					 # Makes Tab Map walking not always follow exaclty the same path
    FEATURES += MINIMAP2						# Disables the rectangular minimap and enables the rotating minimap
    FEATURES += NEW_CAMERA_MOTION			   # Changes the behaviour of the camera by replacing the rotation duration by a constant deceleration. This gives a better control on the positionning of the camera.
    FEATURES += NEW_SELECTION				   # Enables new selection system. Needs OpenGL 1.3 or GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
    FEATURES += NEW_SOUND					   # Enables extended sound effects system
    FEATURES += NEW_TEX						 # use new texture coordinates for enhanced actors
    FEATURES += NEW_WEATHER					 # new weather effects
    FEATURES += PNG_SCREENSHOT				  # make screenshots in W3C's PNG format in game, requires libpng
    FEATURES += SKY_FPV						 # Use skybox with clouds/stars/etc, enable first person view, and other misc changes from Emajekral
    FEATURES += TEXT_ALIASES					# Text aliases
    FEATURES += USE_INLINE					  # enable some optimizations to use inline functions instead of pure function calls
    FEATURES += USE_SHADER					  # Using shaders for water rendering. Needs NEW_FILE_IO
    FEATURES += VARIABLE_SPEED				  # allow to change the moving speed of actors (needs server support)
    FEATURES += ZLIB							# Enables being able to read gzip compressed files, requires -lzlib/-lz
    ### Testing options (these options are possible for the next release and should be tested) ###
    #FEATURES += ANTI_ALIAS					  # allows to enable/disable anti-aliasing in el.ini
    #FEATURES += DYNAMIC_ANIMATIONS			  # Synchronizes animation to FPS instead of a fixed timer
    FEATURES += EMOTES						  # Support for additional animations parsed from local text with a seperate anim que
    #FEATURES += EXT_ACTOR_DICT				  # Removes remaining hard-coded actor def dictionaries - requires updated actor defs files (http://el.grug.redirectme.net/actor_defs.zip)
    #FEATURES += NEW_ALPHA					   # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += NIGHT_TEXTURES				  # enable night textures. changes textures at night to cooler colors
    FEATURES += USER_MENUS					  # enable user command menus, requires CONTEXT_MENUS
    FEATURES += BANDWIDTH_SAVINGS				# enable bandwidth saving changes for message protocol
    #FEATURES += OLD_MISC_OBJ_DIR				# if not defined, ./3dobjects/misc_objects/ paths becomes ./3dobjects/
    #FEATURES += MORE_ATTACHED_ACTORS			# Enable more activities on horses
    FEATURES += ITEM_UID						# Enable unique image id values from server
    FEATURES += NEW_QUESTLOG					# Enable the new questlog, rewritten with new features
    ### Machine specific options (fixes or performance enhancements) ###
    #FEATURES += EL_BIG_ENDIAN				   # Enable big-endian code (automatically detected for OSX)
    #FEATURES += NO_PF_MACRO					 # Use a function instead of a macro for pf_get_tile()
    #FEATURES += SIMPLE_LOD					  # enable a simplistic distance culling to improve performance
    ### Debug options ###
    #FEATURES += CONTEXT_MENUS_TEST			  # Enable "#cmtest" command to help test/demo the context menu code
    #FEATURES += DEBUG						   # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += DEBUG_XML					   # Enables missing (optional) XML string property messages
    #FEATURES += DEBUG_POINT_PARTICLES		   # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += DEBUG_TIME					  # Fakes the acceleration of time for use in debugging shadows and the like.
    #FEATURES += DEBUG_MAP_SOUND				 # Adds (some??) map boundary areas to tab maps and additional logging to stdout
    #FEATURES += ECDEBUGWIN					  # press ctrl-alt-c to open the Eye Candy debug window: trigger most effects without casting spells or server side events
    #FEATURES += EXTRA_DEBUG					 # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += MEMORY_DEBUG					# gather information about memory allocation and freeing
    #FEATURES += MISSILES_DEBUG				  # Enables debug for missiles feature. It will create a file missiles_log.txt file in your settings directory.
    #FEATURES += MUTEX_DEBUG					 # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += OPENGL_TRACE					# make far more frequent checks for OpenGL errors (requires -DDEBUG to be of any use). Will make error_log.txt a lot larger.
    #FEATURES += TIMER_CHECK					 # (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += _EXTRA_SOUND_DEBUG				 # Enable debug for sound effects
    ### Other options (Experimental, unfinished, defunct or otherwise unknown) ###
    #FEATURES += NEW_CURSOR					  # New coloured cursors made by Emajekral (Experimental) Extract http://users.on.net/~gingerman/sky_cursor-textures.zip into datadir/textures/
    #FEATURES += NEW_LIGHTING					# (undocumented)
    #FEATURES += PAWN							# Experimental, not for release, will need server support to function properly. This *will* eat your cat. You've been warned. Enables the Pawn abstract machine.
    #FEATURES += UID							 # use unique ID sent from server for custom looks. (INCOMPLETE)
    #FEATURES += USE_ACTORS_OPTIMIZER			# Enables actor optimizations
    #FEATURES += USE_TR1						 # Needs tr1 version of c++ stl, used for NEW_FILE_IO
    #FEATURES += WRITE_XML					   # dangerous to use, will wipe out some XML files that are part of the main game download
    #FEATURES += ZLIBW						   # Enables being able to write gzip compressed files, requires -lzlib/-lz needed for map_editor
    FEATURES += ITEM_LISTS						# Adds the creation and use of item lists to the inventory window

  5. Hey guys, with the upcoming release of the new client we will have to replace all the old screenshots with new ones. So we could use your help in gathering some together :bow_arrow:




    Screenshot requirements:

    -This is only if you have downloaded the test clients with the new artwork-do not post old screenshots.

    -OFFICIAL DATA only! No custom anything-all custom stuff is unofficial. This includes: custom clothing, custom maps, unofficial clients, etc..

    -No cropping of the screenshot. We need the full screen shown, including the interface.

    -No inappropriate chat(it is ok to have some chat showing)

    -Ideally the resolution should be 1024x 768-if it is bigger that's fine too, no need to resize.

    -All the game features(shadows, water reflections, fog, etc..) should be turned on.

    -name tags/healthbars can be on or off, doesn't matter.


    Screenshot that are needed:

    -sitting/chatting with friends, guilds

    -fighting(monsters, pk)


    -doing different skills- it's ok to have the inv or manu windows open, just make sure it's not half way cut off and that it's positioned nicely on the screen some how.

    -spell casting/summoning, showing some of the spellFX would be nice.

    -Do not post night time screenshots! I'll gather a couple of these myself, but most night shots it's hard to see much so they're not good to use.


    Things a good screenshot should have:

    -Be easy to read, nothing confusing to make someone say "wtf is that"

    -Have points of interest-half blank screens are boring to look at

    -Make sense overall(for instance I like your summoning shots where you are standing instead of sitting...sitting looks kinda odd for summoning creatures.)



    If your post is deleted it's because you didn't follow one of the guidelines above.

  6. Thank you guys...please only post door bugs(like the door inside the wall), upside down rock bugs, and BIG visual bugs from now on...if it's just a small thing it's not a big deal. I was mainly concerned about the entrances/exits working.


    Bugabear, all the links at the bottom of your last post are broken, can you fix them?


    Also when you post bugs, please group them so that one group is bugs from the same map, then another group from a different map(insides are a separate map for example). Thanks! :pickaxe:



    Jayim_Duinara, can you please post coordinates for the Tirnym past bugs? I really need coordinates to be able to fix stuff..the maps are huge so it will take me a very long time to try and fix bugs without coordinates :bow_arrow:
